Porcelain Child/SupportingDemonslayers

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"Soldiers live and soldiers die, but the cause they fought for is something imperishable and intangible - it supercedes life and death. It is the eternal legacy that such men leave behind." --General Nefvarin.

The Demonslayer Cavalry - Supporting Cast

The Demonslayers

From the ranks of the legions come the twelve elite warriors that Alphaeios appoints as his warriors, the demonslayers. Enhanced by charms and wielding some of the finest weapons, armour and warhorses available in the realm, just a few of these warriors are a threat to even a trained dragonblood.

Despite their impecable discipline, talent and loyalty, Alphaeios' value of them is almost criminally low. The first wave in any engagement are his own men, used to soften a strong foe or mop up an Anathema's entourage of slaves. Frequently his own men are killed by their commander himself, either from his sorcery or as punishment for failure. Alphaeios drives his men harder than any other commander, and it is only his enormous charisma and the combined magnetism of himself and Tristi that keep these men and women in a state where they would cast their lives in front of an attack aimed at their master.

The Demonslayers are equipped with exquisitely forged slashing swords and naginata, with fine shortswords for close quarters or when disarmed. Each warrior is also equipped with cavalry shields and articulated plate armour. At any one time, two or three are also equipped with heavy warbows instead of their naginata to support their fellows at range. One soldier also bears the unit standard, a purple banner with two black dragons encircling a sunburst - the symbol of the Anathema. Every demonslayer selected by Alphaeios is also quite attractive, a bias held by their commander - Since they must be weak, at least allow me the pleasure of gazing upon beauty.

It is unknown even to his lover Oke, that Alphaeios drives his men hard because of a twisted rejected love for them. Love he feels is weakness, and he covers such feelings with perverse, brutal violence.