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Inheritance 1, 3 to divide between Experience and Knowledge. May be either divine or elemental god-blooded.

Characters will be members of the barbarian tribe naitive to the islands. At least one dot of initial backgrounds must be spent on Backing(Tribe of Shorefall).

Players who wish to play more prominent tribe members would be required to spend more dots in backing. Certain positions(especially higher-ranking ones) may also require minimum ability scores. More information on those later.

The tribe speaks it's own dialect meaning that the character's native language is this dialect, not Wavetongue. Wavetongue is available though should you wish your character to know it. Also, characters must have two dots in Lore to be literate.

I'm still working on the scope of the game. Depending on how much interaction with civilized people I think there's gonna be all characters might wind up with the barbarian flaw. I'm hoping it turns out that way, but you never know.

Merits and flaws allowed pending approval.


Islands in the West known as the Shorefall Archepelago. Located a roughly couple thousand miles south-southwest of Wavecrest. The islands, while known on charts, are fairly out of the way of shipping lanes and so receive few visitors. Shorefall is located more West than many islands are and is fairly isolated. It has been a target of the fair folk since the contagion. Fey attacks are common, and other than the standard dangers of the sea are generally the only conflict Shorefall faces. Pirates and other raiders seeking to plunder the isles have been met with hard resistance by warriors used to battling fae. The isle itself has no strategic value(except possibly to those wishing to battle the fae of the west) and has largely been ignored by the Realm and the Lintha. Guild ships occasionally come to the island, but not with any frequency. While the archepelago has nearly two dozen islands in it only seven are inhabited, and quite a few of the others are considered taboo or sacred by the tribe.

The Tribe

The tribe is fairly large, large enough to where, were circumstances different, it might have split into seperate, smaller tribes. For now the people of Shorefall band together out of survival. The tribe is led by a chief, typically chosen from the island chiefs. He resides on the main island acting both the tribal chief and the chief for that island. Each of the other six inhabited islands has an island chief who leads the tribe members on his island, but still answers to the tribal chief. Tribal elders do not typically continue to command anyone into their age, but they pass their wisdom on to the younger tribe members and are generally well respected and given heed. In their age they have seen much, and their experience is valued by the tribe.

Much like the chiefs, the shamans have a similar rank structure. The tribal shaman lives on the main island and the other island have leading shamans who answer to him. In addition to this though each island has at least a half dozen lower ranking shaman and apperentices who are learning the ways of the shaman. These 'lesser' thaumaturges are not given any special protection and are not considered sacred by the tribe, but it is from their number that the island and tribal shamans emerge. Chiefs and shamans are considered equally important by the tribe, though the chiefs are supposed to lead the people through their lives, while the shamans are supposed to interact with the local gods and guide people in their spirituality. Chiefs may only be male, but shamans may be either male or female.

Because of the attacks by the fae, warrior ranks have emerged. While every male tribe member generally owns a spear or harpoon(mostly used for hunting), Braves are given the best crafted ones and spears with metal tips more designed to kill, rather than to hunt, and knives made of metal. Savages are the greatest warrior the tribe has, warriors that have stood time and time again against the fae and lived. Savages are given great gifts of weapons. Metal is very rare in Shorefall, and the heavy, iron blade given to a Savage may represent an entire year's worth of gathering. Savages typically command the Braves and are commanded by their local chief. Both Savages and Braves are generally given enchanted shell or shark-tooth necklaces to help battle the fae. Women are expected to fight as well, but are not expected to learn to do so up close, though they may if they wish. Archery is tradition among the women of Shorefall and most know how to shoot a bow with decent skill.

The typical tribesman(or woman) has no rank per se, but is still a member of the tribe. They simply perform whatever tasks are needed to help the tribe and their family. As is common practice in the West, men work out at sea while women work at home. Senior tribsmen, the middle aged members of the tribe or the younger ones who've distinguished themselves in some way are affored more rights. Senior tribesmen may own larger boats, have more than one wife, and pick their share of food before the juniors do. The senior women are given better tools with which to do their work. Craftsmen are typically afforded senior status regardless of age.

Chief of Shorefall(Backing 5)
Tribal Shaman(Backing 5)
Island Shaman(Backing 4)
Island Chief(Backing 4)
Elder(Backing 4)
Shaman(Backing 3)
Savage(Backing 3)
Brave(Backing 2)
Apprentice Shaman(Backing 2)
Senior Tribesman(Backing 2)
Tribesman(Backing 1)

The Shorefall tribe appear as deep westerners do, with occasional tinges of southwestern colors. Those with divine blood tend to have an appearance relating to the sea, as most gods in the area are related to the sea. On land typical tribe dress is loincloths and sandals with wide hats to keep the sun off the skin. Most people go barechested because of the heat but on cooler days wear light vests. At sea men don't wear the sandals as they tend to hamper swimming.

Law and Punishment

The tribal and island chiefs and shamans are considered sacred.
-Sriking one is a divine offence.
-Entering into their dwelling uninvited is a divine offence.
-Falsely claiming an order comes from the sacred is a divine offence.
-Any simple offence against them is considered a divine offence.
Anyone contacting a god other than the tribal and island shamans is committing a divine offence.
Anyone travelling to the resting place of the ancestors without permission is committing a divine offence.
Anyone other than the sacred leaders entering a sacred area without permission is committing a divine offence.
Anyone entering a place marked as taboo other than the tribal shaman is committing a divine offence.
Theft of properly is a simple offence. Adultery is a simple offence. Murder is a simple offence. Telling a falsehood that results in disruption of the tribe is a simple offence.

For divine offences the offended(or in other cases, the shaman) may deal out whatever punishment he wishes as is considered his right, no matter what it is. For simple offences punishment is pretty standard. Generally it consists of being branded on the back for all to see and being assigned menial labor(typically working for the offended person or tedious tribal jobs) for various lengths of time. The tribe does have some concept of a justice system however, and cloudy or circumstantial offences are judged by a council of the island chief and the elders of that island. Both offender and offended speak their case(or just the offender in some cases such as in murder) and judgment is passed in no more than three days. The offended party may ask to reduce the punishment if they wish, and typically only the most emotionally charged cases wind up in branding. Usually it's traded out for additional labor. Children are almost never branded.

Coming of Age

An important part of the tribe member's life is the coming of age ceremony. At the age of fourteen boys are given a small canoe, a harpoon, a net, a knife made of coral, and are sent out to sea for a week. The shaman use their skill to make sure the weather will not interfere with the ritual, and allied elementals secretly watch the boys to draw them back in should the fae attack. They are not to interfere for any other reason. It may actually take several attempts to complete the trial. The boys are expected to survive by hunting along the many reefs around the archipelago where the biggest dangers are sharks and morays. However, these are easily avoided well enough. The waters in the area are very clear and most threats can be easily avoided with a little foresight. There are unfortunate incidents when the sharks(or giant eels or any number of other beasts) are large enough to overturn the canoe. These death are rare enough to where the tradition is still continued.

Upon completion they are considered full adults. Most never use the coral knife again, but wear it around their necks for good luck. Girls do not have to undergo a coming of age ritual and are merely considered adults upon their fourteenth birthday.

Others in the islands

Every inhabited island has a god associated with it. The goddess that resides on the main island represents not only her island, but the aripelago as a whole, including the surrounding coral reefs, and the people that dwell on the islands. All gods both divine and elemental fall under her court, which is held in a scared place on the main island. She and the various other influential gods in the area have pacts and agreements with the tribe. The people provide prayer and the gods in return help make sure the tribe remains strong and healthy as it can. The goddess does not want to see her island overrun by fair folk, and believes she is far enough away from(and thus immune to) Yu-Shan's notice to be audited. She advocates an active role in the islands, and as such the tribe has a very high population of god-blooded.

While god-blooded are afforded extra respect they are not considered sacred unless they work specifically for their patron. Typically the couplings of mortal and divine occur when a god takes a fancy to a particular mortal and requests of the island shaman that the mortal be brought to the god. It is considered something of an honor amoung the tribe member to be chosen, and is not considered adultery by law, though still causes a fair amount of jealousy. Children of these couplings are raised by the tribe to keep the tradition of the shamans being the only ones allowed to initiate contact with the gods. While this does not give the gods direct agents through their children, it strengthens their ties to the tribe as a whole.

For the last quarter of a century the islanders have been dealing with another curiosity. There is a creature that moved into the archipelago. A large beast that can sometimes be seen as a large shadow beneath the waves. Enitire hunting parties have attemped to bring it in. All have failed, and some have not returned. Sometimes it's large shape comes up onto the shore at night, called to by the smell of cooking fires, it's hulking form sneaking between the buildings before the braves and savages chase it back into the waves. It's become the 'big fish' of the islands. Large, mysterious, uncatchable. It is not a spirit, and is more than some sea creature. Anyone who could bring it in would have their name placed into the history of the tribe.

One of the smaller islands that is considered sacred is actually a small shadowland. It is on this island that the tribe's great leaders, warrior, and shaman are laid to rest. The tribe guard it fiercly with braves dressed in ritual warpaint. The ghosts will aid any who come to them, though they expect gifts. Any tribe member with good reason to may ask to visit the ancestors, though ifs the sacred leaders deem the request not important enough, or if they can solve the dilemma themselves these requests are typically denied.
