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"Afraid of the dark? Me? No. The dark simply disgusts me."

Character Sheet

Name:   Five Graces Raptor   Concept: Hunting those who hunt men
Player: Ketrus               Anima:   A great golden bird of prey
Caste:  Night                XP:      0/0
Motivation:  To hunt down every last one of those filthy fair folk
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XXXX.]   Charisma      [XX...]   Perception    [XX...]
Dexterity     [XXXXX]   Manipulation  [XX...]   Intelligence  [XX...]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XXX..]
                            (=Abilities=) 7
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   .Integrity    [XXX..]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform       [.....]   .Investigation[X....]
.Melee        [XXXXX]   Presence      [XXX..]   .Lore         [X....]
Thrown        [.....]   .Resistance   [X....]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   Survival      [.....]   Occult        [X....]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
.Athletics    [XXXXX]   Bureaucracy   [X....]   Melee:  Swords +2
.Awareness    [XXXXX]   Linguistics   [X....]   Athletics:  Leaping +2
.Dodge        [X....]   Ride          [.....]
.Larceny      [.....]   Sail          [.....]
.Stealth      [XXX..]   Socialize     [XXX..]

Languages: Riverspeak, High Realm
   (=Backgrounds=) 2                      (=Virtues=) 3
Allies         [XX...]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
Artifact       [XX...]        Conviction [XXXX.]    Valor       [XXX..]
Manse          [XX...]        Virtue Flaw:  Heart of Flint
Resources      [XXX..]        Condition:  Frustrated by the childish nature of the world
4                                         (=Attacks=)
Essence        [XX........]   Sword: 3 spd, 16 acc, +8L dam, 7 PV, 4 rate
Willpower      [XXXXXXXXX.]   Fist:  4 spd, 6 acc, +4B dam, 4 PV, 3 rate
Limit          [.........!]   Kick:  4 spd, 5 acc, +7B dam, 2 PV, 2 rate
                              DV: 6, Soak: 5/4 L/B, Join: 8, MDV: 7
Health Levels:                Personal Ess 14/14
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess   28/34
-1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              Committed  Pers/ Periph
-2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Graceful Crane Stance                         (3m, scene, ref)
  Autosucceed balance, combo-ok
Monkey Leap Technique                         (3m, scene, ref)
  Jumpx2 as move, combo-ok
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique              (3m, scene, ref)
  +2 autosucc to hearing and touch, combo-ok
First Melee Excellency                        (1m/d, inst, ref(1/2))
  +dice to Melee attack/DV
Dipping Swallow Defense                       (2m, inst, ref(2))
  Parry at full DV, combo-ok
Bulwark Stance                                (5m, until next action, ref(2))
  Parry all at full DV, combo-ok
Five-Fold Bulkwark Stance                     (5m1w, scene, simp)
  Negate onslaught, -1 of action penalties, combo-ok
First Integrity Excellency                    (1m/d, inst, ref(2))
  +dice to Integrity, up to WP+Integrity, combo-ok
Ox-Body Technique                             (Permanent)
  -1, -2, -2 HL's
Easily-Overlooked Presence Method             (3m, scene, simple)
  Autofail to detect unless in battle, +2 mod, combo-ok
Intimacies: His friends
Eidetic Recall 1 (Hearing)
Disciple 2 (His allies)
Secrets 1 (Solar son of a house allied with Cynis)
Allies 2 - Childhood Friends

Somewhat experienced god-blooded and longtime classmates and friends with Five Graces Raptor, Zealous Living and Beautitious Orchid are teenagers absolutely in love with Nexus and absolutely sick of its walls. They've accompanied him--whether he likes it or not--on several of his 'missions', including the one that reclaimed an ancient Manse which once belonged to his First Age incarnation. Between Zealous Living's connections, and Beautitious Orchid's access to her mother's 'Office', they've got a setup that makes information gathering very easy. Raptor has taken advantage of this to help him track down the Fair Folk living within Nexus, so that he may cut them down. On a more profound note, he only ever considers himself 'home' in the company of 'Zeel' and 'Orchy', as they are quite literally the only true sources of genuine affection in his life.

That, and they put up with him being such a grouch. Oh, and that anathema thing too, they don't mind it either. Really, it's the grouch part that's challenging.

Zealous Living, "Zeel", son of the Zealous clan, sons and daughters of Unchallenged Precept, god of Eastern Religion - "Don't worry--I've got this covered."

Str 2 Dex 2 Stam 2, Cha 3 Man 4 App 3, Per 2 Int 2 Wit 3
Archery 1, Martial Arts 1, Melee 3, Integrity 1, Performance 3, Presence 3 (Girls +2), Investigation 3 (Fair Folk +1), Lore 3 (Gossip +2), Occult 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 3 (Riverspeak, Forest-tongue, High Realm, Old Realm), Ride 1, Sail 1, Socialize 4 (Girls +2)
Artifact 1, Contacts 3, Henchmen 2, Inheritance 3, Manse 2, Mentor 2, Patron 1, Resources 3
Longevity, God-Body (10), Dynasty of Inheritance, Awakened Essence, Magical Attunement, Affected by Wards, Artisan of Prayers
Hoodwink, Principle of Motion, Measure the Wind, Shapechange -- Enchanting Feature (smile), Lucky(3), Destiny(1), Selective Conception(1)
Comp 3, Conv 2, Temp 2, Val 2, WP 8, Ess 2, E.Pool 35

The handsome and clever son of a prestigious line, Zealous Living is the son of Zealous Journeys and Rude Awakening, a local goddess of Truth. Oddly enough, he is remarkably efficient at lying, cheating, and deceiving his way through almost any situation, although he is generally too good natured to do so. He's cut a swath through the female population of Dolomere's Academy, a history for which Orchid has never fully forgiven him. He is resourceful by nature, and strong willed by training. He can be stubborn, but he is more likely to be adaptable, taking whatever life throws at him as a challenge, rather than an obstacle. His father adores him. His mother is less than thrilled with the result of breeding with his line, as she often remarks during celestial functions--"It -would- take a born liar to reconcile religion with truth." Zealous Living can't help but flash his mother a smile, every time she tells that joke.

Beauticious Orchid, "Orchid", daughter of Magnificent Bindings, goddess of Librarians - "I'm a genius! Really!"

Str 2 Dex 3 Stam 2, Cha 3 Man 1 App 2, Per 3 Int 4 Wit 1
Martial Arts 3, Melee 1, Integrity 3, Performance 2, Resistance 1 (Alcohol +3), Craft(Air, Water, & Wood) 2, Investigation 1 (Research +3), Lore 4, :Occult 4, Athletics 3 (Running for her life +3), Dodge 3 (Because of things Raptor did +3), Stealth 2, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 3 (Riverspeak, High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm), Socialize 1 (Not embarrassing mother +2)
Artifact 2, Backing 1, Contacts 1, Henchmen 1, Inheritance 2, Manse 3, Patron 2, Resources 3
Longevity, God-Body (7), Awakened Essence, Magical Attunement, Sanctum's Key -- Prodigy(Occult+1), Prodigy(Lore), Destiny(3)
Principle of Motion, Measure the Wind, Essence Plethorax1, Touch of Grace
Comp 4, Conv 2, Temp 3, Val 1, WP 7, Ess 3, E.Pool 50

A terribly active girl, she is somewhat plain among the largely supernatural students of Dolomere's Academy of the Fine and Occult Arts... but only in appearance. Within her lurks a dedicated heart and a brilliant mind, and she is one of the only students in the entire school to attain her level of essence mastery. She is undergoing training to master the Terrestrial Circle Sorcery trials, which is causing her no end of worry as she tries desperately to figure out her sacrifice. The daughter of a goddess largely forgotten outside of circles of scholars and savants, her heritage is not especially powerful nor influential, but she is quite driven to make the most of what she has. Her mother positively adores her.

Artifact 2 and Manse 2

The results of one of his earliest 'adventures' after being Exalted. Him, Orchid, and Zeel sort of... snuck out of the city. For three weeks. Thankfully, Zeel talked his personal assistants into accompanying them, and the trip was uneventful. The welcoming committee when they got HOME, though, THAT was murder. Zeel convinced everyone that Orchid found the location of an ancient manse in some dusty old tome, and they (fortunately) bought the cover story. Unfortunately, this did little to absolve any of them from punishment.

Resources 3

Limited access to his family's fortune.

Jade Hearthstone Bracers set with the Monkey Stone
-1 speed, +3 dodge, x2 jumping
Exceptional Chain Shirt
+4/2 L/B soak, 0 mob, 0 fat
Exceptional Iron Short Sword
4 speed, +3 acc, +4L dam, +1 def, 4 rate

XP Record


