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A Proposition Regarding the Dawn

(1) Yeled: A few hours after sunset Kaimi is making her way back to Master Li's quarters having procured enough provisions from Henpecked Hou and getting an earful about his wife. She is met by Mou-Shendu near the sparring ring. Ayame is across the ring, leaning on the railing that marks the edge of the ring, apparently lost in thought.

Mou-Shendu: "Kaimi, may I have a word?" Mou-Shendu approaches Kaimi, now with the one strapped back-back in which he carries all kinds of bizarre implements, slung over one shoulder.

Kaimi cocks her head and smiles. "Just one?"

Mou-Shendu: "Come with me, if you would."

(1) Yeled: Despite the fact that Ayame looks to be lost in thought, she is not. She is just a blank slate.

Kaimi looks toward Master Li's quarters, then turns to Mou. "Where?"

Mou-Shendu: "Just a short walk, so that we might speak in private".

Kaimi purses her lips. "Alright but I have some matters I must see to before the challenge so let’s make this quick, k?"

Mou-Shendu: "This will be short." Mou-Shendu leads Kaimi away from the places of common activity in the school, avoiding any sounds of conversation or footsteps. After a short while, he begins.

Mou-Shendu: "The challenge you issued to Gao was very clever."

Kaimi: "Why thank you Mou! You are too kind." She gives a dramatic mock bow.

Mou-Shendu offers a half smile. "But it is a gamble as well, you realize. You cannot be sure your suspicions about the door are correct."

Kaimi shrugs. "The opportunity was just too much fun to miss! But you are right. It is a gamble."

Mou-Shendu: "Well, I am hoping to improve your odds a bit in that gamble."

Kaimi: "Really? And just what do you have in mind?" A mischevious glint comes into Kaimi's eyes and she leans forward.

Mou-Shendu: "As I walked up to the dorms, I considered what I know and suspect about that door, and I have a feeling your guess about its nature and for whom it will open are correct."

Kaimi: "Hmmm. Then we should have nothing to worry about."

Mou-Shendu: "Well, there is another possibility about why the intruder could not open it or even touch the key, and you could."

Kaimi raises her eyebrows, then suddenly laughs. "I suppose I should stop teasing you if I really want this to be brief. Alright I'm all ears. What's up?"

Mou-Shendu: "The door and the key are both symbols of the sun. There are many ancient and magical things in this world that have connections with specific kinds of essence, and their markings indicate the essence for which they have an affinity. It is possible that this puzzle is as simple as the door can only be opened during the daylight."

Kaimi: "Ah. Well. That's interesting. So you are thinking that if we delay this challenge until just before dawn...? Tsk. And here I thought I was special. Oh well."

Mou-Shendu: "Precisely. If this is the case, or even if this might be the case, let Gao have his shot in the dark. If everything goes to plan, we won't know why you could open it, and he could not."

Kaimi: "That sounds sensible." Kaimi makes a face. "I hate unsolved mysteries!"

Mou-Shendu: "Kaimi...", Mou-Shendu pauses as he regards her. "Whether or not you are the only one who can open the door does not change the fact that you have a very important role that you are destined to play. Master Li's astrology skills are not small. He has put a great deal of effort into preparing you for this role, and fate has declared that it is now time for you to take on the burden."

Kaimi: "I know, I know...," Kaimi grumbles. "Just hate mysteries," she adds almost inaudibly. "Eh. It will still be fun. Just less fun. We'll do it that way then. And actually thanks. Now Gao can't show me up!" Kaimi smiles and winks.

Mou-Shendu: "There are still other possibilities. Gao may, in fact, open the door."

Kaimi: "Well it's not like I agreed not to go in if I lost."

Mou-Shendu: "Personally, I hope he does not open it, because I am hoping he will not go in if he loses. You fate is too important to let the likes of Gao interfere. Plus I'd like to see you put him in his place," Mou adds with a smile.

Kaimi breaks into a wide grin. "You're alright, you know that? Now if there's nothing else...."

"That is all..." Mou-Shendu has turned them back around toward the sparring ring, which they now approach.

Kaimi pats his shoulder then turns and heads to Master Li's quarters. She calls over her shoulder to Mou as she goes.

Kaimi: "Bug Gao till I'm there ok?

Mou-Shendu: "Get some rest tonight", Mou calls back.

Kaimi sighs softly and knocks on Master Li's door.

Mother, Father, and a bit of Theology

(1) Master Li: "Come in."

Kaimi enters and sit quietly on the floor, her legs tucked under her.

(1) Master Li: "What can I help you with, child?"

Kaimi: "Master Li, I want to tell you story", she begins softly.

(1) Master Li: "A story? What kind of story?" Master Li moves to sit opposite Kaimi, reaching for his pipe and herb. He lights up and takes a deep, satisfying puff.

Kaimi: "My Father was a prince and my mother was a thief. One day they met and despite all they fell in love.... No wait my mother was a countess and my father was a pirate. He kidnapped her... No my mother was a water priestess and my father was a warrior. They died protecting their faith and.... Kaimi meets his eyes squarely. Tell me. Please."

(1) Master Li: "Tell you what? What do you want to know?"

Kaimi: "I ... I don't know. Anything.... Everything."

(1) Master Li: "There is too much to tell. And not enough. I did not know them well."

Kaimi: "No? But you were there. At the end. What did they look like? What did they... What did they sound like?"

(1) Master Li: "Your mother was beautiful. Graceful and sure, even at her young age. She was a charismatic. When she spoke the world listened. There was a touch of the divine on her. You resemble her, in your face. But you are more like your father, I think."

Kaimi: "What was he like?"

(1) Master Li: "You inherited his natural ability. He was one of the finest martial artists I had had the pleasure to meet. If I had only had the time to teach him..."

Kaimi sighs sharing Master Li's regret.

(1) Master Li: "Outwardly, he was somewhat sarcastic. Even silly at times. But underneath he was a deeply honorable man. He loved your mother more than life."

Kaimi: "Apparently. I wish..."

(1) Master Li: "Yes?"

Kaimi: "I have loved my life here but I wish I could have known them. They sound wonderful. I figured my parents would have been farmers or something, not that that’s bad. Despite the things I have told to some I never really expected them to be a high priestess and a valiant warrior. Nor did I expect such a tale of bravery or sacrifice. I think I am proud to know this truth."

(1) Master Li: "Good. You should be proud. I regret that I have kept this secret from you for so long, and that they were denied the honor I am sure you would have paid them all along. I did what I thought necessary to keep you hidden and safe while I trained you. But the means by which I did so had unfortunate consequences."

Kaimi blinks and raises an eyebrow questioningly. "Like what?” she asks, smiling. “I didn't turn out perfectly?"

(1) Master Li: "I only mean that for nearly twenty years you did not know the truth and were not able to honor your parents as they deserved."

Kaimi cocks her head to one side. "What did you think would happen if I did?"

(1) Master Li: "I could not know, but there was always the possibility that the information could fall into the wrong hands. The daughter of the last high priestess of the water cult would be a target for the House of Sun, and would surely point to my own whereabouts. The traitor brother of the current lord of the isle is an even bigger target. No, I could not take the chance that we would be discovered. It would have risked everything your parents sacrificed for in the end. I had to make sure I could safely raise you and train you. Your fate it too important to have risked."

Kaimi: "I don't understand that part. Why me? What is so important about me? I mean Gao can go jump in the pond because I am at least as good as he is but still. Why me?"

(1) Master Li: "Destiny has chosen you. Who can say why we are fated to do the things that fate chooses for us. Perhaps it is your ties to the old cult. Or perhaps you have the right qualities about you to fill the role fate desires for you."

Kaimi: "Fate... it likes odd twists, huh? So what about the water cult? My mother was a high priestess and my dad was a devout believer? I know some but well...I never really thought much about the water cult or the Immaculates. While I was growing up the Immaculates seemed like a mostly far off group, occasionally annoying, and the water spirits were all but gone. Save Ayame that is."

(1) Master Li: "The water cult wasn't necessarily about devout belief. It was about honoring the gods of the water in return for their favor. It was a practical arrangement. The Immaculates believe that all worship should go through them and the Celestial Bureaucracy. Each god and goddess has his or her day set aside for them, and worship is divvied up among all the gods. The cultists desired a more personal relationship with the gods. It is complicated, and I don't pretend to understand the politics of heaven. What I do know is simply that the heavens frown upon those gods who curry personal and direct favor here on the terrestrial level."

Kaimi: "So then the Immaculates would have allowed the water gods to be worshipped but only on certain days? That is an odd distinction."

(1) Master Li: "It is not, really. It is about control."

Kaimi makes another face.

(1) Master Li: "The Immaculates are cut out of the equation when the people worship the gods directly."

Kaimi: "Yeah. That's why I was never interested in them then."

(1) Master Li: "And just to be clear, the Immaculates do not believe that worship is appropriate. Honoring the gods for their role is important. But not worship."

Kaimi: " I see."So what did my mom and dad believe in?"

(1) Master Li: "That is hard to say, Kaimi. I knew them only a short time. They believed in their people. In each other. In life. In honoring the gods with whom they had the closest relationship."

Kaimi: "But you left your brothers to join them. Why then?"

(1) Master Li: "Because I came to see that my brother's cause was not just. I came to see that he desired power and not justice, as I had thought. And I realized that he would destroy an entire court of gods and a cult that followed them to attain that power."

Kaimi: "Oh. But they still lost though. And now I have to fix it? How? By going in the cave?"

(1) Master Li: "That seems to be the first step. Astrology is a science, but a difficult one to read. After the cave I do not know your path."

Kaimi: "So you know that I am fated to try to put things right but not how I would do so or if I will succeed."

(1) Master Li: "I cannot see those things, no."

Kaimi: "...... Well I guess thats good to know."

(1) Master Li: "Good to know that I cannot see all things?"

Kaimi grins

(1) Master Li: "How much easier things would be if I could."

Kaimi: "Well yah but then it would be boring too. No surprises. Surprises are fun!"

(1) Master Li: "Well then you are sure to enjoy your future."

Kaimi: "Of course. Always."

(1) Master Li: "Have you decided on who you will bring with you?"

Kaimi: "I told all of them that if they wanted to they could come."

(1) Master Li: " you did. I cannot say I find that wise. This is not a game, Kaimi."

Kaimi appears a bit uncomfortable. "I have never told anyone that they must stay behind. It is not my way. Why did you tell them all of this if you did not want me to let them come? I sort of just said it because I always have and I am used to dealing with having most of them anyway. Good or bad."

(1) Master Li: "I told them because I felt they deserved an explanation. That does not mean I thought they would all accompany you on your journey. Furthermore, you have left it to them to decide instead of putting the onus on yourself. I have not instilled enough leadership qualities in you. Unfortunately there is not time to do that now. There are some who may go with you who should not, and there are some who will not who probably should. That is where we are now, I think."

Kaimi: "Well I don't know if Yukio, Ayame, or Gao are going. I will ask Ayame at least I suppose. I think she would be a good ally." Kaimi starts. "You said Ayame's sister knew my parents. Does she?"

(1) Master Li: "She probably had dealings with your mother at least. She spoke your mother's name aloud when I told you all of your origins. It is good you will ask her to accompany you. She probably deserves to go. She has suffered more than even you from the events of the past."

Kaimi: "I have much more than that to ask her then."

(1) Master Li: "Yes. Yes you do."