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Ready for Action

None are complete at the moment.

Some Assembly Required

  • Tattoos
    • Touch to release object / generate.
    • No commitment, only use cost.
    • Multiple levels, depending on object.
  • Forge gauntlets

Shard caster

Artifact: 3 Damage: 4, 6, or 10 (half for armored targets) Rate: 2 Range: 15

Similar in size and shape to a flamepiece, but of different construction and output. The brass body of the weapon is rectangular, often inlaid with scrolling designs, with four finger-sized holes in one end. The other end is a handle, typically made of carved ivory. In the center of the metal casing, running the length of the device is a cylinder of black jade, carefully carved with runes. Lightly touching this stone are smaller rings of jade encircling the hollow tubes.

Each of the four chambers may contain one lump of quartz crystal shot through with delicate veins of iron. With but a thought, the bearer may cause these missiles, which emit a high-pitched whistle upon release, to hurl at incredible velocity toward a target. Striking an unarmored target, they peirce the flesh, shattering on bone, causing enxtensive damage. Hitting a target armored in metal or stone will produce less than desired effects, as most of the projectile breaks up on the shell, causing less crystal to penetrate.

The bolts may be fired individually, in pairs, or all at once. Only one round grows back at a time, however. Each crystal costs 2 temporary Essence to reform.
