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IRL Date: June 6th, 2005

Session Four: The Road to Another Adventure

Start Date: 1st of Descending Earth

The next few days were quiet ones for our Exalts. As Inari rested, healing her dreadful demon-inflicted wounds, she taught Hayyoth to read again, a talent that he had lost in his many years in the desert. Meanwhile, Akee and Penu continued their dock work, and Deedee's business enjoyed a massive upturn ((Yay bureocracy Charms!)). There was a bit of strife when Inari learned that Deedee had told a Dragon-Blood about the demon cultists, but Deedee assured her that only she, Akee, and Penu had been mentioned.
Meanwhile, Inari visited her contact, and managed to convince them to increase her fee due to the unforseen demonic difficulties. The contact, much impressed, agreed.
Deedee, having gotten more money, decided to move to a more classy neighbourhood than the Docks, and asked her friends to help her out. As the group moved Deedee's things to her new home, however, they saw a man sitting outside. When Deedee approached, he smiled and nodded to her, introducing himself to the other characters as her friend Djosh from the north. He was somewhat vague about what exactly he did and how he knew where Deedee now lived, but helped move her things in and unpack. In the process, he mentioned that a strange temple of some sort had been spotted on a nearby island, and the group might be interested in checking it out; he had a feeling that it might be important for them. Deedee agreed, and after agreeing to wait a few days for Inari to heal further, the group scheduled a trip on the next boat heading to the small island of Moregard, three days' sail to the northwest.

End Date: 8th of Descending Earth


Quote of the Day:
None this week, I'm afraid. Nothing stuck out, really. Which is impressive, given how much chatting there was.