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Firearms, for the most part, follow the normal ranged rules in Exalted: Second Edition. However, firearms have access to a few extra options in combat, as follows:

Auto-Fire: Using Auto-Fire, the character uses up the entire clip in a single action. Auto-Fire is a special attack with a Rate of 1, and with Speed 1 pt higher than normal fire; it requires at least half of the clip to be full and uses all ammo the character has on hand (in the case of Essence ammo, Auto-Fire requires the character to create enough bullets to use half the clip). It increases Accuracy by +1, and Damage by +5. Extra Actions Charms may not be combined with Auto-Fire unless specifically allowed. Note that few weapons in the World of Steel And Glass are advanced enough to allow for auto-fire.

Burst Fire: A less specialized version of auto-fire, Burst Fire allows the character to fire bursts of bullets. Up to four total bullets may be fired in a single burst. Burst fire increases damage by the number of extra bullets fired (max +3), but applies a -1 Accuracy penalty. Burst Fire is a Rate 1 manuever with the same Speed as normal fire. As with Auto-Fire, the character must have the bullets being fired.

Spread Fire: Spread Fire is a specialized form of burst that attacks multiple targets instead of focusing damage. Spreading damage makes an attack undodgeable; however, damage is reduced by 2. Spread uses up half a clip of the gun's ammunition.

As a rule, extras should not be able to parry bullets. But heroic mortals and Exalts are cool enough to parry mountains and buildings; a bullet is nothing. As far as dodging goes, characters are not literally dodging bullets; rather, they are moving suddenly and skillfully enough that the shooter can't draw a bead on them.


For the most part, driving or flying a vehicle is identical to being on foot, with the following exceptions:

1. Any combat roll made using weapons in a vehicle is capped at the vehicle driver's relevant Pilot score.

2. Most vehicles are designed to provide Cover to their occupants. This is usually noted per vehicle.

3. Vehicles can be attacked; their driver uses his (Wits + Drive + Vehicle Mobility) / 2 as the vehicle's DDV. Moving vehicles have +1 DDV due to speed. Most vehicles can't parry.

4. Vehicles have Acceleration and Braking rates. This is how many yards per tick a vehicle can speed up or slow down. Vehicles must move their minimum distance each tick; a skilled driver can take a Flurry to control the movement. Two successes allows them to halve movement by a variety of fancy loops, while five allows them to control it completely. This is a -1 DV, Speed 5 Action.

5. Drivers must Flurry in order to take any other actions while driving.


Anything I missed? - FrivYeti