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Back to FrivYeti/Dragons

Session Two

Friv Has entered the room
Moonsword Has entered the room
ambisinister Has entered the room
ambisinister[5:32:41 PM]: So do we need to keep the window with the general chat open?
Friv[8:34:14 PM]: Shouldn't, no.
Dakura Has entered the room
WillCoon Has entered the room
Friv[8:36:50 PM]: Alrighty...
WillCoon[5:36:04 PM]: okay sry here I am
Friv[8:38:09 PM]: So, as our last session broke up, the group was beginning their journey through the tainted lands.
Moonsword[5:37:23 PM]: Do not go in the Freedom Stone AIM Chat right now.
Moonsword[5:37:27 PM]: It will hurt your brain.
WillCoon[5:38:10 PM]: it's a deal
Friv[8:39:08 PM]: ((Meander IC, folks.))
Moonsword[5:38:39 PM]: ((I'm in character.))
Moonsword[5:39:05 PM]: ((I said that before you posted anything... *puppy dog eyes*))
WillCoon[5:39:07 PM]: ((We have the archers etc with us ne?))
Friv[8:40:17 PM]: ((*nods* The archers and other soldiers are with you, yes.))
Friv[8:40:28 PM]: ((Hailey is advance scouting with two superior archers.))
ambisinister[5:39:55 PM]: ((I believe we had just started our march. Hailey's familiar was out far ahead, Hailey and two archers were acting as scouts, and the rest of ya'all were in a group.))
Moonsword[5:40:31 PM]: ((Sounds about right, yeah.))
Friv[8:41:23 PM]: ((*nods*))
Friv[8:41:30 PM]: ((Any other precautions being taken?))
Moonsword[5:41:02 PM]: ((Preferrably, someone's keeping an eye on our flanks.))
Moonsword[5:41:22 PM]: ((Valeria will move out towards the right, holding her maulstaff and looking serious.))
WillCoon[5:41:36 PM]: (( we're probably arranged in some sort of formation watching all directions.))
Dakura[5:41:43 PM]: ((there are soldiers for that, but if one of you wants to volunteer))
Moonsword[5:42:20 PM]: ((Volunteering.))
WillCoon[5:42:22 PM]: So...
Friv[8:43:17 PM]: ((Alrighty. Hailey, make me a Perception + Survival roll.))
Friv[8:43:26 PM]: ((Everyone else can chat IC. ;) ))
WillCoon[5:43:00 PM]: (("Okay you didn;t see it"))
WillCoon[5:43:26 PM]: What inspired you to volunteer for this mission, Tiger?
Dakura[5:44:49 PM]: "I did not volunteer, I was assigned to this mission... Though I may very well have even if I wasn't ordered to take part in this."
Friv[8:46:08 PM]: ((OOC: Only people who initially volunteered ended up ordered. Minor point.))
Dakura[5:45:42 PM]: ((ah... delete my last post, then...))
Dakura[5:46:56 PM]: "It... was a chance to do more for Scarlet Haven than I had been. Patrols are one thing, this..." He looked out at the Tainted Lands around them. "This is something quite different."
WillCoon[5:47:22 PM]: Indeed! I agree entirely.
WillCoon[5:47:52 PM]: This is a momentous occasion.
Moonsword[5:48:25 PM]: This is a situation that needed level heads.
WillCoon[5:48:28 PM]: I'm glad we have such a dutiful soldier with us.
Moonsword[5:48:40 PM]: And I had some useful skills to contribute.
Moonsword[5:49:03 PM]: ::shrugs:: If we need to trade for a bit of information, my smithing talents may be of some use.
WillCoon[5:49:15 PM]: Plus... I'm sure you were just a little curious?
Moonsword[5:49:30 PM]: Somewhat, yes.
Moonsword[5:49:46 PM]: It's also nice to be away from Haven for a time.
Dakura[5:49:49 PM]: Errant Tiger nodded at Valeria. "Also if we end up needing to effect repairs of our own equipment."
Moonsword[5:49:57 PM]: *beat* People... tend to find me somewhat odd.
Moonsword[5:50:16 PM]: ((Pretend my last comment beat Dakura to the punch...))
Moonsword[5:50:22 PM]: Certainly.
Moonsword[5:50:48 PM]: ::motions to her pack:: I have some minor tools with me, although not a full forge, obviosuly.
WillCoon[5:50:56 PM]: Well.. don't wory about them.
Moonsword[5:51:09 PM]: I don't, normally.
WillCoon[5:51:31 PM]: But it's good not to have to not worry about them, right?
Dakura[5:51:33 PM]: "Of course. Still, it's better than nothing. As for being odd..." He shrugs. "Who isn't in some way?"
Moonsword[5:51:34 PM]: That does not make the absense of strange looks and frightened children any less pleasant.
WillCoon[5:52:07 PM]: True enough, Tiger.
WillCoon[5:52:21 PM]: For one thing, we're all Chosen.
Moonsword[5:52:23 PM]: ;:Valeria nods silently.::
WillCoon[5:52:35 PM]: That is certainly an oddity itself, isn't it?
Friv[8:53:51 PM]: As the group travels, they get a better look at the tainted lands around them. While the ground itself remains dirt, it is tinted faintly silver, and is mostly barren of life.
Friv[8:54:17 PM]: To the west, they can see strange trees, and the sky abruptly changes from blue to a twisted red about half a mile in either direction.
Moonsword[5:53:33 PM]: This land is barren and forsaken.
WillCoon[5:54:14 PM]: ::Skein takes in the surroundings::
Dakura[5:54:26 PM]: "What else would you expect from something only so recently covered by the Wyld? I'm just surprised it's been fairly constant so far."
Moonsword[5:54:27 PM]: *beat* Do either of you have any idea what this is?
Moonsword[5:54:36 PM]: ::gestures at the sky with the end of her staff::
Moonsword[5:54:51 PM]: ((Is this that odd for Wyldlands?))
Moonsword[5:55:17 PM]: ((Never mind, don't answer that.))
WillCoon[5:55:23 PM]: ((I think nothing/everything is odd for the wyld lands))
Moonsword[5:56:10 PM]: ((I'm... just trying to judge the relative oddness, if you get my meaning. At least it's not flaming, dancing Barneys spitting radioactive fire.))
ambisinister Has exited the room
Friv[8:57:12 PM]: ((Sky colour is generally pretty minor...
Friv[8:57:14 PM]: ((Crap.))
Moonsword[5:56:43 PM]: ((Yeah. Just thinking that.))
Moonsword[5:56:56 PM]: ((I really, really hope he just hit the wrong button...))
ambisinister Has entered the room
Friv[8:58:04 PM]: ((wb))
WillCoon[5:57:19 PM]: ((??))
Moonsword[5:57:28 PM]: ((What happened on your end?))
Dakura[5:57:39 PM]: Tiger looked up at the sky. "I don't know. A sea of rust? Paint? Who can tell unless we were able to get up close, and that's putting aside whether we'd want to."
ambisinister[5:58:08 PM]: ((Wasn't aware I was missing until it just informed I that i returned. the last think i read was "Sky colour is pretty minor" by friv.))
Moonsword[5:58:36 PM]: ::Valeria looks pensive.:: It looks more like blood to me.
Friv[8:59:46 PM]: ))((Remember also that the area directly outside the Tainted Lands is Middlemarches, not Borderlands. More chaotic.))
Friv[8:59:55 PM]: ((You didn't miss anything IC, Am.))
Dakura[5:59:21 PM]: Sighing, Tiger shook his head. "I was trying to avoid saying things like that, actually. Bad luck."
Moonsword[5:59:45 PM]: ::Valeria glances at him.:: My apologies, then. Still...
Dakura[6:01:38 PM]: "I know. But so long as it stays there I don't really care what it is. It's what tries to come near us that we have to worry about."
Moonsword[6:01:55 PM]: True.
Moonsword[6:02:03 PM]: Perhaps we'd best keep moving, then.
Friv[9:03:24 PM]: The group continues along their path, and after about ten minutes of travel, Hailey falls back from her scouting.
ambisinister[6:03:00 PM]: ::Hailey comes trotting in at a fairly quick pace from the west of the group, her armor making her outlines blur in an irritating fashion::
Friv[9:04:00 PM]: ((brb - phone. Keep IC discussing.))
Moonsword[6:03:19 PM]: ((Used to it.))
WillCoon[6:03:19 PM]: Hailey, what news?
Moonsword[6:03:28 PM]: ((That was at Am.))
Moonsword[6:03:37 PM]: ::Valeria watches with concern, frowning.::
ambisinister[6:04:46 PM]: ::drops her pace to match the others:: A pack of... creatures. Twelve of them. They're off to the west about 30 yards or so. They're roughly parralleling our group
ambisinister[6:05:08 PM]: They have the appearance of small shrubs...with teeth.
ambisinister[6:05:23 PM]: They linger on the edge between the Tainted Land and the true Wyld
Friv[9:06:17 PM]: ((back))
Moonsword[6:05:41 PM]: ((Okay, now would be a good time for someone to pop out a weed whacker.))
Moonsword[6:05:51 PM]: ::Valeria frowns.::
Moonsword[6:05:58 PM]: Are they coming closer?
ambisinister[6:05:58 PM]: ((make that "large bushes with teeth"))
ambisinister[6:06:05 PM]: No.
Dakura[6:06:26 PM]: The Dragon-Blooded Leiutenant frowned. "I thought it was too calm. How long have they been with us, do you know?"
ambisinister[6:07:02 PM]: I noticed them about ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago.
WillCoon[6:08:08 PM]: Seen these before?
ambisinister[6:08:09 PM]: They do not appear to be hostile, but they are aware of the groups presence. They did not notice me as far as I am aware.
WillCoon[6:08:19 PM]: They don't look very ... smart...
ambisinister[6:08:32 PM]: ((Don't know. Have we heard of these before Friv?))
Moonsword[6:08:45 PM]: Neither does Sgt. Takuza in the logistics company.
Moonsword[6:09:01 PM]: He's also the most cunning supply sergeant I've ever met.
Friv[9:09:58 PM]: ((Nope. Kizen's Wyld realm isn't particularly plant-oriented; you're more used to bizarre patchwork creatures and beings of metal and stone.))
Moonsword[6:09:57 PM]: ((Who's the fire aspect, again?))
WillCoon[6:10:09 PM]: So we'll be careful.. but then again, what are the chances that /everything/ in the Wyld is out to get us?
WillCoon[6:10:21 PM]: ::He said, knowing the answer full well::
Dakura[6:10:47 PM]: "They don't have to be smart to be dangerous... If we were back at Scarlet Haven I'd try to run them off, but we don't have the same abiltiy to fall back if we end up rousing something else instead..."
WillCoon[6:11:07 PM]: ((i don';t think we have one?))
WillCoon[6:11:22 PM]: So we'll keep an eye on them.
Friv[9:12:34 PM]: ((Nope. Your missing aspect.))
ambisinister[6:11:53 PM]: My intent is to return and monitor the creatures from a safe distance. I just wanted you to be aware of their presence.
::Hailey inclines her head, then jogs a head of the party to update the two archers::
Moonsword[6:12:03 PM]: ((Crap.))
Moonsword[6:12:12 PM]: ((There goes plan B.))
WillCoon[6:12:32 PM]: Thanks, Hailey. Moonsword[6:12:38 PM]: ((Anyone feel like stunting some crazy-ass shit with a torch?))
WillCoon[6:12:48 PM]: Be careful, and make sure you can regroup with us if they turn hostile.
Dakura[6:13:08 PM]: "Hold up... Take two fresh men to do the scouting and send the ones up there back. I want fresh soldiers since we now have confirmed sightings."
Moonsword[6:13:10 PM]: ((Preferraly someone with a one-handed weapon, unlike my maulstaff.))
ambisinister[6:13:24 PM]: Understood, Sir.
WillCoon[6:13:37 PM]: ((I think burning them with water would require at least a four-die stunt))
WillCoon[6:13:45 PM]: ((Though we are near the wyld...))
Friv[9:14:52 PM]: ((There ya go. Lead them into the Wyld. You can take them there.))
ambisinister[6:14:02 PM]: ::Grabs the two archers of Tiger's choice and takes them out to perform the rotation::
WillCoon[6:14:19 PM]: (( ^ ^ ))
Moonsword[6:14:22 PM]: ((No.))
Dakura[6:14:23 PM]: ((...))
Moonsword[6:14:37 PM]: ((I like my toes not being attached to my forehead, Friv.))
Dakura[6:14:41 PM]: ((*smacks both Will and Friv upside the head*))
WillCoon[6:14:54 PM]: ((Are they just... watching?))
Friv[9:15:47 PM]: Hailey heads off to keep an eye on the shrubs, and the formation continues to advance.
WillCoon[6:15:04 PM]: ((Are they responding to anything specific?))
Moonsword[6:15:06 PM]: ((So far, yeah.))
Moonsword[6:15:21 PM]: ((Our presence, maybe?))
Friv[9:16:34 PM]: From a distance, you can't see much more than "there are plantish shapes, and they move sometimes". ((It is a good 800-1000 yards, after all.))
Moonsword[6:16:14 PM]: ((Airstrike!))
WillCoon[6:16:16 PM]: ((not 30?))
Friv[9:17:06 PM]: Hailey, watching them more closely, starts to realize that there seem to be some sort of pattern to their movements, and they are carefully walking over the patches of ground that previous shrubs covered.
ambisinister[6:16:21 PM]: ((wow, much further than i thought.))
Friv[9:17:25 PM]: ((*nods* They're right at the edge of the Wyld; the whole area is just over half a mile across.))
ambisinister[6:16:46 PM]: ((It was earlier indicated to me that it was a "few dozen"))
Friv[9:17:56 PM]: ((Sorry, poor wording on my part - the "few dozen" referred to their distance from the edge of the Wyld, not the distance from the party.))
Friv[9:18:09 PM]: ((They are within eyesight, that's all.))
ambisinister[6:17:34 PM]: ((ah ha, well, amend what i said to indicate the new info))
Friv[9:19:29 PM]: Over the next few hours, the trip descends into monotony; something odd, this close to the Wyld, but not bad.
Moonsword[6:18:45 PM]: ((I'll be back in just a second. Loud roommate and guest yelling in living room...))
Friv[9:20:16 PM]: The land, although rough, is unchanging, and this means that distance becomes hard to judge once the town fades into the distance. Aside from the mountains ahead and the creatures to the west, there are no good points of reference.
Moonsword[6:19:28 PM]: ((Back.))
Moonsword[6:19:45 PM]: ((The first person to say "It's quiet, too quiet," is going to die. Painfully.))
Moonsword[6:20:13 PM]: ((Are we moving much relative to the mountain?))
WillCoon[6:20:17 PM]: ((technically that was you))
Dakura[6:20:29 PM]: ((no, we'll save that cliche for later))
Friv[9:21:24 PM]: ((You are approaching the mountain, but you aren't sure how far away it is.))
Moonsword[6:20:42 PM]: ((I didn't say it. I just warned against saying it.))
Friv[9:21:45 PM]: ((Anyone want to make a Perception + Survival roll to gauge the distance?))
Friv[9:22:03 PM]: ((Diff 3, since you don't know the size.))
WillCoon[6:21:14 PM]: ((right))
Moonsword[6:21:21 PM]: ((Are we _visibly_ approaching it, Friv? I'm not looking for distance, just the perception that the distance is changing.))
WillCoon[6:21:30 PM]: ((one sec...
WillCoon[6:21:36 PM]: what's the penalty on those?))
Friv[9:22:45 PM]: ((Oh, okay. Yes, you are approaching the mountain.))
Moonsword[6:21:58 PM]: ((Penalty?))
Friv[9:22:55 PM]: ((Penalty on which? Survival rolls?))
WillCoon[6:22:24 PM]: ((untrained rolls))
Moonsword[6:22:35 PM]: ((-1))
WillCoon[6:22:38 PM]: ((if someone is trying to send PMs, it might be wisest to hit me at WillCoon in AIM
Friv[9:23:36 PM]: ((You're Exalts, so -1 die.))
WillCoon[6:22:49 PM]: ((okay well I won't bother then ^ ^ ))
Dakura[6:22:59 PM]: ((what's the command to roll dice in here?))
Moonsword[6:23:15 PM]: ((Yeah, how do we roll dice, again?))
WillCoon[6:23:18 PM]: it's /roll number sides i think
WillCoon rolls 1 10-sided dice. The results are: 10
Friv[9:24:17 PM]: (( *nods*)) Moonsword rolls 4 10-sided dice. The results are: 3 7 6 9
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WillCoon[6:23:38 PM]: : D
Dakura[6:23:43 PM]: ((k... stunting before rolling))
Moonsword[6:24:36 PM]: ((How do you stunt a roll to figure out the size of a mountain? Pick the damn thing up?)
) Dakura[6:25:18 PM]: Errant Tiger takes a look at the mountain ahead of them. While he doesn't know how tall it might be, he can tell roughly how fast the group is moving... Trying to work out how quick or slow the perspective size is changing, he tries to figure out how close they are to the land feature...
Friv[9:26:12 PM]: ((*laughs*))
Dakura[6:25:28 PM]: ((that's how))
Friv[9:26:26 PM]: ((That's a nice 1-die stunt. Go for it.))
Moonsword[6:25:38 PM]: ((Oh.))
Moonsword[6:25:57 PM]: ((Well, I still like my suggestion. Granted, I'm not sure how we do it, though...))
Dakura rolls 6 10-sided dice. The results are: 2 2 2 1 9 9
Dakura[6:26:17 PM]: ((damn... close...))
WillCoon[6:26:59 PM]: ::Skein picks up a handful of dirt, holds it at eye level, and compares it to the size of the mountain. He thinks for a moment before shrugging and admitting to himself that he has no idea what he's doing.::
WillCoon[6:27:27 PM]: (( ;) ))
Friv[9:28:25 PM]: ((It's pretty big, but Tiger thinks they'll get there within the next 6-12 hrs.))
ambisinister[6:27:36 PM]: ((I thought exalts didn't suffer from the untrained penalty...))
Friv[9:28:43 PM]: ((Houserule; it's on the houserules page.))
Moonsword[6:27:50 PM]: ((House rule.))
Moonsword[6:27:59 PM]: ((Normally, they don't.))
Friv[9:28:53 PM]: ((I like reducing the penalty, but not so much removing it entirely.))
ambisinister[6:28:14 PM]: ((ah, thanks for the refresh))
Dakura[6:29:42 PM]: "I think we may reach that mountain within half a day's travel... Not sure, though..." He glances over to the side where the plant-creatures are in the distance. "Then again, we don't even know if it's staying in one place either..."
WillCoon[6:30:22 PM]: Well, let's hope so... I think we could take those plant things, but...
Moonsword[6:30:47 PM]: ((You know, I wasn't going to mention my suspicion that we might be on the Majestic Wyld-Powered Treadmill of Grand and Exalted Size, but now that you mention it.))
Moonsword[6:31:10 PM]: ((Those plant-dudes must be the decorative shrubbery in the corner of the gym.))
Dakura[6:31:13 PM]: "Let's not stir up trouble we don't need to. I don't want to run the risk of losing good men before we even reach Creation."
Moonsword[6:31:35 PM]: ::Valeria nods.::
Moonsword[6:32:07 PM]: ((What does the mountain look like? Like a normal mountain or the Wyld Special Happy Version thereof?))
Friv[9:33:15 PM]: ((From here? Normal, snow-covered, maybe a touch silver-tinted.))
Moonsword[6:32:53 PM]: ((Okay. Just making sure it wasn't made out of, like bones and hot chocolate or something.))
Friv[9:33:56 PM]: ((If it is, they're under the snow.))
Moonsword[6:33:17 PM]: ((My brain seems to be on random-access mode tonight, probably as counter-reaction to the last two weeks of finals and projects.))
Moonsword[6:33:38 PM]: ((Anyway, moving on...))
WillCoon[6:33:41 PM]: ((I['m with you there on the finals))
WillCoon[6:33:54 PM]: ...
Friv[9:35:02 PM]: As the journey continues, the characters see more and more of the shrub-things, and although they still don't approach, they are increasingly pausing to watch the party go by.
Friv[9:35:14 PM]: In addition, every so often there is something else with them; These new beings are about seven feet tall, vaguely humanoid, covered in fern fronds and mushrooms.
Friv[9:35:36 PM]: On the flip side, the distance between the characters and the edge of the Wyld appears to be ever-so-gradually growing.
WillCoon[6:34:45 PM]: ::Skein nods at these new things::
WillCoon[6:34:54 PM]: I wonder who's responsible for these.
Moonsword[6:35:01 PM]: ((... *cough* fey *cough*))
Moonsword[6:35:16 PM]: ((Do they have pointy ears?))
Friv[9:36:22 PM]: ((You're a little far to check...))
Friv[9:36:31 PM]: ((You could get closer.))
Moonsword[6:35:44 PM]: Given that these are Wyldfolk, I'm not sure I want to know.
Friv[9:36:40 PM]: ((Actually, Hailey can check.))
Moonsword[6:35:56 PM]: ((Uhm, no.))
Moonsword[6:36:11 PM]: ((I left all my fungicide in my other armor.))
WillCoon[6:36:32 PM]: It looks like we're progressing at least.
Moonsword[6:36:48 PM]: Yes.
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Moonsword[6:37:10 PM]: I don't like that fact that we're attracting an audience, though.
Friv[9:38:18 PM]: In addition, the sky has changed from dark red to a purplish hue, and the Wyld border doesn't appear to be a straight line anymore; it wavers back and forth by up to ten yards, and the strange trees you noticed before are sometimes crossing over where you think the border is.
WillCoon[6:37:29 PM]: ::Skein raises his eyebrows, smiling::
WillCoon[6:37:35 PM]: Well, can you blame them?
Moonsword[6:37:43 PM]: ((Reminder: Valeria _whispers_ all the time. If a wind whips up, you can't hear her.))
Friv[9:38:41 PM]: It looks like the firm divide between the Wyld and Creation is gradually fading into its more usual transition the further you get from town.
Dakura[6:38:00 PM]: "We may be in some new Fae's region, as they aren't what Kizen usually has working under him..."
Moonsword[6:38:18 PM]: ((Kizen?))
Friv[9:39:26 PM]: ((OOC: Kizen Thrice-Masked is the Fair Folk Lord who lives in the area around Scarlet Haven.))
Friv[9:39:34 PM]: ((He's usually responsible for hobgoblin attacks.))
WillCoon[6:38:47 PM]: ((the resident jerk))
Friv[9:39:58 PM]: ((He likes kidnapping people and putting them through implausible challenges until they fail one and are trapped forever.))
Moonsword[6:39:12 PM]: ((Oh. Must have missed that part somewhere.))
Friv[9:40:24 PM]: ((No worries.))
Moonsword[6:39:38 PM]: Would that they are more hospitable, as well.
Moonsword[6:39:58 PM]: ((That sounds like it would be fun. Can I send one of my professors from last spring?))
Friv[9:40:57 PM]: ((*laughs*))
Moonsword[6:40:08 PM]: ((She's such a... derserving... soul...))
Dakura[6:40:25 PM]: "Or at least content to only watch from the border."
Friv[9:41:36 PM]: The sun is starting to set over the western woods now, and the mountain is far, far closer. If you push on, you should reach its base within the next two hours - but it will be dark.
Moonsword[6:40:49 PM]: Yes.
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Friv[9:42:02 PM]: The mountain itself certainly seems normal enough, and the borders of the Wyld continue to fade out as they approach it.
Moonsword[6:41:39 PM]: ((I have to admit, setting camp with Sir Vines A Lot and friends wandering around out there doesn't really appeal to me...))
ambisinister[6:41:52 PM]: ::As the sun begins to lower, Hailey once again comes trotting out of the landscape::
Dakura[6:41:59 PM]: ((we'll have to do so eventually))
Friv[9:43:06 PM]: ((You can always try marching all night.))
Friv[9:43:09 PM]: ((In the dark.))
Friv[9:43:15 PM]: ((In unfamiliar terrain.))
Friv[9:43:19 PM]: ((With fuzzy Wyld borders.))
Moonsword[6:42:28 PM]: ((Yeah, but I don't think being practically on top of the Wyld when we do it is going to be a good idea.))
ambisinister[6:42:36 PM]: ((go go power armor!))
ambisinister[6:42:45 PM]: ((and unsleeping earth meditation!))
Dakura[6:42:49 PM]: "Anything to report?" Tiger asks as Hailey comes up to where they are.
Moonsword[6:42:54 PM]: ((I've got a couple of torches.))
ambisinister[6:43:27 PM]: Some larger tree like creatures have appeared. It would seem they are...herding the smaller ones. Still no hostile movements on their parts
Moonsword[6:43:44 PM]: Are they coming closer, Hailey?
ambisinister[6:43:53 PM]: I thought I'd return and see what the situation was, as it is beginning to get dark.
ambisinister[6:44:25 PM]: They meander. I have not observed a definate shift in their location related to us
Moonsword[6:44:44 PM]: ::Valeria raises a hand.::
Moonsword[6:44:58 PM]: I'd feel safer if we put a bit more distance between us and them.
ambisinister[6:45:18 PM]: Are we making camp?
Moonsword[6:45:23 PM]: These are beings of the Wyld. The mountain seems to be at least somewhat a part of a Creation.
Moonsword[6:45:52 PM]: At the same time, I don't think it wise to march through the night, particularly with an enemy at our backs.
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ambisinister[6:47:03 PM]: What do you think, Tiger?
Dakura[6:47:56 PM]: "As would I... and I don't feel like stumbling into the Wyld in the dark... We make for the base of the mountain. We'll camp there." He turns to Hailey. "You and the scouts pull back to half your current distance. If you feel the need to get even closer to us, or even jsut rejoin, do so."
Dakura[6:49:03 PM]: "If worse comes to worse we'll set up before we reach the mountain itself."
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Moonsword[6:49:27 PM]: ::Valeria nods.::
WillCoon[6:49:53 PM]: Would you like me to come ahead with you just in case we run into anything particularly dire?
ambisinister[6:50:55 PM]: It might not be a bad idea
ambisinister[6:52:31 PM]: Come here for a moment, Skein.
Dakura[6:52:33 PM]: Tiger waves Skein forward with Hailey. "Do so, then. How are the others up there faring?"
WillCoon[6:52:44 PM]: Yes?
ambisinister[6:52:52 PM]: Fine.
WillCoon[6:53:22 PM]: (( do you have AIM? I am not receiving PMs))
ambisinister[6:53:59 PM]: ((I have AIM..))
WillCoon[6:54:19 PM]: ((I'm willcoon))
WillCoon[6:55:07 PM]: ((sorry, my PMs are just showing up blank))
WillCoon[6:55:52 PM]: ((that is if people are trying to send me pms and I;m niot just crazy))
ambisinister[6:56:08 PM]: ::Hailey reaches out and touches his shoulder lightly. Skein can feel his connection to the essence of the Earth strengthening with her touch:: ((I'll extend the effects of All Encompassing Earth Sense to Skein))
ambisinister[6:56:44 PM]: ((I haven't tried to send you any PMs, for what its worth))
WillCoon[6:56:56 PM]: ((okay <.<))
WillCoon[6:57:08 PM]: Thank you.
Friv[9:58:00 PM]: ((Ditto...))
ambisinister[6:57:35 PM]: Do you wish to swap scouts again, Tiger?
Moonsword[6:58:14 PM]: ((Don't look at me, I'm just playing Solitaire as I watch the messages scroll by.))
Dakura[6:58:50 PM]: "If the ones up there are still good, then no. If they get tired before we reach the mountain, then have them head back."
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ambisinister[6:59:47 PM]: Can do. Let's go, Skein.
ambisinister[7:00:18 PM]: ::Hailey starts off at a quick pace, but obviously slows her self to match Skein::
WillCoon[7:00:21 PM]: ::to the rest of the group:: We'll meet up with you soon!
Moonsword[7:00:49 PM]: ::Valeria nods.::
WillCoon[7:01:22 PM]: ::Skein goes along after her, watching both sides of their trail through the tainted lands::
Friv[10:02:44 PM]: As the night sets, the group continues pressing onwards.
Friv[10:03:19 PM]: The setting sun seems to be a signal for the plant-creatures as well. As the sun dips below the horizon, all of the shrubs, acting in concert, turn and shuffle back across the border into the Wyld.
Friv[10:03:25 PM]: Only the larger creatures are still watching the group.
ambisinister[7:02:43 PM]: ::heads in the direction of Tiger's troops to check up on them::
Friv[10:03:45 PM]: Soon, however, it is too dark too see those creatures either.
Moonsword[7:03:07 PM]: ::Valeria watches them go.::
WillCoon[7:03:12 PM]: Well, that's promising at least..
Moonsword[7:03:32 PM]: The fact that we can't see anything out there?
Dakura[7:04:36 PM]: ((about how far were we from the mountain right before we lost sunlight?))
Friv[10:05:47 PM]: ((Maybe an hour, two hours.))
Friv[10:05:54 PM]: ((Close.))
Friv[10:06:17 PM]: The stars are coming out, although you notice that over the Wyld, they are spinning and changing through a kaledioscope of colours.
ambisinister[7:05:34 PM]: ((will, just sent you an IM))
Friv[10:06:31 PM]: Above you, they remain stable and solid.
ambisinister[7:05:41 PM]: ((It'd be from donovantz))
Moonsword[7:06:17 PM]: ::Valeria points at the stars overhead.::
Moonsword[7:06:39 PM]: ((Have we ever seen stable starscapes before?))
Friv[10:08:02 PM]: ((*nods* In the area directly around the city, there are always stable stars, although never very many of them.))
Friv[10:08:16 PM]: ((There are certainly more around now than you've ever seen before.))
Moonsword[7:07:43 PM]: ::Valeria is using her staff to trace a few of the unfamiliar constellations.::
Moonsword[7:07:53 PM]: ((The Maidens?))
Friv[10:09:19 PM]: ((*considers* I would say that the Maidens were visible, but only ever one at a time.))
Friv[10:09:26 PM]: ((Cycling through the seasons.))
Friv[10:09:37 PM]: ((From this angle, you can see Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury.))
Friv[10:09:49 PM]: ((Which is definately more than usual.))
Moonsword[7:09:28 PM]: ::Valeria points at the three Maidens in sequence.::
Moonsword[7:09:39 PM]: Isn't it beautiful?
Dakura[7:09:52 PM]: ((secrets, war, and journeys... appropriate, of course...))
Moonsword[7:10:25 PM]: ((Better than Endings.))
Moonsword[7:10:43 PM]: ((That could get... unpleasant.))
Friv[10:12:33 PM]: It is currently nearly a new moon, so there is little light being cast over the landscape.
Friv[10:12:47 PM]: Still, the bulk of the mountain remains visible, blotting out stars.
Dakura[7:12:13 PM]: Errant Tiger looks up at where she's pointing. "I suppose so. Never gave them much thought. Too busy worrying what was down here with us."
WillCoon[7:13:39 PM]: ::Skein comes into view, coming back too soon::
WillCoon[7:14:17 PM]: Tiger, Valeria - Hailey has noticed something troubling.
Moonsword[7:14:45 PM]: ::Valeria snaps back to her surroundings.::
Moonsword[7:14:49 PM]: What?
Dakura[7:14:56 PM]: Tiger whips his head toward Skein. "'Troubling' how?"
WillCoon[7:15:20 PM]: There's a group of those... tree things... following us.
WillCoon[7:15:23 PM]: Gathering in numbers.
WillCoon[7:15:32 PM]: Perhaps nine of them now.
WillCoon[7:15:43 PM]: They're not closing in, but they're keeping watch on us.
WillCoon[7:16:17 PM]: I just came back to warn you, so keep an eye out.
Moonsword[7:16:33 PM]: ::Nods.::
Dakura[7:16:40 PM]: "Damn..."
Moonsword[7:16:59 PM]: ::Spins her staff into a ready position.::
Moonsword[7:17:02 PM]: So what now?
WillCoon[7:17:24 PM]: L:looks to tiger::
Moonsword[7:17:28 PM]: Do you think we should turn and try to disperse them before we make camp?
WillCoon[7:17:34 PM]: If you're planning to attack, I'd like ot call Hailey back...
Moonsword[7:17:49 PM]: Or hope they're just watching travellers through their territory?
Dakura[7:18:37 PM]: "I don't like that they're increasing in numbers as we get closer to the mountain... They might just be curious, but the Wyld rarely lets such things happen by coincidence..."
Moonsword[7:18:49 PM]: ((Just throwing out options here.))
ambisinister[7:19:08 PM]: ::There is the sound of someone intentionally snapping twigs and scuffing their feet as Hailey returns to the party::
Moonsword[7:19:21 PM]: ((Crap...))
Moonsword[7:19:50 PM]: ::Spins on her heel in the direction of the sound, staff in hand.::
WillCoon[7:19:52 PM]: Hailey - are they moving?
ambisinister[7:20:06 PM]: I was on my way back to keep a closer eye on the creatures. Still just following us.
Dakura[7:20:10 PM]: Tiger nearly pulls out his powerbow at the sound, but relaxes when he sees that it's only the remaining Dragon-blood.
Moonsword[7:20:41 PM]: Following... or stalking?
Moonsword[7:21:22 PM]: Are their numbers still increasing, Hailey?
ambisinister[7:21:43 PM]: ::adopts a thinking posture:: I do not think trees have stalks...::beat:: I jest. It is hard to say.
ambisinister[7:22:04 PM]: There are now about eleven of them, and it is obvious they are aware of our location.
ambisinister[7:22:25 PM]: They have remained at about 500 yards since night fell.
Moonsword[7:22:41 PM]: They're getting closer and more numerous, then.
WillCoon[7:22:46 PM]: Hm.
Moonsword[7:22:57 PM]: Tiger, I must admit that I don't like the idea of a mob gathering at our heels.
WillCoon[7:23:07 PM]: Perhaps it would be best to demonstrate that we know they are there?
Moonsword[7:23:33 PM]: How, then?
ambisinister[7:23:42 PM]: Mayhap we should just stop and see if they continue to move or stop as well. It is a traditional and simple tactic, but effective.
Moonsword[7:23:43 PM]: A warning shot from Tiger's bow, maybe?
Moonsword[7:24:57 PM]: ::Nods.::
WillCoon[7:25:17 PM]: ((Are the advance scouts with us?))
Friv[10:26:26 PM]: ((Nope, they're still in advance.))
ambisinister[7:25:35 PM]: ((they are still ahead))
Dakura[7:25:43 PM]: Errant Tiger rubs his chin as he considers. "Have the scouts fall back to us. One way or another we stay here, mountain be damned. We set up camp. They come any closer, we deal with them as necessary."
ambisinister[7:26:04 PM]: I don't know how I feel about shooting arrows at them. It seems like a poor way begin communication.
ambisinister[7:26:23 PM]: I will retrieve the scouts.
Moonsword[7:26:35 PM]: I'll accompany you.
ambisinister[7:26:35 PM]: ::moves off into the dark at a quick run::
Moonsword[7:26:54 PM]: ::Follows, matching her stride for stride.::
Moonsword rolls 2 10-sided dice. The results are: 7 4
Moonsword[7:27:23 PM]: ((Woo! Not sounding like a charging bull!))
Friv[10:29:06 PM]: ((Yay!))
Dakura[7:28:34 PM]: The Wood-Aspect turns to his soldiers. "Alright, time to set up for the night. I want an extra guard on watch each shift, and Dragons help you if I find you're not sleeping with your sword in hand!"
Friv[10:30:32 PM]: The soldiers salute, and start setting up tents and preparing to camp for the night.
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WillCoon[7:29:56 PM]: ::Skein stares out into the night, watching for any sign of the treedars::
Friv[10:31:01 PM]: Hailey and Valeria soon return with the advance scouts, and join the preparations.
Moonsword[7:30:30 PM]: ((... Treedar?))
WillCoon[7:31:08 PM]: ((err.. gotta call em something!))
ambisinister[7:31:08 PM]: ((actually the scouts return first, followed by the two of us))
Friv[10:32:05 PM]: ((Ah, right.))
Friv[10:32:21 PM]: ((Ok.))
Dakura[7:31:35 PM]: ((to paraphrase Shepard from SG:A... "You're not allowed to name anything anymore."
Dakura[7:31:37 PM]: ))
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WillCoon[7:32:57 PM]: ((Yay! Privilege reduction!))
ambisinister[7:33:18 PM]: ::Hailey goes to the edge of the camp and removes her helmet. She lets loose a sharp whistle, calling Amarranth back to the camp::
Dakura[7:33:19 PM]: ((*shakes head*))
Moonsword[7:33:42 PM]: ::Valeria stops at the edge of the camp, peering into the darkness from on top of a convenient boulder, watching for the unknown creatures as she holds her staff, looking for any motion.::
Moonsword[7:34:08 PM]: ((Attempting a stunt on Per + Awareness to watch for our friends out there.))
Dakura[7:34:18 PM]: "I want at least one of us on each shift. Any preferences?"
Friv[10:35:21 PM]: ((1-die.))
Moonsword[7:34:43 PM]: ::Calls absently over her shoulder.::
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Moonsword[7:34:47 PM]: I'll take first watch.
Moonsword rolls 6 10-sided dice. The results are: 4 10 5 6 3 6
WillCoon[7:35:06 PM]: I can take second.
ambisinister[7:35:16 PM]: I can go for some time without sleep. I will take all of the watches in addition to whomever else volunteers.
Moonsword[7:35:23 PM]: ((Wow, that worked... kind of.))
Moonsword[7:35:43 PM]: Hailey, I don't think that you should tire youself out that way.
ambisinister[7:36:10 PM]: The essence of the Earth will sustain me.
Moonsword[7:36:14 PM]: ::Genuine concern on her face.::
Moonsword[7:36:34 PM]: ((Is there a Charm in play here or is Hailey just being tough?))
Moonsword[7:37:10 PM]: ::Nods reluctantly.::
ambisinister[7:37:28 PM]: ::tucks her helm against her hip:: I do know the need for rest, Valeria. But these are special circumstances.
Dakura[7:37:46 PM]: "I'll take the third and fourth shifts. No one goes out past the light of the campfires without two others with them." He heads over to his own tent to get ready to have a quick meal and light sleep.
ambisinister[7:37:48 PM]: As far as I know, I'm the only one of us who can see in the dark, and that will be a great boon in this situation.
Friv Has exited the room
Friv[10:39:22 PM]: Bweh?
Friv Has entered the room
Friv[10:39:29 PM]: ((That was odd...))
ambisinister[7:38:45 PM]: ::a small smile forms on her face when Amarranth comes padding out from the darkness and butts playfully against her legs::
Dakura[7:39:06 PM]: ((what was?))
Friv[10:40:06 PM]: ((I just got a post that I had left the room.))
Friv[10:40:11 PM]: ((And then returned.))
Dakura[7:39:42 PM]: ((didn't see anything myself))
Friv[10:40:40 PM]: ((Odd. Anyway, pressing along.))
Moonsword[7:40:01 PM]: ((Ditto.))
Friv[10:41:54 PM]: The night passes uneventfully, at first. However, as Skein and Hailey stand watch...
ambisinister[7:41:05 PM]: ::Hailey reaches down and ruffles her ears:: How was your march, Ammy? ((pronounced ah-mee, for those who care)) Find anything interesting?
ambisinister[7:41:59 PM]: ((I'll activate unsleeping earth at some point early in the evening))
Friv[10:43:57 PM]: ((Very good.)) As the second watch progresses, Hailey notices movement among the treemen. Once there were fifteen, no more arrived, and they had stopped moving. Now, two of them appear to be approaching, without trying to be particularly subtle.
ambisinister[7:43:23 PM]: ::Hailey maintains her watch with her buckler on her arm and a few javelins jabbed point first into the earth within easy reach::
ambisinister[7:44:12 PM]: ::Hailey gently nudges Skein:: Two have broken off from the group
WillCoon[7:44:27 PM]: ::Skein nods
WillCoon[7:44:40 PM]: then stands forward, his hand near his sword::
Moonsword[7:45:01 PM]: ((Wake us up.))
WillCoon[7:45:01 PM]: They may wish to communicate... or they may just be unsubtle.
ambisinister[7:45:08 PM]: ((are these two armed with clubs like i've seen some of the others carrying?))
Moonsword[7:45:17 PM]: ((Better now than in the middle of combat...))
Friv[10:46:12 PM]: ((Yep.))
ambisinister[7:45:32 PM]: ((hush sleeping one!))
ambisinister[7:46:03 PM]: While we should rouse the others, I don't know if our moving back into the camp will threaten them
Friv[10:46:56 PM]: ((They're part of the Club club.))
Dakura[7:46:06 PM]: ((zzzzzz))
Moonsword[7:46:20 PM]: ((Friv, that was foul.))
ambisinister[7:46:25 PM]: I'm not the best at reading people, nevermind trees.
Dakura[7:46:26 PM]: ((... *smacks Friv upside the head*))
Moonsword[7:46:42 PM]: ((Here, use my maulstaff. It'll hurt more.))
ambisinister[7:46:46 PM]: ((applauds Friv))
Moonsword[7:47:01 PM]: ((People really don't enjoy getting hit upside the head for 21L.))
WillCoon[7:47:02 PM]: If they make any overtly hostile moves, I can try to hold them off while you rouse the others.
Friv[10:47:53 PM]: ((Careful. Storytellers can be violent when attacked. ;) ))
Dakura[7:47:14 PM]: ((no, he's the ST... we need him at least semi-conscious))
ambisinister[7:47:38 PM]: Can you get a feel for their intent?
Friv[10:48:44 PM]: ((They are now about 300 yards away from the pair.))
ambisinister[7:48:33 PM]: ::Hailey slips her hatchets into her hands::
WillCoon[7:49:27 PM]: ::Skein watches the two treemen
WillCoon[7:49:37 PM]: sniffing the air for pollens or sap
WillCoon[7:49:44 PM]: watching their strange limbs
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WillCoon[7:49:53 PM]: and trying to convince himself he'll be able to interpret it all into
WillCoon[7:50:00 PM]: some analysis of their intent::
WillCoon[7:50:19 PM]: ((perception + investigation no?))
Friv[10:51:15 PM]: ((Go for it. 1-die stunt.))
WillCoon rolls 7 10-sided dice. The results are: 6 3 1 8 6 10 10
Friv[10:52:15 PM]: ((*whistles*))
Moonsword[7:51:34 PM]: ::Valeria snores softly for a moment and shifts in her sleep.::
WillCoon[7:51:38 PM]: ((HORTICULTURE!))
ambisinister[7:51:48 PM]: ::Hailey slides closer to Skein, letting their arms brush against one another, she concentrates for a moment and Skein once again feels a strong conncection to the Earth:: ((reactivating AEES for both Hailey and Skein for 4m))
Friv[10:53:05 PM]: ((Whoops, almost forgot - WIll, your PMs still aren't working, right?))
WillCoon[7:52:37 PM]: ((No, it works))
Friv[10:53:28 PM]: ((*AIMs it*))
Friv[10:53:37 PM]: ((Oh, okay. Never mind, then. You got it twice. ;) ))
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WillCoon[7:53:20 PM]: "Hailey. It looks likethey're holding themselves back from attacking for some reason..." Skein whispers.
ambisinister[7:53:43 PM]: As in they want to attack us but are restraining themselves for some reason?
Moonsword[7:53:45 PM]: ((Maybe they're afraid of my snoring?))
Friv[10:54:53 PM]: ((Snoring is a 3-die Wyld Stunt where they come from. ;) ))
WillCoon[7:54:21 PM]: "That's the way it seems." He shrugs, keeping a close watch on them.
Moonsword[7:54:33 PM]: ((What's the difference betwee a Wyld stunt and a regulat stunt?))
WillCoon[7:54:42 PM]: Before they get too close,
Friv[10:55:37 PM]: ((Wyld Stunts change reality.))
Friv[10:55:46 PM]: ((Up to the level of Terrestrial Circle Sorcery.))
WillCoon[7:54:59 PM]: ((I've switched to quotes for speech and regular text for actions btw... ))
Friv[10:55:54 PM]: ((Also, you can disbelieve them if you're cool enough.))
ambisinister[7:55:05 PM]: ::Hailey reaches over and nudges Amarranth awake:: Ammy, go wake up Tiger.
Moonsword[7:55:24 PM]: ((And regular stunts just do cool stuff, doing minor scene editing in the process?))
Friv[10:56:34 PM]: ((*nods*))
WillCoon[7:55:45 PM]: Skein steps slightly forward, drawing his sword very carefully and as unthreateningly as possible.
ambisinister[7:55:57 PM]: ((only those with a shaping action can actually take wyld stunts, correct?))
WillCoon[7:56:21 PM]: He watches the treemen very closely as they approach,
WillCoon[7:56:30 PM]: and lays down his sword on the ground.
WillCoon[7:56:41 PM]: He watches them for a reaction.
ambisinister[7:57:00 PM]: ::The dog like creature rises and stretches, yawning. She then licks her chops and trots back into the camp towards Tiger's tent::
Friv[10:58:12 PM]: The treemen pause when Skein does this. For a moment, they look at Skein, and then at each other.
Moonsword[7:57:19 PM]: ((Tent? We get tents?))
ambisinister[7:57:30 PM]: ((if you brought one))
Friv[10:58:28 PM]: ((*nods* The soldiers were setting up tents earlier. It's a mini military camp.))
ambisinister[7:57:47 PM]: ::Hailey watches the Treemen watching Skein watching them::
Moonsword[7:57:58 PM]: ((No... I kind of figured it was sleeping bags and a campfire.))
Dakura[7:58:06 PM]: ((I'm the leader of this outfit. of course I get a tent))
Friv[10:59:02 PM]: ((With thirty people, you can get away with a few tents.))
Moonsword[7:58:15 PM]: ((Meh. I'm an Earth Aspect. It doesn't matter.))
Moonsword[7:58:34 PM]: ((...Thirty? *whistles*))
ambisinister[7:58:55 PM]: ::Amarranth paws at the flap and makes quiet vocalizations::
Moonsword[7:59:02 PM]: ((Four DBs, the dog-thing, and a whole fang of troops?))
Friv[10:59:59 PM]: ((*nods*))
Friv[11:00:07 PM]: After a few more confused seconds, the treeman on the left finally thinks to take his own club and place it on the ground. The treeman on the right stubbornly holds onto his, although he reaches up and backwards and attaches it to his back somehow.
ambisinister[7:59:30 PM]: ((the noise i'm reffering to is a sound that huskies and malmutes make, i dont' know if any of you are familiar with the breeds))
Friv[11:00:36 PM]: The leftmost treeman speaks, his voice a gravelly rumble. "Who is your Shaper?" ((Vaguely familiar.))
Moonsword[7:59:57 PM]: ((Nope. My family owns daushunds, if they make similar sounds.))
Moonsword[8:00:13 PM]: ::Snores again.::
ambisinister[8:00:19 PM]: ::Hailey slips her hatchets back into their clips, but stays within reach of the javelins::
WillCoon[8:00:28 PM]: Skein smiles when they put down their weapons, then glances at Hailey when they speak.
ambisinister[8:00:52 PM]: ::shrugs:: I'm a scout, not a negotiator
WillCoon[8:01:07 PM]: "My name is Skein, and I will speak for our group."
ambisinister[8:01:19 PM]: ::Ammy paws more vigrously and makes some louder noises::
Friv[11:02:14 PM]: The treeman frowns again. "Our Lady wishes parlay with your Shaper."
Friv[11:02:24 PM]: "Are you the Shaper?"
Moonsword[8:01:46 PM]: ((This could get unpleasant...))
Dakura[8:02:09 PM]: Errant Tiger wakes up quickly at the noise, and looks to the tent flap. He gets out of his sleeping bag and opens it. ambisinister[8:02:36 PM]: ::Ammy wags her tail and gestures with her muzzle in the direction of Hailey and Skein::
WillCoon[8:03:06 PM]: "If you wish to parlay, I am our mouth."
WillCoon[8:03:23 PM]: "Shaping may be discussed later."
ambisinister[8:03:32 PM]: ((these trees are speaking high realm?))
Dakura[8:03:49 PM]: "I should have figured something would happen... I'm going..." He heads back in to grab his armor and weapons and heads towards where the dog indicates as he straps them on.
Moonsword[8:03:56 PM]: ((These treest are talking?))
Friv[11:04:52 PM]: ((*nods* Oddly enough, yes.))
Moonsword[8:04:37 PM]: ((Perversely, my Internet radio just popped up Steppenwolf's "Born To Be Wild".))
ambisinister[8:04:48 PM]: ::Ammy wags again and trots over to where Valeria is sleeping. She sniffs for a moment then licks her cheek a few times::
WillCoon[8:04:57 PM]: "We would gladly parlay with your honorable Lady."
Friv[11:05:57 PM]: The treeman considers this for a moment, and then looks to the second one. The second shrugs, and the first nods.
Moonsword[8:05:05 PM]: ((Friv, quit the evil grinning. Please. For the sake of our sanity.))
Moonsword[8:05:18 PM]: ::Valeria shifts and then blinks.::
Moonsword[8:05:24 PM]: Whuh..? Ammy?
Moonsword[8:05:32 PM]: ::Realizes it's still dark.::
Moonsword[8:05:43 PM]: Something's happening, isn't it?
ambisinister[8:05:48 PM]: ::Amarranth grins as only a dog can and nudges at Valeria's hand for scratching::
Friv[11:06:52 PM]: The second treeman walks backwards, towards the others. Now, Skein can see a massive form coming forwards out of the shadows.
Dakura[8:06:07 PM]: "What's going on here?" asks Errant Tiger as he approaches Skein and Hailey. He frowns as he spots the treemen.
Moonsword[8:06:41 PM]: ::Shrugs into her buff jacket and whips the staff into position before jogging over to the others.::
WillCoon[8:06:44 PM]: "They are bringing their 'Lady.' She wishes to meet with us. She wants to meet our 'Shaper.'"
Moonsword[8:06:50 PM]: What's happening?
Friv[11:07:41 PM]: Close up, it appears to be a willow tree, dark red in colour, with half of its drooping fronds coiling underneath it to create a canopy, and the other half being used as legs. It is about eight and a half feet tall, and is waddling forwards almost silently.
ambisinister[8:06:56 PM]: It would appear that a large octopus like willow tree is coming over to chat with us
Moonsword[8:07:09 PM]: Shaper? What Shaper?
Friv[11:08:23 PM]: The sound of birdsong comes from inside the willow. After a moment, you realize that it is laughter.
WillCoon[8:07:56 PM]: Skein whispers, while keeping his eyes on the Tree. "They may believe we are a Fae's retinue."
ambisinister[8:07:59 PM]: ::Ammaranth pouts when no scratching is forthcoming and lopes back over to the group to observe the situation::
Friv[11:09:19 PM]: The willow droops, lowering towards the ground. A slim, green hand sweeps aside the canopy, and the woman that was inside steps out, looking over the group. She laughs again, song echoing across the valley. "Oh, my poor dear warriors. What will I do with them?"
Moonsword[8:08:39 PM]: They might but I think the tree-lady has figured it out.
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Moonsword[8:09:07 PM]: ::Blinks.::
Friv[11:10:04 PM]: The woman is about six feet tall, with green skin that is patterned with leaves and ivy. Her clothing appears to be made entirely of grass and ferns, and melds into her skin in places.
Friv[11:10:18 PM]: Her eyes are a brilliant hazel, and her hair is the same shade of red as the willow tree.
Moonsword[8:09:26 PM]: Allow us to pass freely as we have brought no harm to your people or your land?
ambisinister[8:09:41 PM]: ::Hailey crouches down beside Ammaranth, paying extra attention to her companion::
WillCoon[8:09:51 PM]: "Greetings. How may we address your honored self, fair lady of this moving forest?"
Friv[11:10:47 PM]: The woman laughs again, reaching out and running a finger down the side of the treeman. "Oh, not you. Them." She shakes her head. "Warriors are loyal, but frightfully dull."
Dakura[8:09:56 PM]: Errant Tiger runs a hand through his hair and his frown deepens. "Well I doubt that impression will last long," he murmers back. He steps forward in front of Hailey and Skein, facing the woman. At Valerie's words his hand shoots out, cutting her off.
Friv[11:11:36 PM]: The lay pauses, waiting to see which of the Dragon-Bloods will take the lead.
Friv[11:11:40 PM]: ((Erm. Lady.))
Friv[11:11:53 PM]: ((*whistles innocently* This is not Star Trek.))
Dakura[8:11:13 PM]: ((*shakes head.* you do remember that I'm the one in charge, right? Will))
Moonsword[8:11:23 PM]: ((Freudian slip much, Friv?))
Moonsword[8:11:26 PM]: ((Yes.
Moonsword[8:11:34 PM]: ((You do remember I'm whispering, right?))
Friv[11:12:40 PM]: ((Sure. The lady has very good hearing. Fair Folk, dontcha know.))
WillCoon[8:11:57 PM]: ((I'm a diplomat, plus, I presented myself asa our rperesentative while you were asleep))
Dakura[8:12:04 PM]: ((He'd cut off any speaking he hears from our side))
WillCoon[8:12:13 PM]: ((I spoke to her, did you see that message?))
Moonsword[8:12:29 PM]: ((That last part was directed at Dakura, Friv.))
Friv[11:13:19 PM]: ((*nods* I was just waiting for the resolution of Errant Tiger cutting people off.))
Friv[11:13:31 PM]: ((Does Skein continue speaking when Tiger shushes him?))
WillCoon[8:13:43 PM]: Skein's smile is strained, but he steps beside Tiger, and looks quizzically at the Lady.
WillCoon[8:14:24 PM]: "May I introduce Errant Tiger."
Dakura[8:14:51 PM]: Seeing that the other Dragon-bloods are stepping back, the Wood-Aspect steps forward. His weapons are sheathed and stored, but he stands at attention as he looks at the Fae in front of them.
Friv[11:15:55 PM]: The lady inclines her head to Tiger and smiles again, letting him speak first.
Dakura[8:16:34 PM]: "As he says, I am Lieutenant Errant Tiger, leader of this group." He bows once. "Might I inquire as to your own name, and your reasons for wishing to speak with us?"
Friv[11:18:39 PM]: The lady's smile widens. "I am called Nezini, the Unblooded." She tilts her head, and looks over the group. "In truth, I did not find what I expected."
Friv[11:19:21 PM]: "My Warriors informed me that a group was moving southwards through the Scar. They implied that it was a new war party of Kizen's; I came to see if he had finally noticed me."
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Friv[11:19:43 PM]: "Now, however, I am far more interested. From whence did you fly, earthbound ones?"
ambisinister[8:19:16 PM]: ::Hailey files away that they were traveling south::
Moonsword[8:19:55 PM]: ::Valeria's eyes narrow at the new bit of information... and she makes a mental notet to break out the long underwear.::
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Dakura[8:21:15 PM]: "We come from northward, along the... 'Scar', as you call it, Nezini the Unblooded. We have no affiliation with Kizen Thrice-Masked, though he is in control of the lands that surround our point of origin."
Friv[11:23:36 PM]: "Hm." Nezini considers this for a moment. "So, he has been hiding mortals all this time. Amusing. No wonder his domain was hit so hard."
Moonsword[8:23:17 PM]: ::Valeria's eyes light up in curiosity but she manages to restrain herself from blurting out a question.::
Friv[11:24:36 PM]: "So, if you are no minions of his, what does bring you here?"
Friv[11:25:16 PM]: She settles back with another arch smile. The way that she is looking you over is uncomfortably remeniscent of someone studying wares in a shop.
WillCoon[8:26:47 PM]: ((Dak?))
Dakura[8:27:28 PM]: "We were sent to discover where the Scar leads to, and if we can use it as a passage back to Creation. We do not know what caused it, but it has had an effect on some of our number at the time it formed." He quirked an eyebrow. "I take it that it that the event had more of an effect than just forming this region?"
Moonsword[8:27:39 PM]: ::As her acquisatorial gaze sweeps over Valeria, the Ivory Dragon's grip becomes tighter. It's clear she doesn't like Nezini's manner.::
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Friv[11:29:42 PM]: The lady laughs again, with the sound of nightengales and crows mixed together.
Friv[11:29:52 PM]: "Oh, you don't know? That is just so... precious."
Friv[11:30:14 PM]: Her laughter cuts off as abruptly as it started, and her expression turns dark.
Friv[11:30:29 PM]: "Oh, yes, little soldiers. Our World is broken forever."
Moonsword[8:29:44 PM]: ((Uh oh.))
ambisinister[8:29:45 PM]: ::Hailey stares intently at her feet for a moment::
Friv[11:30:55 PM]: Her expression turns impish, then, all traces of her momentary anger vanishing. "I can't wait until my siblings arrive."
Dakura[8:30:36 PM]: ((oh, dear...)
WillCoon[8:30:45 PM]: Skein looks significantly at Tiger.
Moonsword[8:31:08 PM]: ::Valeria's grip on her staff shifts slightly, getting ready to stunt an attack at Nezini.::
Friv[11:32:21 PM]: And then she sighs, and reverts to the mild interest she was showing to begin with, and tilts her head the opposite way. "But none of my family affairs are of interest to you, are they? You wish to pass further into Creation?"
Friv[11:32:36 PM]: She shrugs. "For now, I have no objection. In the long run... well, we shall see."
ambisinister[8:32:01 PM]: ::Hailey remains apparently impassive behind the mask of her armor::
Moonsword[8:32:23 PM]: ::Valeria relaxes slightly. Very slightly. About a micron.::
Dakura[8:33:50 PM]: He bows again. "Thank you for not barring our way for the moment. Might I ask if your kin are likely to extend the same leniency?"
Friv[11:35:17 PM]: For some reason, Nezini finds that comment hilarious. For a few moments, she can't do anything except laugh.
Moonsword[8:34:52 PM]: ((I'm not liking this.))
Friv[11:36:01 PM]: Finally, she manages to gasp out, "When they finally arrive, they will be far too furious for any leniancy." She continues to giggle, bringing herself under control. "I can't wait to see how they react to being Bound."
Friv[11:36:30 PM]: "But never fear, you have time yet."
Dakura[8:36:29 PM]: ((given form, I'd guess.))
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Dakura[8:37:42 PM]: Errant Tiger frowns at Skein as the other man speaks up.
Friv[11:38:59 PM]: The lady steps backwards, as the willow reaches out to pick her up and carefully set her back inside. "Well, enjoy your journey to Creation." She pauses briefly. "If I might ask, how long have you been in Kizen's domain?"
Moonsword[8:38:49 PM]: ((Do we answer that?))
Dakura[8:40:06 PM]: "Some time. We are not exactly sure how much, due to the nature of the Wyld. We have rough ideas of it being a number of decades or more."
WillCoon[8:40:07 PM]: Skein smiles sweetly and defers to Tiger.
Dakura[8:40:55 PM]: ((he's telling the truth... just not in exact terms... ^_^;;;))
Friv[11:42:37 PM]: The lady nods thoughtfully. "Oh, Kizen, you and your toys." She shakes her head, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "I've never quite understood the fascination. Quite frankly, I'm just as happy to be rid of you. Ironic, I suppose, under the current conditions, but there you have it. Still, I may keep a leaf opened and watching for your return."
Moonsword[8:41:44 PM]: ((I'm not sure we actually know the truth in exact terms, anyway... >_>))
Friv[11:43:04 PM]: With a dainty wave, the curtain of willow closes around her.
WillCoon[8:43:26 PM]: Skein glances around at the others, who also presumably have very little idea what's going on.
Friv[11:44:23 PM]: And the whole affair starts perambulating backwards, with the treemen following, still watching you suspiciously.
Dakura[8:43:51 PM]: Tiger bows again as she disappears into the tree's branches. He then turns back to the other dragon-bloods and waves them back towards the camp.
Moonsword[8:44:21 PM]: ::Valeria's returning the favor as far as watchful suspicion goes.::
ambisinister[8:44:43 PM]: ::Hailey looks down to Ammy and asks in a quiet voice:: Well Ammy? What do you think, was she being honest with us?
Moonsword[8:45:19 PM]: ::Valeria watches until they're a goodly distance away before jogging to catch up to the others.::
ambisinister[8:46:35 PM]: ::Hailey listens intently to the sounds and body language of her companion:: Can't say I'm all that surprised, it's in their nature to bet that way, right?
Friv[11:48:26 PM]: ((On that note, I'm going to declare session over.))
Moonsword[8:47:39 PM]: ::Valeria glances over at Hailey when she catches up.::
WillCoon[8:47:48 PM]: Skein raises an eyebrow at this dialogue, then looks up at the moon to gauge how much night remains.
Dakura[8:47:49 PM]: "We leave at first light. I want us gone from here as soon as possible. She said we have time, but Dragons know how much or if she even told the truth. I do not want to be here when a bunch of angry Fae come." He waved down two soldiers that were on watch that shift, and whispered some orders to them.
ambisinister[8:47:50 PM]: Well, things could have gone worse. ::She reaches down and ruffles Ammy's ears:: Let's go join the others.
Moonsword[8:48:05 PM]: Agreed.
Moonsword[8:48:21 PM]: ::Reaches down to rub the dog's ears when the pair comes over.::
Dakura[8:48:36 PM]: "As for you..." He turns to Skein after speaking with the soldiers, an angry look on his face.
ambisinister[8:48:37 PM]: ::Approaches Tiger:: She was keeping something important from us, but nothing she said was an outright lie.
WillCoon[8:49:26 PM]: "Yes, Tiger?" replies Skein pleasantly.
Moonsword[8:49:26 PM]: ::Discreetly edges away from the male Dragon-Blooded before the ass-chewing can begin in earnest.::
Moonsword[8:52:40 PM]: ((Well, if the session's over, I think I'm going to turn in. Good night, everyone.))
Dakura[8:52:47 PM]: "I don't care if you are our effective diplomat. You do _not_ just speak out like that unless I have said you can. Especially when we're dealing with a Fae Lord! We have no idea what she's after, and I will not have her gaining more of an interest in us than she already has just because you want to try your hand at being charming! Especially if I'm already speaking."
WillCoon[8:52:50 PM]: ((wait a sec?
Moonsword Has exited the room
Friv[11:54:03 PM]: ((Whoops, there he goes.))
Moonsword Has entered the room
ambisinister[8:53:31 PM]: ((did i miss something?))
Friv[11:54:37 PM]: ((Skein and Tiger were just wrapping up their scene before they left, I believe.))
Moonsword[8:53:53 PM]: Well, at least the weirdness waited until I was about to leave anyway.
Moonsword[8:53:58 PM]: Good night.
Friv[11:55:03 PM]: ((Now, the bad news; I'm away for a week and a half, covering the next two Thursdays.))
Friv[11:55:14 PM]: ((So it'll be three weeks until next session. :( ))
Dakura[8:54:29 PM]: "You'll get your chance, but right then was not it."
ambisinister[8:54:32 PM]: ((oh, i missed the session call line from you friv))
WillCoon[8:54:33 PM]: "Tiger. We will not survive out here if you insist on undermining me to feed your own sense of self-importance. I am the diplomat, I started the negotiations, and I presented myself as the one speaking for our group. You were asleep. You /cannot/ berate me for unprofessionalism unless you hold yourself to the same standards."
Moonsword[8:55:23 PM]: ((See you guys in three weeks, then.))
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Moonsword Has exited the room
WillCoon[8:55:55 PM]: "I will not question you on the battlefield,
ambisinister[8:56:02 PM]: ((unless we want to try and run earlier next week))
WillCoon[8:56:09 PM]: and I expect the same consideration in return."
Friv[11:57:17 PM]: ((My plane next week leaves at 2 PM Thursday. :( ))
Friv[11:57:26 PM]: ((So no good.))
ambisinister[8:56:59 PM]: ((i meant earlier as in on tuesday or something))
Friv[11:58:01 PM]: ((Ohhhh.))
Dakura[8:57:14 PM]: "This is a military operation, Skein. Not a diplomatic one. While you can put yourself forward as spokesman, that ends once I arrive or am somehow incapacitated."
Friv[11:58:31 PM]: ((I will discuss it in the forum. I actually do have to get running - someone add the tail end of Skein and Tiger's discussion to the chat log on the wiki?))
WillCoon[11:57:02 PM]: ((I can do so, farewell!))
Friv[8:58:35 PM]: ((*waves* See you guys around! Check the forums for discussions about maybe Tuesday...))
ambisinister[8:58:49 PM]: ((can do, sleep well))
Dakura[8:59:00 PM]: "If I need you to do the talking, I'll say so."
Friv Has exited the room
WillCoon[11:58:05 PM]: "Are you really going to insist on treating anyone we encounter as an enemy combatant?"
WillCoon[11:58:42 PM]: "That's not how these things work, Tiger. You cannot /begin/ with hostilities. You /begin/ with negotiations."
Dakura[9:00:55 PM]: "Considering that we're still in the middle of the Wyld, and that there were armed warriors on the other side looking antsy, I'd say hostilities were about equal on both sides to begin with."
WillCoon[0:00:08 AM]: "And that is why I am the diplomat, and you are the soldier."
Dakura[9:02:18 PM]: "Fae to not do diplomacy unless they plan to trick you or stab you in the back."
Dakura[9:03:11 PM]: (("do not do"))
ambisinister[9:05:07 PM]: "Lieutenant, if I may respectfully interject..."
WillCoon[0:04:07 AM]: "Apparently I have been lax in my lessons. Fae /never/ negotiate. Of course."
WillCoon[0:05:09 AM]: He stops, and looks over at Hailey expectantly.
Dakura[9:06:41 PM]: "Not unless they can gain something substantial they don't." He looks at Hailey, and nods briefly for her to speak.
ambisinister[9:08:47 PM]: "Skein has recieved training from the diplomatic corp. This is an area where he is skilled. You have recieved training from the Legion, combat and the command of troops are an area where you are skilled. When martial trouble arises, we would all default to your skill...could not the same be said for Skein in situations that fall within his specialty?"
WillCoon[0:08:38 AM]: Skein smiles, tilts his head to the side, and raises his eyebrows at Tiger.
ambisinister[9:10:08 PM]: "While Skein should respect the chain of command, it would be waste to not use his skills."
Dakura[9:11:24 PM]: "And I will default to him when there aren't upwards of a dozen armed Fae looking at us like we'd make nice crunching noises, and over half my men are asleep."
Dakura[9:13:09 PM]: ((he doesn't like waking up to situations like this ^_^))
ambisinister[9:13:23 PM]: ::nods, and looks over at Skein:: Don't think me totally in your camp. If the Lieutenant decides that a given situation is one where it would not be best to employ your talents, then you should defer to his choice.
WillCoon[0:12:33 AM]: Tiger, these situations require my judgement. When the fae charge and attack, then you can think with your sword all you like. Until then, I need you to trust me.
ambisinister[9:15:04 PM]: ((noted. in the future we'll leave you asleep to preserve your mood ;) ))
WillCoon[0:14:01 AM]: "If you can promise me that, I will defer to your orders."
WillCoon[0:14:11 AM]: "You see, Tiger...
WillCoon[0:14:42 AM]: it was precisely /because/ we were surroudned by armed fey that the diplomatic solution was preferable to battle."
WillCoon[0:14:55 AM]: "Such situations require a delicate touch."
Dakura[9:16:54 PM]: "I can only say that I will let you _advise_ on situations like this at the very least. You may _not_, however, just cut in directly as you did there."
WillCoon[0:16:38 AM]: "With all due respect, Tiger, /you/ cut in when I was handling the situation. If you feel that such action is inappropriate, then you cannot exempt yourself."
Dakura[9:19:45 PM]: "I feel that as the appointed leader of this expedition, I should be present or at least properly alerted before you take hand at negotiations."
WillCoon[0:19:11 AM]: "That wasn't possible, Tiger. You were asleep, and I had to act."
WillCoon[0:19:26 AM]: "In future, if I alert you beforehand, will you be content to let me do my job?"
Dakura[9:22:30 PM]: "I would have preferred being woken by someone who can at least speak and tell me what was happening, rather than just whine loudly. If I am alerted beforehand, you may do so, but do not think either that you have full authority over such situations."
WillCoon[0:22:09 AM]: "And do you also agree that if you are unavailable I will be forced to continue without you?"
ambisinister[9:23:19 PM]: We established that it may have seemed threatening for either of us to withdraw, which is why I sent Ammaranth.
Dakura[9:25:32 PM]: "If I am unavailable, yes. Merely being asleep and still able to be woken up does not quite cover it." He turned to Hailey. "And if one of you withdrawing would have seemed threatening, what makes sending your familiar less so?"
ambisinister[9:26:28 PM]: Amarranth is far less noticeable than either of us
ambisinister[9:27:59 PM]: The tree men were still a few hundred yards off at the time
WillCoon[0:27:36 AM]: Skein nods.
ambisinister[9:28:58 PM]: And finally, Amarranth was not on watch with us, she was simply asleep nearyby
WillCoon[0:28:45 AM]: "Now, Tiger, I think we should probably get some rest. We still have a ways to go tomorrow. If you have more to ask me, further discussion will benefit from sunlight and rest. Agreed?"
Dakura[9:30:44 PM]: "Perhaps, but the fact remains that I want to know about these things _before_ blindly walking right into the middle." He closes his eyes and runs a hand over his face. "Look, I grant that you both have points, but I have to maintain my standing as leader and the rights and responsibilities therein."
ambisinister[9:30:50 PM]: I will remain on watch with Amarranth and Tiger's men. Skein, you may rest if you feel the need.
ambisinister[9:31:29 PM]: Understood, Sir.
WillCoon[0:31:54 AM]: Skein nods again.
WillCoon[0:33:09 AM]: "I'm going to catch a little rest. If the last watches require aid, feel free to wake me."
ambisinister[9:35:19 PM]: I will.
WillCoon[0:35:03 AM]: Skein smiles. "Thanks, Hailey."
Dakura[9:36:15 PM]: "Hopefully it will be quite..." Errant Tiger shakes his head, as if hoping he hasn't just jinxed it. "It's nearly third shift, so I'll be staying up. Need to plan for when we start moving again..."
Dakura[9:36:28 PM]: (("will be quiet"))
ambisinister[9:37:00 PM]: As a side note, sir, Amarranth informed me that we have a clear shot to the mountain, no Wyld or camps between us.
ambisinister[9:37:31 PM]: In fact, there was a disconcerting lack of anything at all
Dakura[9:37:34 PM]: "Good, good... though who knows what we may find there..."
Dakura[9:38:25 PM]: "I'd like to be the only pessimist here, if you don't mind."
WillCoon[0:38:09 AM]: Skein retires to his tent, and awaits the morning.
ambisinister[9:39:51 PM]: I'll let Ammy know, Sir.
WillCoon[0:39:06 AM]: (( that was fun, dak! ^ ^ ))
Dakura[9:40:45 PM]: ((thanks... and just to let you know, I have no idea what I'm doing ^_^;;;))
WillCoon[0:40:06 AM]: (( and let's keep it that way, soldier! ))
ambisinister[9:41:19 PM]: ((I don't think any of us do. that's what makes it fun!))
WillCoon[0:40:37 AM]: ((quite!))
WillCoon[0:40:40 AM]: ((anything more to wrap up before we follow suit?))
ambisinister[9:42:05 PM]: ((i'm set. thanks for running guys
ambisinister[9:42:06 PM]: ))
Dakura[9:42:06 PM]: ((not from me))
Dakura[9:42:37 PM]: ((except to mention that the wiki log looks horrible at the end at the moment... all one big clump...))
WillCoon[0:42:00 AM]: ((ugh. I'll toss this clump on and maybe formatting later. but not tonight))
Dakura[9:43:39 PM]: ((-nods- see ya))
WillCoon[0:42:40 AM]: ((night all!))
ambisinister[9:43:55 PM]: did friv hand out xp this time?
WillCoon[0:42:56 AM]: er no
Dakura[9:44:06 PM]: ((nope))
WillCoon[0:43:02 AM]: we all get 100
WillCoon[0:43:13 AM]: he's asleep so i'm in charge ; )
WillCoon[0:43:15 AM]: hehehe
Dakura[9:44:20 PM]: yay!
ambisinister[9:44:22 PM]: ((nighters. ah ok. noted))
Dakura Has exited the room
ambisinister[9:45:04 PM]: ((sleep well everyone))
WillCoon[0:44:21 AM]: ((farewell))
ambisinister Has exited the room