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Wyld Stability trait

The Wyld Stability ability is a rare thing, teachings first perfected in the days after the Great Contagion, when the Wyld was more potent and many areas of the world were consumed in Chaos. Many of the initial adherents were forced into the Wyld, and fought against the dissolusion of their humanity with all the will they could -- seeking to forestall their transformation, with the power of their will. Yet, by themselves, these unfortunates -- who remained perhaps saner than some -- were not enough to fully develop the rites of Wyld Stability. In the days after the Contagion, however, some went into the Wyld themselves -- seeking to turn it to their power, embracing their change, willing away powerless forms that could hurt and die and seeking to become something more. Many of these were lost to the Wyld -- becoming something other. Others were more careful, more patient -- measuring their desired ends with a proper respect for the forces of Change.

The Rites of Wyld Stability were brought about by a meld of these two views. In denying the wyld and seeking to remain true to oneself, there is power -- but the Wyld always triumphs, in the end. In giving away of ones self and embracing change and chaos, there is also power -- but there is also danger. In a meld of the two -- abandoning the body, but keeping to the soul and the mind, -- one can best remain true to yourself..while becoming other. Thus was the Cult of the Shapeless formed, thus were the Rites of Stability brought into being. The initial bearers of these teachings, called Elders (some of which still remain!), came into Creation with these teachings and brought them to others. Thus were many of the first (successful) Wyld Barbarian tribes formed...

The Wyld Stability ability requires one to possess a knowledge of occult -- one dot, at the very least. The character's stability is measured by his willpower (which should always be based on the two highest virtues for this purpose), with +2 added for every dot in Wyld Stability. Thus a Wyld Barbarian with Willpower 5 and Wyld Stability * would have a Stability rating of 7.

Note, while this can increase his ability to survive in creation it has no effect on his ability to bear young. Most truely dedicated Wyld Seekers are either Sterile, and Wyld Shamans are sure to keep all but the most promising warriors 'uncorrupted' enough that they can continue to breed -- lest the tribe die out.

In addition, the chaos of the Wyld can be somewhat held at bay by those with this ability -- the chaos already held within them serving as a buffer to further changes. They may add a number of dice equal to their Wyld Stability rating to all rolls related to Madness, Wyld Exposure, and Power Questing. He may not, however, add more dice than his Wyld Point total. On a successful roll, they can choose /not/ to gain any new gifts.

x	Just a clueless wanderer, or average Wyld Tribesman.  You blundered into your powers, and have no idea what's actually
	going on except that now your /better/ than you were before...or perhaps worse.
*	An initiated member of a powerful Wyld Barbarian tribe -- you've been taught markings that keep your identity, and help
	you to manage the flux of the wyld.
**	A Wyld Shaman, keeping the secrets that your elders have grabbed from the arms of gods and Fair Folk alive.  You are one
	of the wise ones, and your power is greater than most.
***	You have been discovered by the Cult of the Shapeless, selected for your singular power and drive to identity, you have
	interalized the teachings of the elders and learned to accept the Wyld as part of yourself.
****	You are one of the more potent adherents of the Cult of the Shapeless, your identity a strong and potent thing.  You still
	externalize the changes to your form somewhat, but you are heads and tails above most pathetic fools who go on Wyld Quests.
*****	The elders, or one taken directly under their wings -- you know and accept the power of the Wyld inherently, and are
	as much a part of it as you are of Creation.  You have achieved a balance.

SPECIALITIES: You can use specialities to reduce the wyld points of a wyld taint, or a 'common' gift among your Tribe. Alteratively, it can be used to add dice to resist Madness, Power Questing, or resist Transformation.