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I thought that I'd post a few charms that I created for the WW forums \\

Aggressive Grasshopper Method\\ Cost 3 motes\\ Type Supplemental\\ Minimum dexterity 4 \\ Minimum essence 3\\ Prerequisite charms Bowing Reed Technique\\

A character using Aggressive Grasshopper method may make a single attack (of any sort)using the appropriate attack ability while making a full dodge. This attack is made at the same penalty that an additional dodge would be made at. Any further dodges that the character makes in the round are made with an additional penalty just as if the lunar had made an additional dodge. \\

For example Lenny the lunar is having a violent disagreement with Suzy the solar and Sammy the sidereal. Suzy goes first in the round and she attacks Lenny with 2 attacks Lenny declares a full dodge and activates Aggressive Grasshopper Method. Lenny dodges Suzy?s First attack with his full die pool and her second attack with a 1 die penalty. Lenny goes next and takes swipe at Suzy. Lenny has a 2 die penalty to his attack. Lastly slow Sammy the sidereal attacks Lenny. Lenny dodges this attack with a three-die penalty.

Hummingbird Balance \\ cost 4 motes\\ duration special\\ type reflexive\\ minimum 2 essence and 3 dex\\ prerequisite Unmoving Bear Stance\\ The lunar's sense of motion and balance is enhanced by his awareness of the essence moving through his body. For a number of rounds equal to lunar?s dexterity the lunar gains their essence in bonus dice to any dodge test that he makes.


That Ferret Swarm attack looks a little there some way to keep book-keeping down for it? Plus, buying actions is not really a Lunar thing, and so its Essence requirement should probably be higher, at least three. As for Hummingbird Balance, doesn't Unmoving Bear Stance do the same thing, and better? hplovescats

Thank you for the input. I replaced Ferret Swarm Attack with the similar themed reduced paperwork Aggressive Grasshopper Method. As for unmoving Bear Stance vs. Hummingbird Balance, Hummingbird balance lasts a number of rounds equal to their dexterity. I hadn't considered unmoving bear before I created Hummingbird Balance. I've changed the prerequisites for the charm. Tyrrell