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Name:    Krod the Insane (♂)
Caste:   Dawn
Anima:   Rabid Wolverine
Concept: Berserker
XP Left/Total: 9/80

Strength  ☻☻☻oo   Charisma     ☻☻ooo   Perception   ☻☻☻oo
Dexterity ☻☻☻☻o   Manipulation ☻☻☻oo   Intelligence ☻oooo
Stamina   ☻☻☻☻o   Appearance   ☻☻ooo   Wits         ☻☻☻☻☻
Archery:       ☻☻ooo
Athletics:     ☻☻☻oo
Brawl:         ☻☻☻oo
Dodge:         ☻☻☻☻o
Endurance:     ☻☻☻☻o
Martial Arts:
Medicine:      ☻☻☻oo
Melee:         ☻☻☻☻☻
Resistance:    ☻☻☻oo
Survival:      ☻oooo
Thrown:        ☻☻ooo
Artifacts ☻☻☻☻o
Manse     ☻☻☻☻o
Resources ☻oooo
Compassion ☻oooo    Conviction ☻☻ooo
Temperance ☻☻☻oo    Valor      ☻☻☻oo

Virtue Flaw:  Berserk Anger
Limit Break:  ☻☻☻☻o ooooo

Willpower:    ☻☻☻☻☻ ☻☻ooo
Essence:      ☻☻☻oo
Essence pool: 16 Personal / 22 (36) Peripheral

□             -0
□□□□□      -1
□□□□□□□□ -2
□             -4
□             Incap
Ox Body Technique (-1, -2, -2) x3
Essence Gathering Temper
Willpower Enhancing Spirit
Battle Fury Focus
Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defence
Bulwark Stance
Fivefold Bulwark Stance
Excellent Strike
One Weapon, Two Blows
Peony Blossom Attack
Iron Whirlwind Attack
Blazing Fury Technique
Essence Gathering Temper
Willpower Enhancing Spirit
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defence
Iron Whirlwind Attack
A small nuke explodes around Krod, while golden flame follows his blade and flows around him.
Orichalcum Dueling Grand Daiklave
(Spd -2, Acc +1, Dmg +10L, Def +0, Commit 8)
Gem of Adamant Skin (Hearthstone)
(All L damage is converted to B damage)
White Jade Lamellar Armor
(Def: +12B/+9L, Mobility: -1, Fatigue: 0)
Sword of Forgetfulness
Riding Boots
Orichalcum Articulated Plate
(Def: +16B/+14L, Mobility: -2, Fatigue: -1, Commit 6)
Base init: 9
Soak:      20B/20L/14A (Lamellar Armour 16B/14L)
Dodge:     6
Dueling Grand Daiklave - Spd: 7, Acc: 10, Dmg: 13L, Def: 9

Krod follows in the footsteps of Marcus the Mad, having heard the tales of the one who returned carrying the pelts of ice tigers.

He hails from the tribe of the Wolverine amongst the Ice Walkers ...

Freebies Spent
07/07 Essence
02/09 Melee
01/10 Dodge
01/11 Endurance
02/13 Manse
02/15 Artifact
XP Spent
08/008 Blazing Fury Technique
08/016 Ox Body Technique (-1,-2,-2)
08/024 Ox Body Technique (-1,-2,-2)
03/027 Survival       ooooo to ☻oooo  (Storyteller Addition)
08/035 Bulwark Stance
08/043 Fivefold Bulwark Stance
08/051 Ox Body Technique (-1,-2,-2)
04/055 Intelligence  ☻oooo to ☻☻ooo  (Storyteller Addition)
01/056 Added Golden Essence Block to Blazing Fury Technique       (House Rule)
03/059 Added Wilpower Enhancing Spirit to Blazing Fury Technique  (House Rule)
12/071 Willpower     ☻☻☻☻☻ ☻oooo to ☻☻☻☻☻ ☻☻ooo
