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Enchantment Procedures

Improve Improvised Weapon (1, Int, 3, 50 hours)
A modification of the Least Wonder enchantment, this enchantment procedure, instead of bringing out the best in the object, instead turns it's nature towards combat. This procedure caused the enchanted improvised weapon to gain the stats of a normal weapon of the type most close to it in structure. The object becomes durable enough to survive use as a normal weapon of the type without sacrificing utility. For example, an umbrella could be enchanted in this way, improving it's balance and durability to allow it to be used in combat as a Stick, without sacrificing it's utlity as an umbrella. Most things would have the stats of a club or stick, but cooking knives could be turned into well-balanced throwing knives, large wrenches used as maces, etc.

There is a degree two version of this procedure, similar to the Lesser Wonder enchantment, which turns things unsuited for combat into weapons. Books become balanced for use as clubs, fine china plates become suitable as chakrams, etc. The only side effect seems to be a tendency for enchanted objects to occasionally develop an aura of suble menace over a period of many years.

Least Invulnerability (1, Int, 3, 50 hours)
This enchantment protects an object against normal wear and tear. Concider any enchanted object to be immune to minor damage that might accrue from normal use. Cups don't break when accidentally dropped while washing up. Swords don't need sharpening and armor doesn't develop minor dents. This ritual does nothing to prevent things from getting dirty nor does it make an object sturdy enough to withstand intentional harm or unusual damage. Yes, that does mean your china still isn't safe if someone intentionally throws it accross the room, nor will your sword be able to ignore being dropped into that pool of molten lava.

Enchant Basic Magitech Item (2, Int, 4, 100 hours)
A variant of the Enchant Talisman procedure, this procedure allows the thaumaturge to take advantage of her engineering knowledge. By using advanced principles of Motonic Physics, Clockwork Engineering, and other First Age secrets to build a Talisman, the thaumaturge can produce something more powerful than she could otherwise create. Follow the same rules as Enchant Talisman, but the talisman must be made using Craft (Magitech). The thaumature must also have a Craft (Magitech) score of at least 3. The resulting talisman is always a machine of some kind, has a repair rating of at least 2, and requires some form of regular maintence as decided by the ST. It otherwise has the same powers as a non-magitech artifact of level 1. As finding people with the requisite skill to maintain these items is rare these days, most recent uses of this procedure have been creating essence vanes to power clockwork creatures to amuse sultans and shoguns.

Enchant Light Crystal (2, Int, 3, 25 hours)
Any crystal or glass globe enchanted with this procedure will glow for four hours after being energized with 1m or 1w. The resulting light is roughly the same strength as a candle flame but doesn't flicker. Tinted glass or colored crystals create similarly colored light.

Lesser Invulnerability (2, Int, 4, 100 hours)
This enchantment requires the object to be enchanted to have been previously enchanted with Least Invulnerability. This ritual confers incteased protection against intentional harm and unusual conditions. Add 3B/3L to the object's soak.

Enchant Advanced Magitech Item (3, Int, 5, 200 hours)
Identical to the Basic Magitech Enchantment, except the resulting talisman has power equivalent to a normal artifact of level 2 or a level 1 magitech artifact. Naturally, it also has a repair raiting of at least 3 and requires much more significant maintence. The thaumature requires Craft (Magitech) 5 to use this procedure.

Invulnerability (3, Int, 5, 200 hours)
This enchantment requires that the object to be enchanted have been first enchanted with Lesser Invulnerability. This ritual confers upon the object nigh invulnerability! The object gains the same immunity to damage as a normal artifact with a few caveats. This ritual does not protect against any source of damage backed by essence (i.e. charms, sorcery, attuned artifacts, etc.). while this ritual can make the pieces of a machine resistant to damage, it has no effect on the actual machine, which still requires the normal amount of power/fuel and any periodic ajustments that may be required from normal use.