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The Hearty Loaf has seen better days. Her top deck has seen much blood spilled, although casualties (outside of those caused directly by the Solars or Fae) are low.
The Brilliance's men swarm over the waylaid merchant-ship, investigating the holds, liberating the small quantity of slaves aboard, and keeping a watchful eye over the captive sailors and mercenaries.
Now that the fighting has ceased, Irisa and Callidora have joined their fellow Exalted aboard the Loaf; Ruler floats serenely in the waters to the starboard side.
Pyhrra, still reeling from her brief but spectacular battle with Foame, is kneeling on the deck, waving away the occasional medic who tries to examine her.
Zeleny walks across the deck, feeling a strange sort of weariness . His hands and forearms are still slick with blood, and the wound one of the Fae's ravagers inflicted aches. He nods to Irisa and Callidora as they board, and walks quietly to speak to the former slaves and hear their stories.
He pauses briefly besides Falling Leaf, who attended a sailer with a broken wrist. "When you get a chance, take a look at Pyhrra, would you? Do not take no for an answer."
Leaf nods curtly to her captain. She knows how to deal with the blonde one...
Irisa oversees the transfer of valuable cargo. Callidora sidles over to investigate the strange, white-haired man who stands near Pyhrra and Verdant Waves.
Verdant is conversing with the scholarly man, abruptly stopping as Callidora approaches.
Hidden Victory: "Hmm? Friend Verdant, who is this?"
Slightly puzzled, Verdant speaks, still in Old Realm, "This is Callidora. Callidora, this is Hidden Victory."
Callidora bows to Hidden Victory in the manner of the Water Courts, an elegant affair accompanied by a sweeping arm gesture. To her surprise, Victory bows in response with the traditional answering bow of said Courts.
Pyhrra, ignoring most of her surroundings, stares vacantly at the wooden planks in front of her knees. She leans forward, picks up something small and shining from the deck. She studies it curiously, then tucks it into her tunic.
Callidora says, "You know the manners of the Water Courts?"
Victory replies, "Ah, yes. I have made them... something of a study of mine."
The Night-caste grins widely, and elbows Verdant in the ribs. "I like this guy, Verdant. Where'd ya pick him up?"
Verdant chuckles. "I think a more apt question would be where he picked me up."
Victory gives a small smile. "Quite so."
Callidora says, "Hey, whatever. So, you two are old buddies or something?"
Verdant says, "He is my mentor, Callidora. He gave me the tomes from which I learned sorcery.
Callidora says, "Ohhhh, a savant, eh?" She eyes the newcomer appraisingly.
Verdant says, "Among other things, I'm sure."
Hidden Victory raises his palms in a self-effacing shrug. He makes a small bow to Callidora. "If you'll excuse us, madame - friend Verdant Waves and I must converse in private for a spell."
Verdant nods to Hidden Victory, then to Callidora. "My cabin is on the Emancipation, we should have some privacy there."
Turning to Verdant, he raises his eyebrows meaningfully. "Perhaps, while the rest of your friends are busy making arrangements with the Loaf...?"
Verdant says, "Agreed, the captain will most likely want a word with you as soon as he's finished. The Emancipation's a bit far off now that I think about it, but we should be able to find a quiet space on the Brilliance."
Victory says, "Excellent. Let us, then." He waits for Verdant to lead the way, then follows as they cross the gangplanks to the Brilliance.
Verdant says, "Dell, I'm taking our guest to Zeleny's office if the captain asks." Verdant does not wait for the man's response before heading below decks to the captain's office.
Dell says, "Yessir, you got it. Can I get you anything, sir?" Tagging along behind the two, the cabin boy seems eager to please the new stranger.
Victory says, "Just a glass of water, if it please you."
Dell scurries off.

Inside the office, Hidden Victory refrains from taking a seat, instead preferring to remain standing for the conversation. "Friend Verdant, it is good to see you again. I trust you have been well since last we spoke in person?"
Verdant says, "As well as can be expected, given the givens, my friend."
Hidden Virtory nods knowingly. "Yes, from your reports, I'd say you've had quite a time of it so far."
"I trust there is something of much importance if you felt the need to meet in person."
Victory says, "Several such things. Firstly, I have reason to believe that you recently acquired some... object, something of great power, around which the threads of Fate seem to be tightly woven."
Verdant raises one eyebrow, but continues to listen.
Victory says, "I am unable to ascertain anything further from the stars. Do you know about that of which I speak?"
Verdant says, "Not sure. There are a couple of contenders, unless you are speaking of me personally."
Victory says, "Ah, I was unclear. I apologize. 'You' as the group."
Verdant says, "Well, both Pyhrra and Zeleny now hold items of presumably great yet clearly bridled power."
Victory says, "Yes, I observed that they had recovered... impressive weapons. First Age designs."
"Yes, it is clear that those artifacts, are from the first age... Ah, yes, my apologies, I personally do not consider it an object, but one would hope you had not failed to notice Ruler out...""
A knock at the door.
Verdant says, "Come in."
Dell quietly pushes his way inside, carrying a rough-hewn cup of water in each hand.
Staring wide-eyed at the gentle smile of Hidden Victory, the cabin boy sets the cups on Zeleny's desk, then carefully backs out, shutting the door on the way out.
Verdant says, "Thank you, Dell."
Verdant turns back to Victory. "In any case, I presume you noticed Ruler outside?"
Hidden Victory takes a small sip of the lukewarm water, but inclines his head questioningly at Verdant.
Verdant says, "Ruler of Cerulean Seas, the warstrider."
Now the well-tanned young man seems confused. "You have a... warstrider? Where?"
Verdant says, "Floating in the waters outside. Callidora was piloting it earlier. It appears to be at least quasi-intelligent. It's not capable of speech, but it can share its emotions..."
Victory says, "Floating?"
Verdant says, "Yes, it apparently loves swimming."
Victory says, "...may I see it?"
Verdant raises one eyebrow. "Is something the matter?"
Hidden Victory seems to have caught up with the conversation, although clearly he is amused by the idea of a swimming warstrider. "No, no. You're right, I'll postpone my sightseeing until after we finish our discussion."
Verdant says, "Do you think that's the 'object' you were referring to?"
Hidden Victory nods to himself. "It seems likely. I have never heard of this 'Ruler of Cerulean Seas,' but such a warstrider must be a miraculous feat of sorcery, indeed."
Victory says, "Unless there are any other powerful objects you have recently obtained, that you have not yet mentioned."
Verdant says, "Obtained, no, though there was a food-making machine we encountered recently, but it was too massive to move. What were the other two things?"
Victory says, "Hmm... you'll have to tell me more of this device at some point. I am always curious to find such remnants of our previous worlds. However..."
Victory says, "Secondly, I wished to warn your Circle about the Wyld Hunt. Your quest here is noble, but maintaining such a high profile may not be to your advantage at this time."
Verdant says, "I'm afraid you're going to have to take that up with Zeleny. It's his crusade, and he is very dedicated to it."
Victory says, "And I certainly would not wish to dissuade him from it. But you must be warned that the Wyld Hunt is more powerful than you are - if you create enough trouble for the powers-that-be, they will create more than enough trouble for you."
Verdant sighs. "That, while true, is not something Zeleny is going to care about. The best, and perhaps only, way to get him to change his course is to offer him a better one."
Hidden Victory runs a long, well-manicured finger across his jawline. "Then I may just do that, friend."
Verdant looks at Hidden Victory curiously, but declines to press further. "And the final item?"
Victory says, "The third reason I came to you, here, is that I require the services of one of your Circle. It will not be especially arduous, and may be an excellent educational opportunity, but if one of you deigns to travel with me, I would be most grateful."
Verdant says, "Interesting. I presume you'll want to share more information about that when you are speaking to all of us."
Victory says, "Yes - although I am hoping your Night Caste will volunteer. It would be a mission most well-suited to their unique abilities."
Verdant says, "Given her nature, she just might. That would be Callidora, and she did seem...intrigued, though I do warn you that her company can be perplexing and infuriating at times."
Hidden Victory laughs lightly. "Friend Verdant, you forget the kind of company I keep."
Verdant laughs. "Touche. Also, since you are here, I might as well bring up a matter of my own..."
Victory says, "Oh? Please, do tell..."
Verdant says, "Recently, we ran into the black ship that abducted Irisa again...this time its commanders were three deathknights instead of one. The one we met last time was absent. They claimed their master did not want them to fight us, and in fact had specifically forbade it. In the end, though, they rather goaded us into a fight...which did not go well for any involved."
Victory says, "Hmm... I must confess, deathknights are not my area of expertise. And the Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters remains something of a mystery to me."
Verdant says, "They decided to retreat, and in the hopes of catching one of them I began the invocation of the Sprouting Shackles of Doom...and that's when I had a rather rude surprise."
Hidden Victory's eyes widen fractionally. "They... countered your sorcery?"
Verdant nods. "The deathknight called 'Grave', the one I was targeting, responded with Emerald Countermagic. And as he did so, his anima banner flared. He had a Caste Mark."
The young man's face grows somber, and somewhat distant. "I have to ponder this, friend Verdant."
Verdant says, "What worries me the most, is the fact that his Caste Mark was a black version of mine."
Hidden Victory nods absently. "No doubt some twisted joke on the part of the Deathlords."
Verdant says, "That was my conclusion. I can only hope it is not also intended to be an indication of their potential."
Victory reples. "Unlikely. You know as well as any that the Solars are the mightiest of the Exalted. Still, this does not bode well for the enemies of the Deathlords."
Verdant says, "Indeed, and they may well count all of creation as enemies. These...creatures...are new, and it is unwise to underestimate such a deadly opponent. I begin to see what you meant by needing my help just as I needed yours."
"Exactly so. I thank you, friend Verdant Waves. This is valuable information, and I will ensure that it receives the proper attention."
Hidden Victory finishes his water, and replaces it on the desk. "Let us see how your colleagues are coming along, shall we? I shall continue along with the Hearty Loaf, so I needs must talk to them before our respective ships part ways."
Verdant says, "Very well."

Shortly thereafter, the Circle is gathered in Zeleny's stateroom. The mortals were not invited. Verdant Waves and his mysterious companion stand in front of the rest of the assembled men and women.
Pyhrra picks at the kelp-bandages tied around her cracked ribs.
Verdant says, "Everyone, this is Hidden Victory, my mentor. Hidden Victory, this is Captain Zeleny, Pyhhra, Callidora whom you met earlier, and Irisa."
Zeleny says, "Welcome aboard the Brilliance."
Callidora waves excitedly to the dark-robed man standing not six feet away. He politely waves back.
Zeleny observes the visitor closely, clearly reserving judgement. "Thank you for your help earlier today."
Hidden Victory bows formally. "It was my pleasure, good Captain. The Fae are an insidious and ever-present threat."
Verdant grumbles, "Agreed."
Zeleny says, "So they are." And yet he came to be travelling with one.
Irisa is likewise studying the well-tanned young man with the ancient eyes. "So, honorable Victory, what brings you to our illustrious vessel?"
Hidden Victory glances surreptitiously at Verdant. "Verdant and I came to be acquainted some time ago. Our meeting here, now, was fortuitous: I was seeking passage to Cordon Isle, and you all... well." He gestures to indicate the carnage of the Brilliance's boarding action.
Zeleny says, "Cordon Isle? What's there?" Zeleny asks, remembering his conversation with Irisa.
(West of your current location, a week or two out. It's the island where Z and V met Pyhrra.)
Victory says, "However, having happened upon you in this manner, I wished to bring you all dire warning. The Wyld Hunt seeks you, and rumor says that they will stop at nothing to halt the threat posed by such a large gathering of 'Anathema.'"
Zeleny shrugs.
Verdant says, "Or to put it another way, perhaps we should lower our profile."
Hidden Victory fixes the ship's captain with a gaze unsettling in the face of one so young. "Do not be so quick to discount the advice of friends, Captain. It is all too easy to become overconfident when one's enemies are but biding their time."
Zeleny meets Hidden Victory's gaze with a cool one of his own. "I do not dismiss your advice. Our goals, however, depend upon a high profile. I am seeking to create new ideas, and to do that I must be known. It must be known that slavery is an evil- and an evil that not all tolerate."
Victory says, "Oh, you are known, Captain. You are known alternately as a fool and a dangerous savage, a monster and a dead man walking."
Verdant says, "Captain, I understand that, but, we are young and inexperienced. We are Solars, our potential is the highest of the Exalted. But it is not power. It is *potential*. There is a saying, Captain, 'Old age and treachery will always beat youth and skill.' Those who control the Wyld Hunt have a few hundred years of the former on us."
Victory says, "The Guild has a thousand mouths and a million ears, and what they say becomes the word of the people. They say you liberate slaves, but allow them to starve or die of disease. They say you butcher entire shipfuls of people to appease dark gods. There are no fewer than half a dozen sailor's jokes which now revolve around some aspect of your physical or mental inadequacy as the punchline."
Callidora says, "Hee... I'd like to hear some of those..."
Zeleny smiles briefly. "As would I." But he becomes serious again. "The Guild has speaks in a thousand whispers, but I have a voice as well. They have vicious lies. Lies will not endure them long- especially when confronted with truth."
Verdant says, "Captain, what Hidden Victory is saying is that the voices from a thousand mouths are drowning you out so you cannot be heard. When truth cannot enter, lies are accepted in its place."
Zeleny says, "Perhaps I should speak more loudly then," he replies mildly.
Irisa shakes her head in disbelief.
Verdant sighs. "You know what I mean, Captain."
Irisa says, "Honorable Hidden Victory, assuming we can't dissuade our fine captain from his course, is there any other way to prepare for the Wyld Hunt's reprisals?"
Hidden Victory seems to consider this for a moment. "How much do you already know?"
Verdant says, "About?"
Victory says, "The Wyld Hunt. Their methods. Their weapons. Their resources."
Zeleny says, "Nothing."
Verdant says, "'They're a bunch of Dragon-Blooded' is about all the specifics I'm aware of."
Zeleny says, "Presumably they have ships."
At this, the scholarly young man seems somewhat abashed.
Victory says, "I... see. You are most fortunate you have not yet encountered them - even for one of your Exalted stature, Captain, they would likely prove extremely deadly."
Zeleny says, "Tell me of them."
The young man provides a brief run-down of local Wyld Hunt operations, including approximate numbers of troops, Terrestrials, ships, topped off with a discussion of their general tactics in Anathema-hunts, as well as an warning about the power of Immaculate Dragon-Blood monks.
Partway through, Verdant appears to have an unpleasant epiphany. "Oh frot."
Zeleny says, "Interesting. They are to be avoided, certainly. ".
Verdant says, "Hidden Victory, how likely is the Wyld Hunt to have access to First Age technology?"
Victory says, "They'll certainly have some. I am, regrettably, not privvy to details on their armaments."
Verdant sighs. "Captain, I seriously urge you to reconsider."
Zeleny says, "My position is this: What is happening now, between the Guild and I, is a dialogue. We are communicating. And we are communicating to a stage that includes a good portion of the West. If I leave now -bow out- I leave them the sole attention of the audience; they speak their lies, and it becomes common wisdom."
He takes a breath before continuing.
Verdant says, "And if you are instead shot by a critic in the audience?"
Zeleny says, "The Guild is accepted, not just as neccessary, but as vital, to keep asleep children in their beds; the institution of slavery itself becomes a bulwark against chaos and the deceit of the Anathema. For how otherwise are men to be kept in their orderly places and the machinery of society continue to grind?"
He replies to Verdant, "If I am shot by a is a risk I take."
Verdant says, "And no matter how hard you try, you cannot simply make the guild vanish tomorrow, next month, or perhaps even next year. But we have the power, and the lifespan, to see the Guild's overthrow to completion. Please, captain, don't throw away that chance because you are impatient on the timetable. And while you make these attacks, you do ignore other avenues open to us."
Zeleny says, "What do you propose instead?"
Verdant says, "Last I was aware, you had not undone the seals."
Callidora says, "I say we let Ruler go all Gojira on some coastal towns! Rargh!"
(Gojira being a god famous for a few misguided attempts to found a cult via the smashing of buildings, roughly 2300 years ago.)
Zeleny says, "This is so."
(being a famous god, Zeleny has never heard of her, and ignores her thoroughly as is his custom)
Verdant says, "Further, perhaps we could start our own propaganda campaign. If the guild has a thousand mouths to spread their lies, let us find ten thousand to spread the truth."
Zeleny says, "I agree our own counter word-of-mouth is neccessary. Such word-of-mouth will require ample fodder, however; our profile will not be lower itself. If anything, we will become more of a threat, especially if we begin to garner widespread sympathy."
Verdant says, "Widespread sympathy does not necessarily mean threat...and it will mean that there will be less willing to help those who march in support of lies. Widespread sympathy also means more friendly ports willing to offload our goods, sell us supplies, and tell us news of patrols and less popular targets. If nothing else, you are right, we cannot let the lies go unchecked, if only because the more the lies spread, the harder it becomes for us to carry the truth. Ports become closed to us, goods are harder to fence, supplies harder to get..."
Irisa rearranges her ornate skirts. "Gentlemen, we could discuss hypotheticals until the end of the Age. I have plans for changing public sentiment, but we need starting capital, which is why I condoned Captain Zeleny's raids against ships like the Hearty Loaf."
Zeleny glances at her. "We do. If we begin to win the hearts of the West, we begin to win the war. Men will trade with Guild ship less gladly; with ours, happily. And to the Immaculate Order, it would be death in this region."
Zeleny says, "Hidden Victory. Have you plans of your own to propose?"
Victory says, "Many. But you appear to have things well in hand. All I ask is that you remain wary of the wrath you may call down upon yourselves. I know that I can dissuade you no further than this."
Zeleny nods. "We will be wary," he promises. "Verdant. About this, ah, communication proposal. I have a couple thoughts. Firstly- this counter-propaganda. Who will do it? I have thought about it. And even about your wish-" he smiles slightly "-to keep a lower profile."
Verdant sighs. "I am no wordsmith, I must admit."
Zeleny says, "At the moment we're only news. It is heard a ship is attacked, and the bakers and grocers nod sagely. Slaves are freed, or slaves are starved, they may nod and mutter about it, but it is not a conversation they must have with themselves."
Zeleny says, "We need to create a debate. Some place, so city or country where slavery becomes a political issue, on which people must take sides."
Verdant smiles. "And then we tip the scales?"
Zeleny smiles back at him. "Just so."
Verdant ponders this a moment. "An excellent idea, but how do we create such an argument? Where do we set up the stage that we shall perform on?"
Hidden Victory rubs his jawline and leans in to converse with Callidora in hushed tones.
Zeleny says, "The stage...we will have to give it thought. To set up the conversation - some raid, some strike which hits at the heart of slavery in that country."
Zeleny says, "The Brilliance will leave. We will stay, secretly, to foster discussion."
Irisa says, "Are you talking about fomenting full-scale rebellion in a sovereign city-state, Captain?"
Zeleny says, "Yes."
Irisa leans back in her chair. "Fair enough."
Verdant says, "Hmm...perhaps, to send the message home, pick one that depends on, or has built itself upon, slaves?"
Zeleny considers the matter.
Zeleny says, "That would strike the deadliest blow, certainly, but..."
Verdant says, "But?"
Zeleny says, "....perhaps a city that does a great deal of trade in slaves, and prospers from slavery, but if it is truly a case of dependence...they city might starve. Or cease to prosper. Or be targeted for reconquest by the Guild, if it is truly indispensable. Which would be a bad message to send."
Verdant glances to Irisa. "In case you are wondering, Irisa, we are not trying to debate hypotheticals at the moment, but to narrow down the candidates by determining what we're looking for."
Irisa inclines her head politely to Verdant. "Of course."
Turning back to Zeleny, Verdant replies, "True. What then, is our ideal target?"
Zeleny drums his fingers on the oaken table. "I am still considering. I'll need to look at the charts, talk to Monk..."
Thinking out loud, he adds, "Our involvement in this decision of a nation to say to itself 'We will suffer this no longer' must remain cloaked. We want to create a friendly port; an ally for the future; an example which others might follow. Not an Anathema puppet-state which the wise shun and the Realm will destroy. Later they might be a base to strike from. But not quite yet."
Hidden Victory and Callidora both look up from their whispered conversation. Callidora is looking up at Zeleny expectantly. Hidden Victory asks, "Captain, I realize this is somewhat sudden, but would you terribly mind if I took this crewmember with me when I depart?"
Zeleny says, "Take her where?"
Victory says, "With me, to Cordon. Her associations with the Water Courts of this region would be most beneficial to my academic pursuits."
Zeleny looks at Callidora. "I see." He considers for a moment. "How long would you remain detached?"
..he asks the Night-caste.
Callidora seems excited about the prospect. "He's not sure, it could take a while, but I wanna go, can I go, Zeleny, huh? Can I?"
He nods slowly. "Your choices are your own. I will not prevent you."
Verdant does not appear to be surprised at this turn of events.
"Yay!" Callidora rushes out to pack her few belongings.
Hidden Victory wears a small smile. "She certainly is... enthusiastic, isn't she? It's a treat to be around one so young-at-heart."
"Hope your mind is resilient," Verdant says dryly.
Zeleny grimaces briefly in sympathy with Verdant..
Victory says, "Fear not - I have experience dealing with difficult types."
Verdant nods and shrugs.
Zeleny says, "Are you any good with languages?" Zeleny asks him suddenly.
Victory says, "Quite. How can I help?"
Verdant speaks quietly in Old Realm. "Ah...the woman with the bandages...she is sister to the one I mentioned to you."
Zeleny says, "There were some slaves being transported aboard this ship. They are barbarians. We are experiencing communication difficulties."
Hidden Victory makes placating motions to Verdant while listening to Zeleny.
Victory says, "I see. I'll do what I can. And then, young lady, I should like a word with you." He fixes Pyhrra with his eerily-perceptive eyes.
She looks up at him from her preoccupation with a startled glance.

Then he has left with a quiet swish of finely-woven robes.
Zeleny feels a strange sense of relief at the man's absence. "Who was that man? Really?"
Verdant shifts a bit uncomfortably. "He is as I told you, my mentor."
Zeleny looks at him with suddenly-discerning eyes. "Your teacher as well, then," he guesses.
Verdant nods. "Where did you think I learned sorcery?"
Zeleny shrugs. "I hadn't give it any thought," he admits. "No one has taught me charms."
Verdant says, "Good point."
Zeleny says, "But I mean....who is he to teach your sorcery? Why? What is his agenda?"
Verdant replies, "His agenda isn't all that different from ours, to my understanding. He wishes to preserve Creation."
Zeleny says, "What is he? A Solar? I saw no markings of the Dragonblooded upon him...a son of some god?"
Verdant says, "I should think that he's Exalted would be obvious given how he dealt with Foame."
Zeleny says, "Exalted as we are? Hm."
Verdant bites his lip. "Not exactly. Though he has more in common with us than the Dragonblooded."
Irisa says, "Zeleny, there is no need to interrogate Verdant in this manner."
Zeleny looks startled, and is instantly contrite. "I beg your pardon. I did not mean to question you so closely. It's only that I find something about him..." he shrugs. "But if you trust him, I must as well."
Irisa nods, satisfied.
Zeleny says, "I suppose we should leave off further strategizing until we have Salas, Monk, and Niehan here, as well...."
Verdant nods. "I will concede that I am occasionally uneasy myself, but his help has been invaluable, and he has yet to so much as bend my trust in him, much less break it."
Zeleny says, "Then I will consider him an ally."
Irisa shoots a knowing look at Verdant Waves before accompanying Pyhrra out of the stateroom.

Outside, aboard the Hearty Loaf, Hidden Victory is chatting amiably with one of the largest and most decorated barbarians.
Verdant says, "Captain, I suspect you'll want to go see how well our 'ally' is doing communicating to the newly freed, especially if you have any questions in mind..."
Zeleny nods, and stands, stretching the kinks from his muscles. "I should," he agrees, and locates Hidden Victory shortly thereafter. "What has he said?" Zeleny asks him.
Victory says, "Well, he wanted me to pass on his thanks to you on behalf of ancestors, Great Spirit, so on and so on..."
Zeleny says, "Has he said where he came from, or how he and his people came to be captured?"
Victory says, "Only in vague terms, Captain. If you're looking for navigational specifics, I doubt you'll get them from these poor souls."
Zeleny says, "What has he said? Do they wish to return home?"
The scholar and the barbarian converse briefly in a rough tongue. Hidden Victory turns back to Zeleny. "Yes."
Niehan, nearby, groans. "Not another wild-goose chase..."
Zeleny says, "It's only a wild-goose chase if we don't find the place eventually," Zeleny rebukes him mildly. "How far are they from home?"
Victory says, "From the sound of it, they haven't been enslaved for too long. I gather their village made itself a nuisance to local authorities, so they were attacked, put in chains, and sold to various dealers. This is about a fifth of their people, and I would assume the rest have been sent to disparate parts of Seaspray. Captain, it is my honest opinion that, in lieu of returning home, these men and women will fight for your cause. The language barrier will be your only problem."
Zeleny says, "Ask them, then, if they will fight to see other peoples freed from chains."
Verdant says, "Would that we had some way of this rate, we're either going to need some magical help or a full-time linguist."
Zeleny nods. "If they stay, they will learn Seatongue, surely..."
Niehan rolls his eyes.
Hidden Victory makes an offhand gesture to Verdant. "There is the sorcery of the Sacred Tongue, friend Verdant."
Zeleny says, "Hidden Victory? What say they?" He ignores his exasperated subordinate magnificently.
Victory says, "I'll ask."
A longish exchange.
The barbarian "chief" turns to consult his fellows.
Verdant says, "Hmm? The Sacred Tongue?"
The tattooed bodies press close, and the conversation seems to become quite passionate at points.
Victory says, "Indeed. It is quite useful, in certain situations."
Zeleny watches the conversation he cannot hear, wind ruffling his hair as he waits for the barbarians to come to a decision.
The barbarians grow quiet. The "chief" clasps Hidden Victory by the forearm, explaining something with great jubilation.
As Hidden Victory speaks to Zeleny, the barbarian grasps his forearm in turn. "They say they would be delighted to join you, provided that you will continue in your noble quest to locate the rest of their brethren."
Zeleny clasps the barbarian's forearm in the ancient gesture of brotherhood. "It is done, then. Welcome," he tells the tatooed barbarian solemnly, as such occassions demanded. "Welcome to the Brilliance."
He ignores the fact they're aboard the Hearty Loaf. And the fact that they can't understand him. It is the actions that matter, after all, not mere words.
Victory says, "Excellent! It has been my honor to assist you in such an auspicious union, Captain."
Callidora approaches from behind, her goods neatly wrapped up in a satchel.
Zeleny hears the creak of her footsteps on the deck, and looks over his shoulder at her.
She beams at her captain, standing next to Hidden Victory, who himself is smiling proudly.
The crew of the Brilliance and the newly enlisted barbarians greet one another warmly, overseen by the Circle of Solars and one mysterious mentor.