Porcelain Child/Cathak Tristi

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Cathack Tristi

Aspect : Earth
Age : 59
Weapon : Jade Reaver Grand Daiklave - Final Dare

Tristi is one of the few survivors of the original Demonslayers that formed a Wyld hunt some twenty odd years ago. As officers died off, Tristi and his close childhood friend Alphaeios rose in the ranks and eventually came to control it, providing a great deal of direction for the unit. As the years passed since RY763, those powerful enough to serve in Wyld Hunts found need for their political abilites closer to home and the Hunts became weaker and less organised. Several Anathema slipped through their claws and even wiped entire hunts out. The Demonslayers however were not among the weaker units. Though young, Tristi and Alphaeios are capable leaders and excellent warriors - with no political aspirations whatsoever. Alphaeios hunts for the sport and love of killing, and Tristi for the belief that it is necessary for the world.

As a unit leader Tristi provides a stable element to counter the flights of terrible fancy in his commanding officer Alphaeios. Where the Air aspect rules by fear, Tristi commands the loyalty of his troops by his charisma and even hand. He is a fair man and a merciful one, however this is not without a great deal of personal strength, Tristi has stood up to Alphaeios' rantings on numerous occasions, calming the commander and winning both his respect and that of the men. No one in the unit knows Alphaeios better, and Tristi sees a side of the crazed Air aspect that no one else sees - perhaps that is why he stays.

In comparison to Alphaeios' savage but effective fighting style, Tristi is exceptional at minimising his opponents abilities. He has developed numerous charms that diminish his foes abilities to move their bodies and maintain their centers of gravity. On the downside these charms are extremely inefficient and he uses them sparingly.

Tristi is fond of reading in his spare time, and can also be seen painting when the Demonslayers return to the Imperial City.

Tristi is something of a plain looking man, one easily missed in a crowd despite his exalted status. Where most Dragonbloods are vibrant and elaborately coloured in their dress, Tristi favours greys and browns. His hair is a dull sandy colour and he has a long ruggedly handsome face that always seems to wear a stubble that on closer inspection is the texture of sand. Like the rest of him, his eyes are a rich brown of a freshly turned shovel-full of premium farming soil. He has a small scar across the bridge of his nose where Alphaeios scored him a little too close during a swordfight pre-exaltation. The only vibrance Tristi seems to bear is the enormous Reaver Grand Daiklave of white jade, named 'Final Dare'. It's barbed battle-axe style head makes it a very distinctive - and unsheathable weapon.