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The idea that Lunars receive Artifacts at the same rate as Solars stuck me as rather silly. Solars are individuals who stumble upon the remnants of their First Age incarnations, most of which are guarded quite carefully. That's why they get so few Artifacts for their expenditure. DBs and Abyssals are parts of sprawling empires that regularly produce Daiklaives, magical plate, and the like. That's why they get so many Artifacts. Silver Pact Lunars are part of an organization that is actively creating magical items and even has a Charm to aid them to find materials. The Silver Pact is less likely to give you items than a Deathlord if they like you, but moonsilver artifacts are certainly forged more often than orichalcum, so a few more are bound to fall into the hands of aspiring heros. Whether they can keep their treasures is a different matter.
Tools of the Beast-Gods
So, this background modification is intended to reflect the prevalence of magical artifacts in the Silver Pact, and the trials one must go through to hold on to them. To have the honor of bearing an item of great power, you must have proven yourself worthy to the Pact as a whole, earning Renown in the eyes of your elders. Each level of the background provides you with a certain number of artifact points to spend. However, a maximum Artifact level is also listed. To go over this Artifact maximum, you must purchase a point of Renown for each level above the maximum.\\ \\ X - You have no trinkets of magical power. Perhaps you are not trusted?\\ * - You have 2 points to spend on Artifacts, and an artifact maximum of 1.\\ ** - You have 3 points to spend, and a maximum of 2.\\ *** - 4 points, maximum 3.\\ **** - 6 points, maximum 3.\\ ***** - 8 points, maximum 3.\\
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