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The Players' Hook

The game should start off individually for each player. Their character seems to be an average person who wakes up feeling better than they have in a long time - like the world's a slightly brighter place.

Their day goes severely downhill from there.

Earth's populace for the most part knows nothing of Exalts. The public has been kept in the dark about these individuals with supernatural powers. So the PCs should get dumped in the deep-end over the course of their first day as Exalts.

One may find a ravening shape-shifting monstrosity hunting him down (Lunars are generally considered by most to be ravening animals - on par with the Vampire's view of Werewolves in V:tM and V:tR), while another is stalked by a Sidereal and another suddenly finds himself stuck in a battle between two Tongs, another may find himself stalked by the dead themselves.

Eventually all of them are bailed out by a middle-aged-looking Sidereal (see The Three Guardians) who offers them a way out of the insanity - joining a group called The Syndicate (which is really a front for the Demon-blooded conspiracy). The players are then led to believe they work for an underground group of "good guys" who actually know what's going on with the whole Exaltation thing unlike everyone else who just wants to use them.

Thus the campaign begins.