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Multi-Ability Solar Charms

Exaltation of Steel and Stone</b>

<b>Cost: None/special
Type: Special
Duration: None
Minimum Essence: 4
Minimum Craft: 4
Minimum Occult: 4
Prerequisite Charms: forthcoming

It is in the nature of Exaltation to take that which was mundane and empower it to accomplish great things. So it is, that an Exalt might empower his or her gear over time, to raise it into something greater than what it once was.

Once per story, when the Exalt performs a stunt with a particular item, he may reflexively spend Experience points up to the number of dice for the stunt as though purchasing the Artifact background, and when he accumulates enough for the first level of the background (3), the item in question is transformed into an artifact equivalent at level 1. The player may continue to spend experience in further stories at likewise appropriate times to further increase its power, with the ST's permission. The ST and the Player should work together to decide any special qualities the new artifact has.

  • Such items inevitably become more grandiose, especially with increased power--taking on the sheen of Oricalcum, and the occasional traces of First Age Script. Such items have the appearance and durability of the Magical Materials, but attempts to render them down into such fail, leaving traces of magical material, but primarily the mundane matter of which the item was initially formed.
  • As an extension of the wielder, the artifact may only be attuned and/or wielded by its creator or subsequent incarnations of him.