Sindaen/Character Creation

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Here are the five steps for creating your own Gray-Touched character.

STEP 1: CHOOSE CONCEPT, NATURE AND CURSE Choose what is your character before you begin to fill dots in the character sheet for Pete´s sake!

STEP 2: CHOOSE ATTRIBUTES AND ABILITIES You have Attribute spreads of 7/5/3 and 25 dots to distribute among the various abilities. You also can choose 2 favored abilities, which you can buy at a reduced cost with experience points and develop without training time.

STEP 3: CHOOSE BACKGROUNDS AND ADVANTAGES You have 7 Background points, but none may be higher than three without spending bonus points. You have 5 points to distribute among the different Virtues, but none can exceed three witout spending bonus points.

STEP 4: FINAL TOUCHES Your initial Willpower is the sum of your two highest virtues, your initial Necro-Essence is 10. Write up your health levels (7, plus one -0 per Path level), Record Initial Path Of The Great Beast (1).

STEP 5: SPEND BONUS POINTS, MERITS AND FLAWS You have 15 bonus points to spend now. After that, youre ready to begin playing with The Gray Touched

Concept, Nature And Curse


The concepts for the Gray Touched are almost always related to death dealing. Assasins, Poisoners, Funerary Priests and Tomb Raiders are but a few examples of what can a Gray Touched use as smoke-screen for his freakish livestyle.


The character´s Nature, wich can be found in the main Exalted rulebook.


Each of the Children of the Contagion display the signs of a terrible illness, one that never heals but cannot trully kill them, being just a diplay of the touch of the Great Beast. This curse can be selected from the “Diseases” section of the Exalted rulebook, or can be created by the Storyteller or player. In the Curse section. You will most likely write something like “Bleeding Cough”, “Hair Loss”, “Intense Fever”, "Poxes" or some other nasty mark of the beast manifesting from the inside of the character.


The usual attributes.


The Gray touched can and usually have Favored Abilities, but they cannot learn Charms as exalted do.

Restricted Backgrounds

The Gray Touched cannot chose the Manse, Demesne or Artifact backgrounds. However, they have some new background unique to them.