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Name: Overly Swift Conclusion Concept: Blade of Autoncthon Caste: Starmetal Nature: Critic

*Str	3	Cha	2	*Per	3
*Dex	7	*Man	3	*Int	3
*Sta	3	App	2	Wit	3
Linguistics:  1
Lore:  2
Occult: 2
Craft: 2
Dodge: 5
Martial Arts: 5 (With Weapons +2)
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 2
Investigation: 2
Class 	        3
Vats   	5
Artifact 	5 (four Gyro Chakrams, Starmetal Breastplate, Omni-Modal Wardrobe, Essence Visor)

Conv 5 Valor 4 Comp 1 Temp 2

Sustained Augmentation of Dexterity
Transitory Augmentation of Dexterity
Accelerated Response System x2

Perfected Lotus Matrix

 Razor Soul Understanding
Cutting Shield Technique

Multi-Limb Frame
Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus
Polymodal Joint Bearings (omnidextrous submodule)

Fluidic Impeller Drive
Strain Resistant Chassis Modification
Transitory Augmentation of Perception
Crossphase Scanner
Transphase Engine

Legendary Attribute: Dex 	3 BP
Dex from 5 to 6		3 BP
Conv from 3 to 5		6 BP
Valor from 3 to 4		3 BP
Vats from 3 to 5		4 BP
Dodge from 4 to 5		1 BP
Martial Arts from 4 to 5	1 BP
21 BP
Essence from 2 to 3 18 XP Omnidextrous SM added 06 XP Razor Soul Understanding 11 XP Cutting Shield Technique 11 XP MA Specialty (x2) 06 XP