Rathmun/Tepet Daloresu

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Even from a very young age it was apparent that Tepet Daloresu was destined to be a very potent Child of Danaad. By the time she was five years old, fully three years before she Exalted, her long raven hair would move like a flowing stream even while she was still.

On the day when she finally did Exalt, her parents escorted her into the Tepet armory to search for what would become her personal weapon. Upon entering the vault she heard a distant call of immense power, following this sound that only she could hear she delved deeper and deeper into the vault. Eventually coming to a portion that had not seen use in many centuries due to either unusual requirements for attunement or due to the loss of the knowledge necessary to attune them. In among these forgotten relics of ages past there lay an Adamant blade of singular craftsmanship, the Talon of Gaia's Rebuke would see the light of day again for the first time in nearly a thousand years.

Later, after the festivities surrounding her Exaltation had ended, she announced that she needed to learn to be worthy of this blade she now carried, and that she would be going to study under Lord Chaowin Registrophe, Sifu of the Even Blade style. After making it clear that an exalt of her obviously impeccable breeding would NOT be permitted to become an immaculate monk, her family agreed that she would be allowed this schooling.

Several years later Daloresu received a summons from her house, calling her to participate in the campaign against the Bull of the North. Sometime during the battle she found herself separated from the rest of her Talon. Caught alone by Yurgan's pet Lunar while searching for the rest of her unit, she suffered greatly at the hands of the silver anathema. She will not voluntarily speak of this time to anyone for any reason, so little is known of what happened. What is known is that something that the lunar did to her has rendered her permanently sterile in a way that no known magics can fix, and that she has horrific nightmares about the experience every time she sleeps.


While she may not be a compassionate individual this does not mean that she is cruel, quite the opposite in fact since she firmly believes that it is her duty as one of the dragon blooded to protect and help those who are weaker. (ie. most things that would normally be a compassion roll actually fall under conviction)

Being rather... vertically challanged, she makes up for this by ensuring that everyone knows not to disparage her height, lest they suffer revenge at some later time. It may have taken a long time, but her family at least has learned that making disparaging remarks about her height is hazardous to their dignity.


Return house Tepet to glory.


  • oooo Avoid the subject of what happened during the battle with the Bull of the North.
    • this includes any talking about the scar.
  • oooo Hatred for Tepet Lisara (whom Dal perceives as being at fault for the orders that left her alone on the battlefield)
  • oooo Protect the weak as we are born to do.
  • ooo Draught of blessed rest.
  • oooo Master Even Blade style.
  • oooo Kill the lunar responsible for her trauma in the slowest, and most painful, way possible.
  • oooo Find a way to actually have children.


Standing 4'6" and weighing in at a mere 83 pounds, Tepet Daloresu is a very small woman. And while she is very beautiful, she never wears anything that would expose her abdomen. Should someone catch a glimpse of her stomach it becomes immediately apparent exactly why this is, an extremely nasty scar runs from her right hip, all the way across and up, ending just under the short ribs on her left side. If asked about the scar her face darkens, and she will refuse to speak to the questioner again for several days unless it's a matter of life and death.

She has long dark blue, almost black, hair that ripples and waves on it's own in the manner of a flowing river, changing it's tone to match her moods. Her skin is a very pale green blue like the color of the light that comes up into a grotto from the sun shining on the water at the entrance. The whites of her eyes are a gleaming mother of pearl, and the irises are a luminescent deep blue, the color you see when you look at the sun from the deep reaches of the western ocean.

She wears a suit of black jade Lamellar, with a small shield hanging from her left hip, the hilt of a reaper daiklave sticking up over her right shoulder and the tip of the saya reaching within a few inches of the ground.


||STR ooo||CHA oo||PER oo|| ||DEX ooooo||MAN ooo||INT oo|| ||STA ooo||APP ooooo||WIT ooooo||

|| ||||Essence ***|| || ||personal||peripheral|| ||available||11/11||39/39|| ||committed||5||16|| ||total||16||55||

||Willpower 7 oooooxx||

||Compassion o|| ||||Conviction oooo|| ||Temperance oo|| ||Valor ooo||


||Water||Specialty||Wood||Specialty||Earth||Specialty||Fire||Specialty||Air||Specialty|| ||Bureaucracy o|| ||Archery o|| ||(f)Awareness ooo|| ||Athletics o|| ||Linguistics o|| || ||Investigation o|| ||Medicine o|| ||Craft water oo|| ||Dodge|| ||Lore oo|| || ||Larceny ooo|| ||Performance o|| ||(f)Integrity ooo|| ||Melee o|| ||Occult o|| || ||Martial Arts ooooo||ooo(swords)||Ride o|| ||(f)Resistance ooo|| ||Presence o|| ||Stealth|| || ||Sail|| ||Survival o|| ||War o|| ||Socialize ooo|| ||Thrown|| ||

Speaks High Realm and River Tongue


  • Alchemy
    • 1 procedure, Drought of Blessed Rest
      • Dal is very nearly addicted to this, as it is the only thing that allows her to get a good nights rest. She spends at least two, and usually three, nights a week under the effects of this medication to drive back the horrific nightmares that plague her. She is well aware of what this dependency will eventually do to her, but regards it as a fair price to repress the nightmares, even if only for a little while.
        • this procedure succeeds 61% of the time with 4 dice, thus she needs to spend an average of 1 hour making this stuff each week to average 3 doses produced per week.



  • Bureaucracy
  • Investigation
  • Larceny
    • Observer Awareness Method
  • Martial Arts
    • 1st excellency
    • Death Between Heartbeats
    • Breath and Essence Control
    • Close Your Eyes and Look
    • Even Blade Form
    • Gruesome Wood King Revelry
    • Stubborn Jokun Defensive Posture
  • Sail


  • Archery
  • Medicine
  • Performance
  • Ride
  • Survival


  • Awareness
  • Craft water
  • Integrity
  • Resistance
    • Ox Body
  • War


  • Athletics
  • Dodg
  • Melee
  • Presence
  • Socialize
    • 1st excellency


  • Linguistics
  • Lore
  • Occoult
  • Stealth
  • Thrown

Backgrounds / Merits / Flaws

  • Artifact oooo
    • [[[Rathmun/Tepet_Daloresu/Talon]] of Gaia's Censure]] (Gem of Injury Sense)
    • Jade Perfected Kata Bracers
  • Breeding oooooo (+6 personal/+11 peripheral -3 to activate anima)
  • Manse ooooo
    • Gem of Perfect Mobility
    • Gem of Adamant Skin
    • Gem of Injury Sense
  • Family ooo
    • Tepet Ejava is her older sister.
  • Resources ooo
  • Artifact oo
    • Jade Lamellar
    • Jade Thunderbolt Shield
  • Artifact oo
    • Hearthstone Skin Mount (Gem of Perfect Mobility)
    • Hearthstone Skin Mount (Gem of Adamant Skin)
  • Sterile ---
  • Nightmares ---
    • +1 difficulty to conviction rolls to regain willpower, lose 1 willpower on a botch and suffer -1 penalty to all non reflexive rolls for the following day. She uses Draught of Blessed Respite to prevent this, but can't do that every night.
  • Small o

Derived Stats


||Talon of Gaia's Rebuke||Spd||Acc||Dmg||Def||Rate||Mins||Attune||Cost|| ||base stats||4||+4||+12L||+3||5||str2||10/5||****|| ||modified stats||2||+17||+15L||+3||5||str2||10/5||****||

Health Levels

(/)bashing (x)lethal (*)aggravated ||-0 ()|| ||-1 ()()()|| ||-2 ()()|| ||-4 ()|| ||Inc ()||


|| ||Speed||Accuracy||Damage||Rate||Parry DV||Dodge DV||Soak||Hardness||Move||Dash|| ||With form active||2||+20||+18L||7||12||7||16B/16L/11A||5B/5L/5A||10||22|| ||Without form active||2||+17||+15L||5||11||7||13B/12L/11A||5B/5L/5A||10||22|| -1 mobility penalty

Assorted Posessions

  • Draught of Blessed Respite
    • 10 doses (enough for a little over 3 weeks)
  • assorted tools.
  • Lucky stone.
  • assorted fine outfits, but nothing midriff baring.


||spent||113|| ||banked||3|| ||total||116||


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