Porcelain Child/Mnemon Diamandus

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"Never have I met a man so young in a man so old." --Tepet Juno

Imperial Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus

Aspect : Earth
Age : 350+
Weapon : Jade Grand Gormaul - Truth and Virtue

Diamandus has been a magistrate for nearly two hundred and fifty years, at least according to him, and his deeds are well known to youngsters, and greatly exaggerated in tales. Though his life is slightly less amazing than the tales suggest, there is a great deal of truth in his distinguished record. Diamandus has defeated no less than two Solar anathema in his time as a magistrate and has uncovered numerous plots against the throne that were either missed or ignored by the All-Seeing Eye.

It is known that he was one of the greatly favoured magistrates of the Scarlet Empress herself, perhaps even the most favoured, and her continued nigh-omnipotent rule protected him from less-than-favourable members of the imperial courts. Two hundred and fifty years is a long time to amass enemies. With the Empress gone, Diamandus fled the isle, both out of disgust for the new-found depravity of the realm and the neccessity to escape long-held vengeance.

For the last five years he has been travelling the scavenger lands. In the melting pot of the threshold the need of a virtuous warrior is just as high as in the realm. The threshold was the same as the Realm, with the same problems and stabilities - yet different all the same. With the difference in culture and situation Diamandus experienced a relisation that the world was much larger than the Realm, and life depended on views. There was no black and white, only shades of grey. With that knowledge Diamandus completed one last task for a Guild Merchant Prince named Cenotaph then made the decision to return to his homeland and his duty as a Realm Magistrate.

Diamandus is an excellent soldier and a hardy woodsman, but his true talent lies in his investigative abilities, he posesses elemental charms for discovery and observation that are not well known by most Dragonbloods, and some that he has developed himself in his many years as a protector of the realm.

Diamandus is a large earth-aspected man, six and a half feet in height and very well built. He has a thick grey moustache and long matching hair. A large scar begins on his left forhead and finishes on the cheek, over a missing eye. The remaining eye is very alert however and hard as diamond. His aspect markings show as small crystals that jut out of his temples. He wields an enourmous elaborate Grand Gormaul of white jade in a complex flanged mace design, and keeps a fine heavy bladed longsword at his hip. Diamandus wears mundane but well crafted lamellar armour that is usually covered in a burgundy cloak with the house crest of Mnemon in stitched gold.

Killed in battle, Autumn, RY768