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Name : Iselei Savenis Nobun\\ Concept : Realm-Backed Privateer\\ Aspect : Water\\ Nature : Rebel\\ House : Iselei\\

Attributes : Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3\\ Virtues : Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3\\

Abilities : Archery 1, Brawl 4, Bureaucracy 1, Dodge 1, Endurance 2, Investigation 2, Larceny 2, Linguistics 2 (Native: Sea-tongue; Low Realm, High Realm), Lore 1, Melee 2, Performance 1, Presence 3, Resistance 2, Sail 3 (Piracy +2), Socialize 1, Survival 2\\

Backgrounds : Artifact 2, Breeding 1, Command 2, Connections (Merchant Marines) 1, Connections (Pirates) 2, Resources 3, Reputation 1 (Dashing Pirate Rogue)\\

Charms : Ox-Body Technique, Become the Hammer, Blade-Deflecting Palm, Hurricane-Predicting Glance, Storm-Outrunning Technique, Glowing Coal Radiance, Unbearable Taunt Technique\\

Essence : 2\\ Personal Essence : 9\\ Peripheral Essence : 22\\ Willpower : 6\\ Virtue Flaw : Foolhardy Contempt\\

Iselei Savenis Nobun was the son of of an Iselei mother and a Wavecrest citizen. Even for the Iselei, the knowledge that he was half-blood, the son of a mortal and and one of the Dynasts was simply too much. When his mother, rather than live with the social repercussions of the birth, decided to hang herself, the status of the child became strained. Though raised with the same teachers as everyone else, Nobun was never expected to accomplish anything, or indeed to be anything but a drain on the resources of the Iselei household. This, of course, led to some social problems for young Nobun. Never treated with the respect a scion of the Dynast should have deserved, he instead became the target of any number of cruel pranks. He would wake at night, find himself bound and gagged by his peers, and beaten senseless. Young Nobun eventually grew to despise and hate the Iselei, hate his mother, and hate a father whom he did not know but whom had cursed young Nobun to this fate.

Such as it was, the strength of Nobun's hate for his family was enough. He soon outpaced his cousins in martial might, learned how to sail, and importantly, how to survive in a world where he was hated. By 13, Nobun had gone from the nothing of his family, to the status of 'black sheep', which meant that no matter what he did, he at least had to be recognized. His peers grew to resent the freedom that Nobun had, and how his free spirit had not been broken by their attacks. So it was that two Iselei brothers, both unExalted, sought to kill young Nobun. The inevitable day Nobun had prepared for had finally come.

The two boys found Nobun sitting above a cliff face that looked out to the sea, where he watched the ships go out to sea. The first boy, already 18, and thusly doomed to eternal status as a simple mortal, charged Nobun, and met his fist for his troubles. He staggered back, and his comrade, a wiry little snake named Iselei Savenis Derrnit kicked and punched Nobun wildly, before pulling out a dagger stolen from his father. He swiped at Nobun, hoping to see fear in his eyes, but instead Nobun pressed in, charging the brat, deflecting the blade with his palm and head-butting Derrnit in the nose. Bone and blood ruptured and he fell to the ground, gagging as he went down. The larger fellow, enraged at his brother's defeat, charged once more, and recieved a knife in his gut for his troubles. As he gasped for air, he watched young Nobun Exalt, the blaze of victory obscured by the pillar of water surrounding him.

Fresh from victory, his two attempted killers both at his feet, the Exaltation moving about him, Nobun was discovered by his grandfather, who grabbed the boy, swearing that he would die if left to the mercies of his family, and dragged him to the closest boat leaving the shores. Nobun was given to an outcaste pirate who traded with the small Savenis household for goods and supplies as a new cabin boy, and so it was that he looked upon the shores of his hated family, his hated island for the last time in many years.

Over the intervening years, Nobun would gain a place at the outcaste's side, learning his trade, and learning the ways of his birthright. The boy soon grew to admire, even love the old man who took him under his wing, and when Coral privateers murdered the pirate, Nobun took his sword and took over the ship. The small band of pirates soon grew, and connections across the West soon developed, even going so far as to infiltrate his old household. The disappearance of the Empress hardly panicked Nobun, and when a political coalition from House V'neef promised a writ to Nobun and his crew, he readily accepted his now legal piracy.

Though not yet the scourge of the West he dreamt of being, Nobun has nonetheless acquired a reputation amongst the salons of the Blessed Isle, his tales of two-fisted daring-do written by his crewmate, a young scion of House V'neef who was forced to sail with Nobun's band of brigands, have managed to circulate throughout the West, both north and south and the Blessed Isle. Already a thorn in the side of the Coral Archipelago, of Skullstone and of the Lintha, Nobun reasons that his next adventure will have to be quite notable to stick in the eye of his household.

He figures taking down an Anathema or two might sort things out.

Artifact : A pair of black jade smashfists (Loot and Pillage), a gift from his outcaste former mentor.\\ Command : The crew of his ship, the Scarlet Siaka.\\