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Flesh-Reshaping Fists
Cost: 10m1wp, Mins: Essence 3, Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious, Touch, Training
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged
Flesh is weak; mortals crumble and even demons break, and only through pain can their flesh shed its' frailty. The Infernal may train other beings through the procedure of beating them into unconsciousness. This charm may be activated immediately after rendering someone unconscious, whether this is beating a willing would-be disciple into the ground, or thoroughly subjugating an opponent or recalcitrant servant; the subject of the training may immediately raise their Strength, Stamina, Martial Arts, Melee, Resistance, Integrity, or Willpower without requiring training time, going into experience debt if necessary for heroic subjects. However, they receive an immediate intimacy of respectful fear towards the Infernal as an Emotion effect, which counts any scene of interaction with him as a scene of reinforcement of it. An unwilling subject may spend 3wp to resist, but they gain no benefit from the training if they avoid gaining the intimacy.
The subject of the training must have recovered for one week before they may be subject to this charm again; a muscle only grows stronger when it fully heals after being torn.

Fealty-Forcing Mandate
Cost: -(+2m), Minimums: Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Magnanimous Warning Glyph
Simply guaranteeing retribution is sometimes insufficient punishment. Letting someone go with just a warning is too kindly. This charm upgrades its' prerequisite; when laying a glyph with Green Sun Nimbus Flare, the Infernal may spend 2m to add a condition to that glyph, informing her target of this condition. The condition forces an action in response to some stimulus, or forbids an action completely. The condition must be possible [if an action], and not be an unacceptable order in either case. This condition is spelled out in old realm encircling the writing of "Mandate of Heaven" on the target's flesh; if the target breaks this condition, it counts as attacking her, immediately setting off the relevant Green Sun Nimbus Flare.
Ex: Lianzi strikes a thief who dares to steal from her, and lays a Magnanimous Warning Glyph, addressing the thief; "If you ever steal again, your life is forfeit". The thief attempts to pickpocket someone two days later despite the ominous feeling of doom, breaking the stricture, and his flesh erupts into emerald flame, dealing him the damage of that charm and afflicting him with Green Sun Wasting as per her Cold Fire Desolation Brand.
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