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A god-blooded. Son of the Western god of theives. His parent's blood has given him skill enough to become a highly renowned assassin in Nexus. He's gained a reputation for being able to get into the most heavily protected places without notice. Most people don't suspect the fact he can Portal, and he plays it up as just being that outright good as much as he can. He's generally very flip and witty and prefers letting his targets know he's coming after them with the overdone 'knife stabbed in a door with a note'. And, if his target provides to be good natured to his game and offers him enough money, he'll call off the attempt on the premise that he was evaded. This, of course, requires that the other person leave town for a while.

Using his Guild contacts he procures various poisons with which he chooses to work. His favored weapons are a pair of excellent knives and many shuriken which he all poisons.

Wandering Sky

Nature: Explorer

Strength: 2\\ Dexterity: 4\\ Stamina: 2\\ \\ Charisma: 3\\ Manipulation: 3\\ Appearance: 4\\ \\ Perception: 3\\ Intellegence: 2\\ Wits: 4\\ \\ Stealth(Favored): 4\\ Larceny: 4\\ Trown: 4\\ Resistance: 3\\ Awareness: 3\\ Dodge: 3\\ Melee: 3\\ Athletics: 2\\ Performance: 2\\ Occult: 2\\ Presence: 1\\ Lore: 1\\ \\ Compassion: 2\\ Temperance: 5\\ Conviction: 3\\ Valor: 2\\ \\ Contacts: 3 (Nexus / Guild)\\ Resources: 2\\ Reputation: 2\\ \\ Willpower: 4\\ Essence: 2\\ \\ Charms:\\ Transport, Hurry Home, Portal\\ \\ Health Levels: -0 / -1x2 / -2x2 / -4 / Incap\\ \\ Soak: 2B/1L\\