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Character Sheet

Name:   "Old Man"            Concept: Repenting Wanderer
Player: Ketrus               Nature:  Martyr
Caste:  Dawn                 Anima:   Coiled Dragon
XP:     5/65
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XX...]   Perception    [XXXX.]
Dexterity     [XXXXX]   Manipulation  [XXX..]   Intelligence  [XX...]
Stamina       [XXXX.]   Appearance    [XX...]   Wits          [XXX..]
                            (=Abilities=) 4
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
.Archery      [.....]   Endurance     [XXX..]   Craft         [.....]
.Brawl        [XXX..]   Perform       [X....]   .Investigation[XX...]
.Martial Arts [.....]   .Presence     [XX...]   Lore          [X....]
.Melee        [XXXXX]   .Resistance   [X....]   Medicine      [X....]
.Thrown       [XXX..]   Survival      [X....]   Occult        [.....]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)
Athletics     [XXX..]   Bureaucracy   [.....]
.Awareness    [XXX..]   Linguistics   [XX...]
.Dodge        [XX...]   Ride          [.....]
Larceny       [.....]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [.....]   Socialize     [.....]
Languages: High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Desert-tongue
Melee:  Swords +3
Endurance:  Forced Marching +1

Graceful Crane Stance                         (3m, scene, ref)
  No Balance Checks
Sensory Acuity Prana                          (5m, scene, simp)
  +Ess dice to Awareness
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique              (3m, scene, simp)
  Diceless stunts
Ox-Body Technique                             (Permanent)
  [-1, -2, -2] Health Levels
Ox-Body Technique                             (Permanent)
  [-1, -2, -2] Health Levels
Ox-Body Technique                             (Permanent)
  [-1, -2, -2] Health Levels
Ten Magistrate Eyes                           (3m, scene, supp)
  +Ess autosucc to Investigate rolls
Body Regeneration Prana                       (10m, day, ref)
  10x healing speed
Golden Essence Block                          (1m/2d, inst, ref)
  Parry @ 2d/1m
Dipping Swallow Defense                       (2m, inst, ref)
  Parry @ Full
Bulwark Stance                                (3m, turn, simple)
  Parry All @ Full
Five-Fold Bulwark Stance                      (5m1w, scene, ref)
  Parry All @ Full
Heavenly Guardian Defense                     (3m1w, inst, ref)
  Perfectly Parry Unparryable
Solar Counter-Attack                          (3m, inst, ref)
  Counterattack @ Full
   (=Backgrounds=) 4                      (=Virtues=) 6
Artifact       [XXXXX]        Compassion [XX...]    Temperance  [XX...]
Contacts       [X....]        Conviction [XXXx.]    Valor       [XXXX.]
Manse          [XX...]        Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty
Resources      [X....]        Condition:   Backed against the wall
Essence        [XXX.......]   Fist: 8 spd, 9 acc, +2B dam, 9 def
Willpower      [XXXXXXxx..]   Sword: 8 spd, 15 acc, +4L dam, 15 def
Limit          [.........!]   Daiklave: 12 spd, 17 acc, +7L dam, 17 def
                              Javelin: 9 acc, +5L, 2 rate, 30 range
                              Dodge: 6(8), Soak: 12/16, BInit: 8
Personal Ess   17/17 
Periph Ess     33/41 (8 commit)
Health Levels:
-0:  [ ]
-1:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Eidetic Senses (2 pts)
Perfect Audio, Tactile Memory

Pain Tolerance (5 pts)
Ignores 2 points of wound penalty
Suffers -2 dice to touch-based Awareness checks
Throwback (3 pts)
WP roll vs. Essence to retain Nature
If botch, alternate Nature dominates
If Ess>WP, Nature dies to Alternate Nature
Nightmares (3 pts)
+1 Difficulty to Regain WP during sleep
If Botch, Nightmares, -1 Penalty next day
Earth-Empowered Exceptional Lamellar (Artifact 1)
10/12, 2 mob, 1 fatigue

Orihalcum Daiklave (Artifact 2) 5 motes
Set with POTATO STONE(Manse 1)
+4 spd, +3 acc, +5L dam, +3 def
Turn rocks into spuds.  No, seriously.

Orihalcum Shield Bracer(Artifact 2) 3 motes
Set with Stone of Quick Thought(Manse 1)
+2 diff to hit ranged, +1 diff to hit melee
+1 to wits and dex pools
Javelin (Res 1)
1 acc, +3L dam, 2 rate, 30 range

Short Sword (Res 1)
0 spd, 1 acc, +2L dam, 1 def





XP Record

65 Earned

16 Essence 3
 3 Conviction 1->2
 8 Bulwark Stance
 8 Five-Fold Bulwark Stance
 8 Solar Counterattack
 8 Heavenly Guardian Defense
 4 Brawl 1->3
 1 Dodge 1->2
 1 Presence 1->2
 1 Investigation 1->2
 2 Linguistics 1->2 (Desert-tongue)
 5 Remaining
