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Akita City

On the banks of the Rock River, Akita City is a client state of Greyfalls to the west, and a small bastion of the Immaculate Faith in the East. It is about two hundred miles north of the Nasaru Redoubt.


  • Duke Lu, Immaculate Philosophy devotee and local lord.
    • Description: A middle-aged man in severe but well-crafted clothing, mostly in blues and purples. He is not an ascetic, but would like to be, if only his station permitted it. He is always armed with a straight sword, which he knows how to use, and is alwasy accompanied by an assistant and a guard.
    • Roleplaying Notes: You are devoted to the Immaculate religion, and sometimes neglect your duties because of this devotion. You believe strongly in order, and have stratified Akita District in your twenty years of ruling. Your one weakness (aside from a tendency toward orthodoxy) is your daughter Lu Mei. In your eyes, she can do no wrong.
  • Lu Mei, his lovely and naive daughter. (God-Blooded? Could be interesting)
    • Description: A beautiful young woman in her early twenties or late teens, with a pale complexion, almond eyes, and green grass for hair. Child of Lu Zhao and a dryad, she has a knack for wood and living things. She usually dresses in rich green or brown robes and carries a fan.
    • Roleplaying Notes: You would like to believe the best in everyone, and have had very little reason to do otherwise. You are thrilled by tales of the spirit world and courts, and often dream of exploring the Eastern forest. You dislike the Immaculate monk Shen, who considers you heretical, and delight in irritating him in small ways. You love your father, but resent his devotion to the Immaculates.
  • Siu-Ming Jiang, Duke Lu's crafty advisor.
    • Description: A very, very old man in stately robes of rich fabric. He has very sparse white hair and a long, carefully maintained fu manchu mustache and beard. He's on the small side, and moves rather slowly. He is obviously important, and is at all times accompanied by an assistant or two, and often by a pretty girl to take care of his other needs. No, not those -- more like footrubs and soft music. He's over 90!
    • Roleplaying Notes: You've been around the block many times and you have Akita district's best interests in mind. After all, its interests are your interests, and vice versa. You're a canny old bastard and intend to squeeze every last obol of jade you can out of those tributaries. You are not privy to the Immaculate plans, but you smell something in the air.

Points of Interest

  • Akita District: Located on the western bank of the Rock River, more or less due east of White Pines and northeast of Greyfalls. It's good-sized, with (more to the point) a pretty good-sized military, and is a client state of Greyfalls (and hence the Realm).
  • Lu Castle: A large construction in Akita City, it is situated on a man-made island that has been carved out of the banks of the Rock River. It is Japanese in style.