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  • Nexus is a city-state. It straddles three rivers that are practically flowing, skinny seas. Its center is Nexus proper, but the urban-agricultural-suburban-cultural-whatever zone extends for probably a couple hundred miles in every direction. Really, you shouldn't think of Nexus as a city. You should think "Nexus, Nexus" in the same way you think "New York, New York." City, state. Same thing for Lookshy, Chiaroscuro, and Sijan. Not sure about Yane, the Lap, Gem, and the like.
  • Chiaroscuro has skyscrapers. Glass skyscrapers. Like, 50-story glass skyscrapers. And no elevators. And probably no working air conditioning. So it's like all the rich people could just live up in the top floors and never touch the ground, and hobos could live in the upper floors of uninhabited buildings, and you could have, like, rooftop gardens, or gardens in rooms of clear glass, or illuminated by elaborate mirror-sunroof-system things. Privacy would be a bitch. So would walking up all those stairs. Chiaroscurans all have ripped calves. Old buildings could have been repurposed for their new inhabitants. In my Lunar game, the Tri-Khan's palace is built around what used to be the Chiaroscuro branch of the Deliberative's Third Bank of the South.
  • Sijan's tombs hold dead from ALL OVER THE RIVER PROVINCE. That's like saying they hold the dead people from ALL OVER ASIA. IN ONE PLACE. The tombs must go on for like a hundred miles and be many multiple stories high and deep. The Mortician's Order must have like hundreds of thousands of members to handle all the work. They're probably crazy overworked, at that.
  • You can buy a lot of Charms and Combos with a century's worth of experience.
  • Dragon-Blood Melee charms are the suck.
  • Summon elementals (low-risk) for magical pets and generally wholesome, natural purposes. Summon (high-risk) demons if you want to do FREAKY SHIT. This is a RULE. There is a concrete limit to how freaky elementals get. Beyond that is demons. There is a concrete limit to how freaky demons get. Beyond that are the Fair Folk. If you can bind the Fair Folk, you are Made Of Win (TM).
  • If you stat a Deathlord properly, there is absolutely no way a group of Solars under the ages of 200 could take them. At all. I mean, take the Lover. If you so much as look at her, she rips your brain out with her boobs and makes you her bitch for eternity. You would take -1 penalties to everything just by being within three miles of her, she's so hot. Or the Lion: if you so much as contemplate attacking him, nasty high-Essence permanents make you explode. If you use orichalcum superheavy plate to hold yourself together, it blows that up too.
  • Playing any game where everybody has more than, say, Intelligence 7 or so is impossible because that's about the point where the average person starts to have cerebral hemorrhaging when you try to explain what goes on inside their heads.
  • Has anybody looked at the stats for Octavian and thought Jesus Christ, this guy's only a Second Circle? I want my mommy?