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Glowering Bear

Glowering Bear can be somewhat surprising, given his name. But, most sages agree in the old adage 'best not to judge a book by its cover'.

In sharp contrast to his name, Glowering Bear is relatively small of stature. A small, meek, mild mannered man, who is slow to anger, and even slower to take drastic actions. He is short and thin, and tends to dress in plain robes dyed red. His glacier white hair is short cropped, and spiked - a feature which oddly complements his violet eyes. He has been mistaken for an albino numerous times, but he is not actually an albino. He just needs to spend more time outdoors, is all.

You couldn't meet anybody more thoughtful or respectful than Glowering Bear, again another curious contradiction to his name. He loves to read and write, spending copious amounts of his time doing so (and has, in fact, authored several relatively arcane and unknown books, a majority of which are housed in the libraries of the Blessed Isle, and are Dynast restricted books, which is why he is relatively unknown as an author).

Glowering Bear exudes a serene sense of self confidence, and it carries with him when he walks or undertakes any form of physical movement. He tends to move slowly, yet deliberately - and frequently many times, has been asked if he was a practicioner of martial arts, to which he fervently denies. This could not be farther from the truth however; and several martial artists at a famous tournament in Nexus three years prior to the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress could have sworn that they fought him, although all of them disagree that it was Glowering Bear for numerous reasons, the only agreement between them was that the fighter they remembered 'looked different' - and none of them, of course, could agree exactly what he looked like.


Glowering Bear is in all actuality, a Chosen of Secrets, of the Bronze Faction. He is very young and somewhat inexperienced for a Sidereal, however, being only 70 years since his exaltation. He hasn't done much as of yet to earn great notation in the annals of Heaven, but in all of his performance reviews by the oversight committee, have spoken highly of his ability to learn, his cool demeanor 'under fire', and his quick wit. Kejak has been watching his career with interest for a decade now, and small rumours amongst jealous peers would have one believe that Glowering Bear will be hand picked to become heir to Kejak's final plans, when Kejak finally dies. Until about 10 years ago, that is.

That was when Glowering Bear had a major disagreement with Chejop Kejak, one of such magnitude and temper tantrums (very rare indeed for somebody so calm and slow to anger) and was rattling enough that Glowering Bear has (with a bit of cajoling from several peers) joined the Gold Faction. He was most interested in helping set up the administrative and bureaucratic aspects of the Cult of the Illuminated, and was able to streamline several processes, making the paper side of the Cult run more efficiently. He currently sits in a mid level position, and has earned the trust of the Gold Faction (a bit, anyways). It seems the only thing stopping him from making higher levels of the cult, are seniority and trust issues (10 years is not a long time, in the eyes of the chosen of the maidens).


Stat up glowering bear, when I get some time, and flesh him out further.

He will be introduced probably in the first session of play, and will accompany the PCs (at least to safety, if they decide to accept the cults offer of assistance). The character is vaguely modeled after the character of Astinus from the Dragon Lance series, at least in 'concept', although far different from Astinus in personality. He will be a scribe, an assistant, and (of course, spying upon) the PCs. He will also be called upon if the PCs are ever in any serious trouble, and most notably as a tag along to help the new players come to terms with Exalted (my NPC outlet to the PCs if they need info that perhaps escapes them, or an in game outlet for me to explain exalted to them, instead of constant out of game monologues).

Glowering Bear will also be keeping a journal as he travels with his newfound friends, which will be my way of posting session logs, in the perspective of his journal entries, as I am wont to do. I've always enjoyed doing this in games I run, it allows session logs to be posted but only helps to draw you in when reading it from an in character perspective. Plus, it allows me to get my meager writing fixes, lol!
