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So, here I'm going to stat up Night's Bloody Tears as I see him. This will probably change as I flesh out ideas of his powers. So you know, his power level is supposed to be equivalent to that of a Deathlord, ambitious as that is. Any and all commentary is valued.

Night's Bloody Tears, Malfean Corrupted Full Moon

Nature: Bravo

Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 8, Stamina 8, Charisma 12, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4, Perception 6, Intelligence 8, Wits 5.

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valour 5.

Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 8, Awareness 5, Brawl 8 (Multiple Opponents ***), Craft (Artefact Weaponry) 3, Craft (Artefact Armour) 3, (Craft Specialisation: Moonsilver ***), Dodge 8, Endurance 8, Investigation 6 (Tracking **), Larceny 4, Linguistics 1 (Native: Old Realm, Primordial War Battle Tongue), Lore 8 (Laeleth ***), Martial Arts 8 (Clinch ***), Medicine 4, Melee 8, Occult 8 (Underworld ***), Performance 4, Presence 8 (Intimidation ***), Resistance 8, Socialise 2, Stealth 8, Survival 8, Thrown 5.

Backgrounds: Allies (Shadow's Wrath) 3, Backing (Malfeans) 5, Contacts 5, Influence (Underworld) 3, Manse 4, Resources 5, Spies 4. Night's Bloody Tears' reputation as the scourge of the Underworld also helps him in a lot of cases, but as he has remained mostly low-profile and is considered a legend to scare young ghosts with by most, the effects of his appearance vary. All the Deathlords know of him, but the same can not be said of their Abyssal servants.

Merits: Acute Sense (Hearing, Sight), Internal Compass, Driving Passion (Reunite with Laeleth), Born to Rule, Hidden Manse, Eternal Vow (Laeleth)

Flaws: Addiction (Seeing Laeleth, the crysaline encased body in his lair will do, 5 points)

Night's Bloody Tears has other things which approximate merits and flaws, but are taken into account in his other abilities.

Charms: Night's Bloody Tears no longer has Charms, as such. When his Essence was corrupted by the Malfeans and he consumed his name, he changed. His body now consists of twisted shadows and the essence of the Void, and his ability to use Charms was replaced by the following set of abilities. They are noted either as Passive, in which case they are always active, or have a cost in motes and/or willpower after their name.

Protean Nature (Passive/1 Willpower): Night's Bloody Tears' body is now living shadow. However he is able to manifest his head and arms if he wishes, which appear as they did when he was human. It also means that he can merely flow over, around or through most obstacles if there is even the slightest gap. In addition, with the expenditure of 1 willpower, he can call upon the remnants of his Deadly Beastman Transformation ability. His shadowy mass doubles, and he loses the ability to manifest his human parts. In this form, referred to as his War form, he can make as many attacks per round as his Essence score (8) at full dice pool, even choosing to perform multiple different actions such as a mixture of attacks and defences, although he can not further split the dice pools of each action. He also degrades the rank of all damage he takes in this form, so aggravated damage is reduced to lethal and lethal to bashing. Bashing damage has no effect on him in this state. Finally, all raw damage done to him in his War form is halved after soak. It costs no willpower to revert to his 'normal' state from this form. It is, however, the only action he can take that round whether he is transforming into his War form or back to his normal one. It also allows him minor feats of shapeshifting his form at will in either form, but he no longer has the ability to become other creatures, just his human form and his shadowy mass, although he can appear as a creature made from shadow. In his human form, his 'clothes' are formed in the fashion of the Primordial War era.

Of Shadow and Void (Passive): The nature of his substance makes Night's Bloody tears very hard to damage. He is immune to all attacks not made by a weapon forged of the Magical Materials or empowered by a Charm. It is also impossible to clinch him without clinch-enhancers made from one of the Magical Materials (just a Charm is insufficient). Essence based attacks such as Essence Cannons and Charms that do direct damage affect him normally. Finally, due to to power of the void instilled in him, all his unarmed attacks do aggravated damage as they burn the very essence of those he touches.

Strength Beyond Flesh (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears' maximum allowed strength is doubled. As represented in his profile, he has already reached this potential.

Dread Beyond Terror (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears' maximum allowed Charisma is increased by 50% beyond the normal maximimum. Once again, this is already taken into account in his profile.

Unholy Aura (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears exudes a palpable aura of menace and terror. He can suppress this ability as a free action, and activate it again as a free action, when he doesn't want people to feel him coming.The aura extends for 10x his Charisma score in feet (120 feet) and puts all opponents caught in it at a -2 to their dice pool for all actions taken against him. Note that it doesn't affect other actions, just those against Night's Bloody Tears himself. Anyone in the aura feels a chill in their very bones and knows something unwholesome is near. In addition, all Solars must take a Valour test (Difficulty 1) when they first feel his aura. If they fail they gain a point of Limit and can not act in his presence for 3 full rounds due to numbing terror. If they botch they can't act while in the effect of the aura and must test again the next time they encounter it.

Lunar Anathema (Passive): By betraying Luna Night's Bloody Tears has become anathema to her Chosen. All Lunar's become extremely agitated in his presence, doubling the willpower cost for them to suppress their virtues. They also instincitvely regard him as a 'bigger predator' than them unless their Essence is higher than his. The effects of this are up to roleplaying on the part of the Lunar's controller.

Vulnerable to Sorcery (Passive): For whatever reason, probably to do with the nature of his corruption, Night's Bloody Tears is particularly vulnerable to sorcery. All sorcerous effects double their raw damage against him before soak. Note that this only applies to attacks which hit him directly, not to, for example, the strikes of a Magma Kraken. The same is not true of Necromancy, however, which affects him normally.

Sever Life (1 mote per dice): Aligning the offensive flows of his Essence with that of his target, Night's Bloody Tears can strike with unerring accuracy. For every mote spent, add a single dice to a single attack roll against a single target. The only limit to the amount of dice he can add is the amount of Essence he has to spend.

Call of Heart's Blood (5 motes per target): Listening to the flows of blood from the very heart of his target, Night's Bloody Tears can strike them down with barely any concentration. By spending 5 motes per target he wishes to affect, all his attacks become Perfect attacks against that target. Roll for the attack and parry normally, but even if the attack would normally miss it still does base damage. This attack can not be dodged, and may only be parried by a Perfect Defence. Any non Magical Material used to parry this attack wil perish in the attempt. This ability can only be used while he is in his War form.

Hunt You to the Ends of Creation (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears may always strike his opponents no matter what state they are in due to his highly magical nature and the power of the Void that flows through him. He can attack incorporeal spirits as though they were manifested, and no form of evasion can prevent his attacks from hitting unless they are actually dodged. Specifically, this includes the Alchemical Charm Transphase Engine.

Void Sheathed Form (8 motes, 1 Willpower): Night's Bloody Tears is emminantly aware of the need for faultless defence, and over his many centuries has developed this technique. Manipulating the Void that streaks his form, he concentrates it on the point of impact of an attack against him, using the nothingness of the Void to disspate the attack. This is a Perfect Defence, and may be used against any attack regardless of whether it can be defended against or not. It will also negate the secondary effects of any such attack or stop non-damaged based attacks. This gives him a number of uses equal to his Essence (8) which expire at the end of the scene if not used. Each use of this ability renews these uses, not adds to them.

Speed of Shadow (10 motes per hour): Using this ability Night's Bloody tears can travel at impressive speeds. He can travel up to his Dexterity x100 (800) miles per hour using this ability, but the Essence used to power this ability remains committed until the next sunset.

Feel No Pain (Passive): Night's Bloody tears no longer feels much physical discomfort at all, even by things that damage him which he feels as little tingles of discomfort. He ignores all wound penalties and penalties due to pain or discomfort.

Of Sterner Stuff (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears' form is incredibly hard to damage significantly, as represented by his large amount of health levels.

Darkness Endures (Passive): The nature of his substance makes Night's Bloody Tears immune to environmental damage of any kind, even supernatural. He also does not need to breath, so can not drown, and is immune to all forms of poison, drugs and toxins. When he reaches 0 health levels due to bashing damage, he does not become incapacitated and instead fights on as normal. Only lethal or worse damage can actually incapacitate him.

My Cruel Streak Is Bigger Than Yours (1 mote per dice, 3 motes per additional target): Not only is Night's Bloody Tears naturally intimidating, he's had millenia to perfect his malicious tendencies. He can spend 1 mote per dice increase to his Presence pool agaisnt a single target in any social situation. In addition, for the cost of another 3 motes per target, he can include multiple targets up to his Essence (8) in total. When he uses this ability, those who cannot roll at least as many successes as he has made on his roll with a Willpower check are automatically afraid of him, no matter what their previous stance towards him was. The effects of this power last for a scene. The only exception to this is Laeleth, who this power does not work on at all.

Drink of Destruction (1 Willpower): Once activated, this power lasts for an entire scene. Night's Bloody Tears starts absorbing the damaged Essence of those he attacks, adding either one health level or 5 motes to himself for every health level of damage he does. This can not take him above his normal maximum of either wounds or essence.

Bound to Death Eternal (Passive): As long as the Malfeans exist, Night's Bloody Tears can not truly be destroyed. If he is killed, he will instead reform in his Manse on the night of the next Full Moon. In the unlikely event his well hidden Manse is destroyed, he will instead reform in the tombs of the Malfeans, and he will be Pissed.

Free Agent (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears was never truly bound to the Malfeans. After the creation of the Deathlords when they demanded their other servants surrender their names unto them, Ul'shar (his original name) instead devoured his, completing his change following the destabilisation of the Lunars and making him what he is today. As such, while he is bound to the Malfeans, he has escaped both the Great Curse and the thrall of servitude the Malfeans placed on their other servants. But he is still a Malfean creature, and they can punish him for disobedience even if they can not compel him to do their will. The end effect of this is that while he is unwilling to go against his Master's wishes, his own agenda always comes first. If he has to incur the wrath of his masters to further his plans, so be it. It also has the curious effect of placing him outside of fate for the purposes of Sidereal Charms and Astrology. In addition, Luna is very touchy about him being brought up, and looks disfavourably upon any investigations into him. This is backed up by the fact she had all records of him destroyed, so the only entities that know of his existance are those who were alive during the Primordial War, and of those only the Incarna and Laeleth are aware that Ul'shar did not perish at the close of the war. Lytek has been extremely careful to prune any memories of his name and his betrayal if not his presence from each and every shard that has come into his care, which every shard has since the edict from Luna.

With age comes knowledge (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears is a Celestial level sorceror, and is considered to know all printed Terrestial and Celestial Circle spells. He has to pay the Willpower and Essence costs for the sorcery as normal. He may activate any other of his abilities on the same turn he uses sorcery, except that it takes his action to cast the spell, even in War Form.

And with knowledge comes power: Given his state of being saturated with the power of the Void, it is no real surprise that Night's Bloody Tears is a necromancer of the Void circle. He is considered to know ALL necromantic spells, including those the Deathlords would have preferred not to have had to teach him. After all, he can be very... persuasive. As with sorcery, he has to pay the willpower and Essence costs for the necromancy as normal. He may activate any other of his abilities on the same turn he uses necromancy, except that it takes his action to cast the spell, even in War Form.

I Can See You... (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears is highly attuned to the flows of Essence around him as he stalks the world. He has, for all intents and purposes, the Solar Charm 'All Encompassing Sorceror's Sight' in effect on him at all times.

Soothed By Darkness (Passive): When in complete darkness or resting at night, Night's Bloody tears regains Essence at twice the normal rate and heals 1 level of damage (bashing, lethal or aggravated) per hour. This power is effectively permamnent while he is in the Underworld, whether he is resting or not.

Drown in the Void (Passive): Anything killed by Night's Bloody tears is irrevocably destroyed. Items can not be re-made, even through the use of Charms, living creatures have their souls immediately enter lethe and ghosts are cast screaming into Oblivion. This will even affect the Deathlords, of which they are well aware, who view Night's Bloody Tears as the Malfean's final trump card against disobedience. The fact that he is older than them only makes them more nervous. Night's Bloody Tears enjoys the effect his mere presence has on a Deathlord, and enjoys 'stopping by' whenever his path crosses theirs. Needless to say, any sort of information the Deathlords could glean that would give them some form of leverage against this abomination of the Malfean's would be almost priceless to them. It's a shame only the older gods, the Yozi, the Malfeans and Laeleth know more about him than them.

Torment Eternal (Passive): Night's Bloody Tears' will is impressive indeed, but over the many years in order to further his plans he has killed his love again and again, and can not help but hate himself for what he has to do, even if it means they will one day be together again. To represent this, although his Willpower is 10, he can never have more than 8 temporary Willpower points at one time.

Base Initiative: 13

Attack: Rend: Speed 28, Accuracy 13, Damage 36 Ag, Defence 10, Rate 5. (+15 speed, +5 accuracy, +20 damage, +2 defence, rate 5) Pierce: Speed 33, Accuracy 13, Damage 26 Ag, Defence 6, Rate 2 Notes: Armour Piercing. (+20 speed, +5 Accuracy, +10 damage, -2 defence, rate 2) These attacks are made using manipluation of his substance, usualy into long, sharp shadowy blades or spikes, and replace his normal unarmed attacks. He can also clinch as normal or use any weapon based on his normal statistics. Note that due to Of Shadow And Void, his clinches do aggravated damage.

Dodge Pool: 24 (Exalted Power Combat)

Soak: 30L/30B (Form of Void and Shadow, this includes his bonus for Stamina and is considered natural armour, so piercing weapons have no effect on his armour rating. In addition, he counts as having a hardness of 10 under Exalted Power Combat.)

Willpower: 10 (Max 8 temporary).

Health Levels: 41 x 0, 1 x Inc.

Essence: 8

Essence Pool: 100 (This is calculated as normal for a Lunar, except that Night's Bloody Tears has no personal essence pool, no tell, no Caste mark and no anima banner.)

Notes: Night's Bloody Tears has a cruel streak as wide as Creation and somewhat sadistic tendencies. However, his desire to be re-united with his love is his one and only driving force. Nothing will ever stop him form furthering his goal, and the Malfeans humour his desire if only because it keeps him occupied and distracts him from the fact that they can't actually MAKE him do anything. But the Malfeans are not afraid of him, as he can't do anyhting to them, but he could hinder their plans. they spend a lot of effort keeping him 'under control'. If he ever turns on them, they will toss in their sleep and regard him as yet another obstacle to overcome, but in the end they could not subvert his mind and soul, only corrupt his body. In return, Night's Bloody Tears likes his Masters to think of him as a 'good boy', since as long as he does their work and doesn't actively defy them, they help him in his quest in little ways. They have made specific effort to conceal from him the fact of corrupting Solar Essence, as they are sure he would attempt to do it to Laelth if he found out about it, and they are unsure what exactly this would mean. When Running Night's Bloody Tears as he interacts with the party, remember that while he is a very malicious entity he is also highly intelligent. H won't betray his masters or their servants unless he has direct and definitive evidence to his satisfaction that this will lead him directly to his wanted goal of re-uniting with Laeleth. He will, howeever, use threats, intimidation and his own considerable powers to convince the party that if they don't do EXACTLY what he wants, he will rend them limb from limb. If he's feeling particularly bored, he might just do that anyway. He likes to hear things scream. Note that he was still a bit of a bastard during the Primordial War, but his corruption has heightened these traits to the extreme, and now he is an extremely sadistic predator. So while he is likely to kill the party if they obstruct him in his duties, it is also likely he'll 'convince' tham to help him do it quicker so he can get back to his eternal problem. If he can't get them to aid him, he'll probably kill them all in a fit of pique or simply for some entertainment. In Combat, Night's Bloody Tears is brutally direct. He Usually switches to his War form on the first round and crushes the biggest threat to him first as quickly as possible. He prefers removing threats to holding his defences in ready, and so will usally attack with all his actions, relying on his toughness and void Sheathed form (effectively a reflexive Charm) to protect him against counter attack. He will mercilessly and immediately slaughter anyone of Essence 5 or higher that engages him in combat highest Essence first, then Solars, then Lunars then others as dictated by his fancy, but views being of Essence 4 or less as more like playthings, and often keeps them alive for a while to stretch out his 'entertainment'. He should not be deployed against the party unless you are confident they can deal with him in combat or as a plot device. If you want to simply slaughter your party, there are nicer ways of doing it.

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure I've missed something, but I'll make sure to add it if I remember what it is. Comments are not only appreciated, but encouraged.