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Warp and Weft by Ambisinister the Ab Minister

Warp and Weft are a pair of daggers reputedly forged just after the start of the Primordial Wars by the Maidens themselves. As the story goes, when the Incarna first decided to rebel, one of the first tasks assigned to the Maidens was to eliminate all of the gods related to the weaving of Fate that may have still been loyal to the Primordials. All of the defeated gods were forged into starmetal to be used in the creation of artifacts for the Maidens' chosen. The starmetal which was used to forge Warp and Weft is said to have come from the greatest of these gods.

The daggers are made almost entirely made of starmetal. The edges of the blades are the only exception, instead made of starmetal alloyed with threads from Fate. The hilts are wrapped in leather made from the very skin of the Maidens. Finally, the daggers have had their names and purposes inlaid into their tangs using a lacquer whose base is comprised of light from all 25 of the major constellations. The weapons have a very simple and elegant appearance. Each is approximately two feet long from tip to pommel. The blades are single edged and slightly curved. About a third of the way up the blade, on the back, is a sharp, backwards curving hook. The leather wrapping the hilts changes color based on which constellations are pirmary in the sky. The interior edge of Warp's hook is sharpened, whereas Weft's is left dull. There is a single hearthstone setting in the pommel of each weapon.

Warp and Weft were created to be wielded by the greatest of the Maiden's chosen. Originally, each house had possession of the daggers for a single season before they were passed on. The last documented use of the blades was during Usurpation. They were in the possession of Relentless Gale, the Deceptive Mirror, a Chosen of Endings. Gale's Solar Liege, in a fit of desperation, overloaded his manse causing a massive explosion. The entire structure was ripped to pieces, destroying the very demense which lent it power. The ground sunk beneath the site leaving only a rubble filled crater. Relentless Gale, and Warp and Weft, were never seen again. Gale has yet to re-incarnate and astrologers have been unable to locate his shard.

Warp - Level 4 Starmetal Dagger

The blade that cuts Destiny short, Warp can strike against the pattern of its targets with a variety of effects. If the target of Warp's attack is under the effects of Sidereal Astrology and the attack garnered more net successes then the Astrology Effect had Effect Dice remaining, the astrology effect is dispelled. Otherwise the Effect remains in place.
Warp's sting can twist the threads of Destiny so badly that they reject the source of the pain, casting the victim of Warp's attack outside Fate. If a character suffers damage from an attack made by Warp then he must engage in a contested Essence roll with the weilder of Warp. If the target looses, he is cast out of Fate for 15 - Essence months. If he wins the roll there is no effect.
For items bound only loosely into Fate's web the touch of Warp is death and destruction as the affected pattern is utterly ripped away. Extras and mundane objects are instantly destroyed when struck by Warp unless the owner wills them not to be with a reflexive Willpower roll.
Aside from its more esoteric powers Warp is bound to the fate of its weilder. It can not be de-attuned without the permission of the Maidens and it will heed its master's call, returning to his hand if it is within his line of sight. Further, all attacks and parries with Warp have their Target Number reduced by 1 and all attempts to defend against it have their difficulty increased by 1.

Warp (Melee): Damage +9L | Accuracy +4 | Defense +1 | Speed +2 | Rate 7 | Committment 8 Warp (Thrown): Damage +9L | Accuracy +4 | Speed +2 | Rate 1 | Range 20 yards | Committment 8

Weft - Level 4 Starmetal Dagger

The blade that tears the snags from Destiny and makes it whole once more, Weft can strike the impurities from Fate. With this power even beings outside of fate such as demons, ghosts or other creatures under certain effects can be brought inside the Tapestry. Doing so requires a successfull attack with Weft scoring at least 1 damage and a contested Essence roll. If Weft's weilder wins the roll, the target is brought inside Fate for 15 - their Essence in months. If the target wins, he remains outside fate.
Weft's strikes can also drag the threads of Fate into auspicious or inauspicious patterns, granting temporary Astrology Effects upon their targets. The victim of a successfull attack can be subjected to an Astrology effect with a scope of 1, a duration of 1 week and a number of Effect points equal to the net successes on the attack. Effect points can be moved to Scope if required to affect the target.
Aside from its more esoteric powers Weft is bound to the fate of its weilder. It can not be de-attuned without the permission of the Maidens and it will heed its master's call, returning to his hand if it is within his line of sight. Further, all attacks and parries with Weft have their Target Number reduced by 1 and all attempts to defend against it have their difficulty increased by 1.

Weft (Melee): Damage +7L | Accuracy +1 | Defense +4 | Speed +2 | Rate 7 | Committment 8 Weft (Thrown): Damage +7L | Accuracy +1 | Speed +2 | Rate 1 | Range 20 yards | Committment 8

The Set

When both Warp and Weft are attuned and weilded by the same owner, they grant additional powers to themselves and their master.

The weilder of Warp and Weft can see the landscape of the Loom clearly. By making a simple Perception + Craft (Fate) roll he can see if a person in his line of sight is being manipulated by Fate. For each success the character can identify an Astrological Effect or the presence of the Dark Fate, Lucky, Unlucky, Destiny, or Cursed merits/flaws. Additional successes may be used to determine the relative strength of the affecting phenomenon.

The weapons themselves gain several powers as the blessings of the Maidens fall upon them. Mercury forbids the blades to be lost and so Warp and Weft will return to their owner within a week if misplaced or stolen. Venus allows the weapons to leave behind dreary Creation, dematerializing into Elsewhere as a reflexive action and recalled with another reflexive action. Jupiter reduces the Target Number of all the wielder's rolls by 1 when they relate to misdirection, deception or deceit. Mars and Saturn offer increased martial prowess and lethality to the weapons; using Warp and Weft together raises their ping damage by 3, removes any off-hand penalty and reduces multiple action penalties by up to 10. Damage done by either blade counts 10's as double successes.
