Character Gen Rules

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I based these off of the stats given for children Dynasts in E:DB (pg. 287), with some modifications that Garris posted on the White Wolf Forums. Do tell me what you think.

  • Ages 11-12
    • Attributes: 5/5/4 (No more than three in any physical category)
    • Abilities: 15 (None over three)
      • Aspect Abilities: 5 (as in E:DB)
      • Favored Abilities: 3 (as in E:DB)
      • Specialities: Favored or Aspect abilities only
    • Backgrounds: 5
    • Bonus Points: 20 (Chart same as in E:DB)
    • Charms: None
    • Essence: 1
    • Virtues: 5 (as in E:DB)


  • Ages 13-15
    • Attributes: 6/6/4
    • Abilities: 20 (One over three)
      • Aspect Abilities: 5 (as in E:DB)
      • Favored Abilities: 3 (as in E:DB)
      • Specialities: Favored or Aspect abilities only
    • Backgrounds: 7
    • Bonus Points: 20 (Chart same as in E:DB)
    • Charms: One; aspect only
    • Essence: 1
    • Virtues: 5 (as in E:DB)


  • Misc. Notes
    • Native Language: High Realm
      • Restricted Languages: Guild Cant, Tribal Tongues
    • Ages 11-12: -1 to -3 dice penalty when socially interacting with adults (ala Flaw: Child)


  • Backgrounds
    • Restricted
      • Artifact: One level one artifact, jade only
      • Backing: 1 max; house only
      • Breeding: 3 max
      • Familiar: 1 max
      • Henchmen: 1 max; represents a personal servant
      • Mentor: 2 max; in-House or at school
      • Reputation: inside the school
      • Resources: 2 max; 1=5 obols/week spending, 2=10 obols/week spending
    • Banned
      • Command
      • Manse


  • Merits and Flaws
    • Restricted
      • Addiction
      • Amnesia
      • Beacon of Power
      • Brigid's Heir
      • Cache
      • Callous
      • Climate Sensitive
      • Derangement
      • Favor
      • Innocuous
      • Large Size
      • Pain Tolerance
      • Prodigy
      • Slow Healing
      • Sterile
      • Sun-Seared
      • Unskilled
      • Vice
      • Weak Essence
      • Weak Immune System
      • Weak-Willed

    • Banned
      • Amputee
      • Barbarian
      • Damaged Artifact
      • Dark Fate
      • Debt
      • Disfigured
      • Disciple
      • Dying
      • Hidden Manse - No access to a Manse, so doesn't make sense
      • Legendary Artifact - Um...NO.
      • Legendary Breeding - Unless you're directly related to the Empress, don't even think about it.
      • Mutation - That thing'll get you killed in the Realm
      • Priest - Too young
      • Terrestrial Bloodline - Redundant
      • Wanted

Comments Welcome