From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Those works of the Exalted game line that are considered "official," and are usually the bits referred to by other books. Canon is useful when it provides a yardstick and common point of reference for the players and writers. It is less than useful when it constrains the imagination and stops you from having fun.
Exalted players and storytellers are encouraged to break canon with gleeful abandon when it suits their fancy.
- Of course, the problem with breaking canon is that you may wind up making books that have not yet been published, that you would otherwise love to use, impossible to use in your chronicle without considerable adaptation. Then again, there are some books that have come out (Kingdom of Halta comes to mind--actually, most of the "location books" probably qualify) that have that problem even if you haven't broken canon, because they establish canon where there wasn't any before. --MF