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Hoshiko Star Child

His fate revealed on the stars, Chosen as priest and king.

Hoshiko was born in the land of Chun-Ka deep in the threshold to the east. Chun-Ka is a nation that due to its distance from the realm has been able to uphold its worship of the Unconquered Sun for many generations. Their prophets and seers for many years foretold the birth of a child that would lead them to glory, and restore the world from the wickedness that had endured since the usurpation. Such a child was born and announced in the stars to the prophets of the Chun-Ka people, and they took him from his peasany family and protected him with all they had. They took him into the royal manse - the seat of authority for the people. It is an elaborate Temple & Palace dedicated to the training of martial arts, wise men, prophets, and service to the Unconquered Sun. For centuries it lay without anyone on the throne. The people waited patiently for the one who would restore the world, knowing that the Unconquered Sun would bless them that the ruler should rise up from them. In the centuries that passed the priests led the people with wisdom and righteousness.

Hoshiko was born from humble beginnings, his parents were farmers of the land. The Unconquered Sun blessed them that their child would be the one prophesied. Hoshiko was taken from them at birth and named by the priests with the name that they had reserved for him. His parents were invited to live in the manse - honor and prestige given to them by the people of Chun-Ka for the blessing that the Unconquered Sun had given them through Hoshiko. He was a beautiful child, the most magnificent ever seen by these people before.

Hoshiko was trained intensively from the very beginning. In matters of wisdom, education, martial arts, leadership, humility, and all that the Chun-Ka saw as necessary attributes of a leader, following also the wisdom of the text 'The Perfected Lotus Sutras'. They were preparing what they foresaw as the ruler of creation. As Hoshiko grew, so his countenance shone such that the people knew in their hearts just by looking at him that he was the one they had waited for.

Throughout all this, Hoshiko was learning to come to grips with who he was told he was. He felt normal, insofar as normal appeared for a distant observer. He had no opportunity to grow with his people, confined to the manse. He did not know if he really was so great as he was told. His mastery of martial arts and texts of wisdom could not be doubted. Yet he still felt greed and a desire for power, vices that he could only barely recognise. They were hidden at the back of his mind, intertwined with the words of prophecy he had been fed.


It came to pass one day that Hoshiko was meditating in the Manse gardens on matters of humility and pride when one of his beloved mentors approached him. Hoshiko had come to love this man, Kogachi. He was wise and friendly, and told Hoshiko secrets that made his heart burn with pleasure. Kogachi whispered more words of teaching into his ears, sitting in the quiet of the garden. Hoshiko listened eagerly, trusting as a child every drop of wisdom from Kogachi. Kogachi rose and left, leaving Hoshiko to ponder on the wisdom of his elder.

Listening to the bubbling water, the soft rustling air through the leaves, Hoshiko was suddenly overcome with a light as bright as the sun. He beheld an image of the Unconquered Sun, who said: "Hoshiko. These people from whom you have born are teaching you my paths so that you may lead Creation with all righteousness. You are a priest and a king in my service. Rise up, bear the wisdom and humility I have granted you: reunite my chosen under my banner and lead them to bring Creation under my light." Hoshiko felt himself overcome through the Exaltation his mind sharp with the greater wisdom of the Unconquered Sun. And then, the lies were revealed. He saw a vision of Kogachi in a court, and every words that Kogachi spoke caused those around him to become green...poisoned. Him who had seemed so wise to Hoshiko was a servant of self, who sought to taint Hoshiko to give himself power.

Hoshiko gathered together his teachers and beloved in the royal room, and stood in front of the throne. Still a child, his voice now commanded respect. He spoke to those assembled of the glories of the Unconquered Sun. He spoke of how he had been taught, but now he would teach. How he had been lead, but now he would lead. He pointed out Kogachi and said to him, "You whom I have loved and trusted, your poison has been revealed to me. I know now what the Unconquered Sun wishes. You who had a position of great authority and trust, you lied to a child." A look of denial and disbelief crossed Kogachi's face. Hoshiko continued, "Depart from this land as an outcast. On the day you repent to the Unconquered Sun, his glory will shine on your face and you will be received. Until then, you are cursed to wander the land, forsaken." Kogachi's face grew hot with anger and he retorted, "You are still a child with much to learn. How dare you rebuke your elder! We raised you from the most humble of beginnings, and we will tell you when your time is over!" Kogachi looked around the faces for support, but found none. They were all enraptured by the sermon of Hoshiko, and surprised by the response of Kogashi - one in whom they used to see patience and wisdom. Kogachi continued, "Come here child, that you might be disciplined." Kogachi adopted his martial arts stance, expecting Hoshiko to do the same. Hoshiko, now exalted, adopted the Celestial Monkey stance in the court of the Manse. All watched in surprise, seeing what they had never seen before. The epic fight began, and Hoshiko defeated the one who had once taught him. The moves came to Hoshiko through a memory that he once did not have. Kogachi lay defeated, and humiliated. Hoshiko ordered him taken out and banished from the kingdom. Looking around, his face was seen with tears. Hoshiko had not enjoyed what he had done, but knew it was necessary. He turned around, approached the throne, and sat in it for the first time. A child priest-king. Those in the Palace-Manse looked at their new king, and he looked like a god.

Celestial Monkey Style

When the Unconquered Sun visisted Hoshiko, he began to adopt the Celestial Monkey style. He realised that in order to be a suitable priest and king for the Unconquered Sun he must free himself from the vices of men. Bureaucracy, money, power - these are all but tools, just like a fork used to eat a meal, or a roof on a house. Hoshiko feels no attachment to these things, but utilizes them as useful extensions of the power that the Unconquered Sun gave him. Hoshiko seeks to learn the intricacies and wisdoms that the Celestial Monkey Style teaches - a selfless mind.