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Lintha Gajui Father Seon

Commander of the Spirit's Ember fleet, captain of the Storm's Fury.

Born as a Lintha, favourite of Grandmother Melathina.

Chosen of the Unconquered Sun.

Seon As He Was

As a Lintha child, Seon was stronger with his words and his mind, than he was with his arms and his legs. For ever since he was born, the cruelty and arrogance of his god-blood ran strong through him. He tolerated with empty deceit those Lintha outsiders for the profit of his family. Seon followed in the footsteps of his family's traditions, and excelled where others merely passed. He began learning the art of swordsmanship, the trickery of deceit and lying words, and the honor of seamanship and leadership. He was quickly marked out for greater things. When he came of age, he sired according to Lintha Ng Hut Ooloo's design two children, a son named Yijat and a daughter named Jas Inja. Having completed his duty, he willingly joined the Cult of Dukantha, castrating himself to receive greater honor. Even now, though, the seeds of betrayal were born.

Seon vigilantly read the works of Kan Pol the Younger in the Book of the Utz Semivir. Though the Lintha acknowledged the poor reasoning, and accepted the wisdom, Seon was sickened by it. Too many impurities existed in the world, and the works of Kan Pol the Younger only compounded it more. His race believed they should rule, yet they did not. Kimberry his Mother was imprisoned, yet she and her kin created them all. Why should the creator's ways be despised so much by the creation? Why should the Dragon-Blooded rule, when by all rights they should not? Yet Seon, in all his reasoning, could not determine what was the true order of things. He could only realise that things were not as they should be. His beloved family and race once were mighty and strong. Now they were weak and outcast. These thoughts niggled and grew at the back of his mind as he pillaged, plundered, and murdered. His unquestioned loyalty to his family was wavering, but none would hear of his thoughts.

6 years ago, during Callibration, when the Cult members were permitted one question to the Great Mother, Seon asked "Why do some yearn compassion, while others revel in cruelty?" She answered him, "You are my child of vengeance on the world. Betrayal will be punished by betrayal." Seon's mind raced. The Exalted had imprisoned his Great Mother here over a thousand years ago, and here she remains with no hope for freedom. Even if another thousand years were to pass, her children were weak shadows of their former selves. With this Seon could empathise - the strong rule over the weak. And he was not weak. If he was created for betrayal, then betray he would. Seon sailed away one day, and donned a mask that he had found in one of his plunders. He became Liran, a merchant wise and ruthless. A merchant dedicated to forging his own world and own wealth, to prove to his parents that he did not need their tribute to succeed. It was here, as Liran, far from Bluehaven, that Seon let his thoughts of betrayal run free. It was here he reasoned and philosophised about life and his place in it, free from concern that he should be uncovered by his kin. When he was in Bluehaven and leading the Spirit's Ember against the Lintha's prey, his thoughts were of loyalty, love for his Mother, and the task at hand. He succeeded at creating two personalities within himself - Liran, traitor, angry child who burned hot against his parents, clever merchant and trusted abritrator. Seon, loyal child bringing honor to his mother, pirate, murderer, cruel antagonizer with no remorse. Neither identity was truly him, because his life held no wisdom. Try as he might, the answers would not come.

Liran began his betrayal. He sought out a spirit with powers of healing. Having nothing the spirit wanted, he agreed to return the favour at another time. After his castration was healed, Liran entered a night of fitful and nightmarish sleep. Conflicting desires tore at his insides - betrayal, loyalty, cruelty, compassion, and more. The favour of the Unconquered Sun was near, but Liran knew nothing of it.

He woke up, changed. He was resolved in his path. And so Liran mingled with mortals and sired many children. Though he was near sterile with his family, with these creatures of inferior power he was powerful. He sired not a few, but many hundreds. He set himself up comfortably in Chiaroscuro and forged a new life. He collected for himself many wives. He would leave them often, placing competent eunichs in charge during his absence. Where he would go, he would not say - but it was the calling of Seon pushing itself to the fore. He had responsibilities with the Lintha that he could not forsake, unless he wished to see himself destroyed. Though Liran hated his family, he knew they could destroy him. And so, in time, he became again Seon to give due honor and service.


It happened that Liran was sailing one of his blue merchant ships to An-Teng, when his son's own fleet attacked him. Liran's defences were insufficient - his pride had led him to trust too much in his own predictions of Lintha attack behaviour. He had thought the path would be safe. When Yijat boarded the ship he took Liran captive. Yijat, not yet fully grown, intended to feast on the flesh of Liran. However, during the voyage back to Bluehaven, while Yijat was cruelly toying with Liran, he saw his father's eyes through the mask. He let out a cry of surprise, which was quickly replaced with burning eyes of anger. He spat out the angry words, "So, Father, you would betray your family so easily."

Liran replied, "The Lintha are nothing more than a tool for Kimberry. We should form our own destiny - and you could rule with me." Too quick and too easily the words of deceit flowed from Liran's lips. He had brought up no fool though.

"I will have nothing of this!" Yijat screamed. "You will be given, whole and unharmed, to Grandmother Ooloo and she will decide your punishment. By your hand I will rule, through your death." He spat on his father and left the room.

Liran cried out, his thoughts in anguished turmoil. He called out, "What is my path? What is my destiny?". The unexpected answer came. He found himself standing on top of the great mountain of the Blessed Isle, with a shining figure like the Sun standing next to him.

"Here is your place, atop this mountain as my champion. You will crush those who oppose Me, and turn your sharp tongue to the service of Righteousness, and give honor and compassion to those who love Me. I defeated Kimberry by your hand in another age. Serve Me, and return the order that once was, and should always be. You are an Eclipse, my mouthpiece. Go, and unite Creation together again. Find the Golden Lord, My servant who sits on the Pinnacle of Mercy."

Liran opened his eyes, and found the bonds that had tied him fallen to the ground around him. The cabin shone brightly, emanating from an aura around him. Filled with anger he charged out of the cabin, catching his son walking away as if he had just left the cabin. Liran attacked with savage brutality, tearing his progeny into pieces. Taking the sword from the bloodied and twitching corpse, he set himself against the fleet his son led. On that night every single Lintha pirate present was sent to their kin, by the Essence-laden blade wielded by the new servant of the Unconquered Sun.

After the battle, Liran looked around at what he'd done. Somehow it felt right. He prayed to the Unconquered Sun for the first time, thanking him for giving him a purpose, and showing him the path he should follow. No more the life of a vermin outcast, but as a rightful heir of Creation.

Unable to sail on his own, Liran set the sails to catch the wind towards shore that he might swim safely the rest of the distance. Land was within sight, and before long he could swim. He dove into the water and began a three month journey of discovery.

After travelling for 90 days, Liran arrived at the foot of the mountain on which rested the Pinnacle of Mercy. Liran began the arduous task of climbing. The steep slopes and the majestic heights humbled Liran in his heart more than he had ever felt. As he arrived at the top, he was overawed at the magnificent temple. He entered and was ushered inside. There Liran let the priests know his wishes. He showed them his caste mark flaring to prove his service to the Unconquered Sun. They were excited at his presence and arranged the meeting with the Golden Lord for three days hence. They recommended he spend the time in meditation and spiritual preparation to cleanse his mind and his heart.

Liran spent the time, but had trouble taming his Lintha heritage. The two natures inside him warred, and he beseeched the Unconquered Sun for strength and wisdom. On such a spiritual journey, Liran felted lifted higher than before.

When the time came, Liran could remember little of the details except for the meeting itself. The magnificent Golden Lord, seated on the throne, dressed in robes of gold thread and holding a scepter. The bright white light. His own feeling of worthlessness. Too afraid to speak, the Golden Lord said: "I see the wickedness of your heart. Yet even you the Unconquered Sun can cleanse. He has awakened you. Your destiny is in your hands, Chosen One. I present before you this offer, permitted by my Lord. You are free to choose or deny it. Rebuild the destroyed Solar empire, reunite the Exalted and Creation, and restore Heaven. Lead the servants of the Unconquered Sun against the Deathlords and finish the destruction of the Yozi. I will aid you in this. You may also choose to reject this offer. I will then give it to another as the Unconquered Sun directs. If you accept, then you must subject yourself to my training and preparation. If you reject, then may the blessings of the Unconquered Sun follow you, and may you please Him in your journeys."

In a moment of utmost humility, Liran understood his complete unworthiness for the offer. Out of humility, not pride, he accepted the Golden Lord's offer. He did so out of a heartfelt desire to please the Unconquered Sun, not to disappoint.

The Golden Lord responded, "Swear to me that you will pursue what I have spoken. That you will work quickly to purge yourself of wicked acts. You will work to remove words of deceit from your lips. You will reunite Creation under the Unconquered Sun. You will show mercy to those who surrender, and zealous perseverence against those who resist. You will grow compassionate. You will seek to emulate the Unconquered Sun. As you rule, you will do so with justice, compassion and firmness. You will plead the cause of the weak, and defend the needy - whether they be human or exalt. When you flounder, and you will, you will offer one tenth of all that is yours back to the most needy in the world. Swear to me these things, in an oath, and I will guide you." Liran realised more than before how unattainable this was, and how much this contradicted his true nature. Yet he knew he could not return to the wretched hypocrisy and foolishness of his heritage. And so he swore a heaven's oath before the Golden Lord, thus beginning his journey as a righteous ruler. The Golden Lord said, "Your inward wars are named Liran and Seon. They will struggle against you. Cast them off, and become Yari-An, The Budding Rose. Go, find your circle, and I will summon you in time. Then we will begin."

Yari-An as he is

With little more guidance of his path, Yari-An had little to go by. He found his circlemates. He meditated on removing his old nature and taking on the new. It was a hard journey. He no longer sailed at the head of his fleet, participating in theft and murder. Yet he is far from purified. He has begun his journey in cleansing his heart. He is moving forward, even if the progress is slow, thus fulfilling the requirements of his oath to the Golden Lord. Yet all too easy it is to slip into deceitful words. Though he shows a strong and firm face, he inwardly desires those in his Circle to strengthen and uphold him in struggling against his nature. They realise nothing of the true power behind his Lintha heritage, and exactly what it is he wars against.

Those who know him as a pirate call him Seon. Those who know him as a ruthless merchant, Liran. To those wishing to see him unfolding as an image of the Unconquered Sun, Yari-An.

And so, when he slips into his old nature, he goes by the name Seon and Liran. The names of his past. The names of his Yozi heritage. The names of his inner struggle. When he is lifted up, he is Yari-An.

Game Mechanics

What this means game mechanics wise is that when Yari-An limit breaks, he becomes Seon or Liran. His old nature comes forward, without fetters, and expresses itself. In such a manner he enters the condition of the oath to the Golden Lord that requires him to sacrifice a tenth of all he owns. In such manner his suffering is corrected, and he is chastised.