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The Hyong Towns

Somewhere in the boundless forests of the west, on the edges of the territory of Rakshi, Queen of Fangs, and at the eaves of the Twaala Mountains, which form a low, rocky arc towards the North amidst the boundless jungle, there are the Hyong Towns, a tiny confederacy of walled towns which share culture and rulers.


The Hyong Towns were founded by refugees from the northern Scavenger Lands during the late periods of the Contagion, led by outcaste Dragon-Blooded who had been inspired by a vision from the Elemental Dragons. Plunging south and east into the thick jungles, the refugees fought their way through many dangers. In fact, they would not have survived the numerous attacks by creatures of the Wyld and marauding Fair Folk, had not one of their Terrestrial Exalted leaders possessed an artifact which is now the holiest relic of the Hyong Towns- the Assertion of Order.

Though many died along the way, the refugees and their leaders eventually came to a place which they regarded as safe- a tiny plateau in the swooping curve of the Twaala Mountains, deep in the forested East, accessible only by climbing the high, rocky cliffs on the south, or through the Chlang-Hroapak Pass through the Mountains.

The Dragon-Blooded, after establishing the first fort in Hyong, as it was soon to be called, went looking for whatever it was that the Elemental Dragons had set forth for them.

Work in progress!