
From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
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I've set this up as partly about me, but mostly about my current campaign. I don't know if anyone still uses this wiki, but it is the fastest and most convenient way for me to get this started (which I've been planning in my head for some time). Not all of my campaign resources will reside here, however; and what is here may later be migrated. If it looks like there's more people interested in what I have made available than just those already playing in the campaign, I'll leave updates here to where everything's been moved.

Other locations to look for Campaign material...

  • Facebook Page - I made a seperate facebook page for players as a means to log Episodes, communicate, and otherwise play around.
  • Personal Home Page - not sure I'll ever put anything here, and I think it's broken right now, but this is my main site for pretty much everything at the moment. Anything I migrate or can't/shouldn't/won't put here, will end up there. Also, if you are in IT and happen to be looking for an experienced, pragmatic Agile Consultant, this'll be the place to go ;)
  • - which doesn't exist yet (I haven't even registered the DNS); but my campaigns are as much a way for me to explore as "play-test" some of my metaphysical ideology as it is a hobby.
  • Google Drive - I was going to use as my primary repository; but really wanted a wiki. However, I haven't discounted the idea that I may still use it for document sharing and/or downtime (thought I'm hoping all that can go on the Facebook page.

About Me

My "actual" name is Tony Wolf. You are welcome to friend me on Facebook if you like. Just let me know you're from here in your request. I'm a 40 year old gamer at the time of this writing; but that doesn't really make me much of an expert as I haven't gamed very consistently. I was born the same year the Original White Box edition of D&D, and my first introduction was a Second Edition boxed set. There're weren't many players back then, so I spent a lot of time designing games and characters rather than playing or running games, so if there's any of you still out there updating this wiki please don't be hesitant or reserved in your feedback. I've also been lurking for some time on this site and have only signed up now on the discovery that you encourage campaign documentation on your site. I'd planned on setting it up on my own server but I'm tired of waiting to get my system set up to start documenting. If, when, and as this happens, I'll (hopefully) update this page with appropriate links as things are expanded, edited, and migrated.

Since then, I've played quite a bit (D&D, 7th Sea, Shadowrun), but not as much as I've run games; with White Wolf in general and Exalted being my favorite. I have a friend who likes to run very low power games, enjoying the effect of seeing what someone will do when confronted with overwhelming odds and limited resources. While I understand and respect that approach, I have the opposite approach to my games. I enjoy the effect of seeing what someone will do with overwhelming power. What would you do if you could do anything? What do you really want? What do you really believe in? Exalted has been the best system I've found so far for doing so.

About my Campaign

* Disclaimer If you are a player in this campaign, do not read this section. HERE THERE BE SPOILERS MATE! 

This is my ultimate plan for the campaign, but knowing me it will likely change several times before it gets very far along. "No Storyteller's preparation survives the first Scene in tact" (to paraphrase a famous military saying). While I try to customize my campaigns to explore the stories of the characters themselves as much as possible, I am claiming certain themes and liberties with this one. All of which will be deviations from canon. First, I have what seems to me respectable collection of books; but in reviewing the overall wiki, I am beginning to feel it is woefully inaccurate. As such, I am making up the parts I need based on the books I don't have (most notably, either first or second edition rules on Fair Folk, despite having a PC as one in my campaign). Second, (and don't take this to mean that I actually believe any of the books are actual reality) I have injected some of my religious beliefs (mostly Taoism) into the game (mostly Primordial history) and the over-arching campaign story. Third, I've deliberately changed a few things just to keep my players on their toes.


Technically, only this Arc (bigger than a Series, smaller than a campaign) belongs on this wiki; as it is the only one based on Exalted. I have set Exalted in the timeline of human history prior to that which Science has yet to develop the capacity to define (i.e., the Big Bang. How this Arc plays out will determine how "present day" looks. I am operating on the assumption that, without intervention from the players, the ultimate result of the Age of Sorrows will be such that all of Creation as it is known in the world of Exalted is compressed into such a state as to cause such a cataclysmic singularity.

Present Day

Without significant motivation and success by the players in the first Arc, they will have been placed under "magical comas" that allow them to awaken in the modern day, which will be based primarily on White Wolf's World of Darkness (or maybe Requiem, haven't seen enough of that to decide yet.) The bulk of the Arc will be set in modern day Seattle (probably UW campus). However, the players will "arrive" in ancient artifacts brought to the Fianna Tribe from a consortium of Gaia, Luna, and the remaining Fair Folk in hiding behind her.

I have not yet decided if the players will arrive "as is" (i.e., as traditional Exalted, though any Lunar's probably will, and may actually remember Cain and Lilith; or if paradox and the patterns of modern essence will force their transformations into something the current world can understand (such as Antediluvian-powered Kindred, powerful Mages, Umbral spirits, or the like). Again, results of this story Arc will have significant impacts on the final one.


I've decided the least about this story Arc, but am toying with the idea of making Artificial Intelligence a central theme. This one is also likely to deviate from any given rule system the most; as I'd like to combine components of Trinity, Shadowrun, and Serenity.

General (albeit unofficial) paragons (or Exalted, if you prefer) Wikizens

I invite you to tour, comment, correct, add, edit to your heart's content. No disclaimers for you. However, anyone who can help me understand the Exalted - Unofficial Wiki: Copyrights (which seems to be a page yet to be created) would be deeply appreciated. I do plan to quote passages from the books I have as references for both myself and my players (rather than making them go back to p.350 of [Exalted, Second Edition] every time they forget what a Strix is (or looks like). However, whenever I do, I'll cite my source in the manner above, so they can easily find the book if they don't already have it (and I can't currently lend it.)

If anyone knows Intellectual Property law better than me (which shouldn't be hard) and can advise me of a better policy, please let me know. Thank you! --DevilTiger 08:50, 12 December 2014 (UTC)

Player Resources

Storyteller Resources

Public Tools

I don't have any of these yet; but I know some are out there. If you know of any, please provide below. I know of some character sheets and generators, but I'm thinking more of things that speed up and augment game play. In my hopelessly idealistic mind, it may even become a web-based open-source MMO; but probably not.