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A confused character appears normal to his allies and believes himself to be acting normally. He declares his action as if nothing happened (he DOES NOT remember that the fae obviously worked some mojo on him the previous round, however his allies do and may become suspicious).

What happens is, the confused character doesn’t realize that he is attacking a random person, rather than his target. Before he rolls the attack, the ST rolls a die to determine who this character is actually going to attack. The ST plays “eenie-meenie-miney-moe” around the table and stops at the number rolled. The ST should count himself several times if there are multiple enemies the character is fighting. Note that the confused character can certainly attack enemies but by no means necessarily the adversary he was intending to attack.

Confused characters cannot use charms. Their minds are too out of it to be able to concentrate on channeling essence. If a confused character declares he is using a charm, don’t tell him this rule, but quietly cancel the effects of the charm if he attacks a comrade (he doesn’t have to pay the motes). I’ve found that allowing confused characters to use charms makes them way too dangerous to comrades. They still benefit from any persistant defenses or forms they have, though.

The first time a confused player attacks a comrade, it counts as a surprise attack. The comrade can defend himself, but unless he was spending his round watching the movements of the confused character, he defends at an appropriate penalty. After the first such “surprise attack,” allies can parry and dodge a confused character's attacks normally, since they will probably realize that he’s off his bonkers.

Characters can only be healed of this confusion status if it wears off or if the confused character takes at least one bashing HL of damage from friend or foe. Confused players can still parry and dodge attacks regularly (from friends and foes), although if they see another character attacking them in an attempt to heal their confusion, they will definitely try to defend themselves, thinking, “why on earth is my friend attacking me all of the sudden!?”

Confused players must avoid metagaming and still fight strategically, only with the delusion that they are actually attacking the enemy. (From experience, fighting “confused” is actually quite fun.)

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