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Revision as of 06:06, 6 October 2005 by David. (talk)
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Ah, the crux of the matter. Sort of. Right now, I'm looking at a two-branched structure for powers - Charms and Instincts. Charms are, well, Charms. Instincts are handled mechanically like Charms in many respects, but are a great deal less powerful, but also a lot less expensive to use, learn, Combo, or use in Combos. The idea here is that rudimentary effects that handle basic competence will be approached as sets of Instincts, which can be placed in Instinct Combos to create something along the lines of personalized composite Charms. The bits I'll actually call Charms will function on a Celestial level, and will actually have flavor text to speak of, unlike Instincts which will likely be very dry. Currently, I have not settled on a set of mechanical themes for Lunar Charms.