Story Arcs/Session progress

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Session 1

The Infernal Coven has set sail from BlueHaven towards the area of the sea floor that broke open by one of the ancient beasts that Kimbery still had some control over to get to the ruins of the Old Empire so that they may be able to find a way to cure Ng Oroo. Before they arrive at the area they come across three ships devoid of any crew. Two of those ships were triremes of the Realms Water Fleet, the third ship was made of black wood and soulsteel but no trace of who it belonged to. Examining the black ship the Coven discovered Daestra and after being examined by the Defiler committed essence to it and then creation spoke of events the others did not witness. Exploring the other two ships one of the Scourges was able to find code books, signal flares, flags and maps of some of the Realms naval holdings. Further investigation they learned the crews were devoured by strange beasts that once served the Old Empire but no longer under Lintha control and that they were freed when the sea floor was burst open.

When they arrive at the area Kimbery had the beast open they dove down and discovered that it opened up into the area where Lintha Ng Tharini had come to rest after being broken off of Ng Oroo at wars end. Exploration of the city-behemoth took them down the Cave-Wombs of Ng Tharini and into the central spawning pools. There they discovered the schools of these creatures and their ability to sing that would shape living coral to their urges. Whether these creatures are fully intelligent, no more than mere beasts, or somewhere in between as yet to be fully discovered. Though the way to save Ng Oroo is potentially in the ruins on the City-Plain beyond the Spawning Pools and Cave-Wombs.

Session 2

The Coven continued to work with the Singers at the lake. Those creatures began to sing and from the sea floor columns of coral rose out of the water and ramps grew to connect them to the upper exit to reach the City-Plain. Ng Tharini created a bubble of air around the city so that the Lintha could act easier. Looking for information on how they could on how to save Ng Oroo. In the search of the city they found 3 libraries. One of the libraries contained information on geomancy and manse construction. The second library was for naval warfare, ship construction and weapons. The third library was on soul shaping, soul structures and hierarchies. As they utilized the systems in the library it continued to drain the essence of Ng Tharini and the air bubble collapsed further until only they where surrounded by the air bubble.

They ran to the center building as more of Ng Tharini's children came to investigate and defend the Behemoth. Inside the main chamber of the city and the Behemoth they discovered a central pool with the primary interface that the Old Empire spoke to the Behemoth too. The bottom of the pool contained thick material that clung to the bottom of the pool. Using magic and help of the Singer they cleaned out the pool but the Behemoth was still infected. They had discovered that if they can use a Hearthstone or place the Behemoth near a demense she will be able to consume the essence to heal herself enough to move towards Ng Oroo. Neither Behemoth will truly be whole again unless they become bonded.

This has left the Coven torn on what direction to take now.