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Artifact •••••

Known for his Ten Thousand Wonders Ulmaril a famed sorcerer in the first age and many Dragonblooded served him. Though not a survivor of the Primordial War he was a Golden Vassel and commanded vast respect for his age and power. Near the end of the third millenium since that first war of the Exalted five of his most respected Dragonblooded set to forge a wonder to add to his great collection.

For a year the group secluded themselves like monks. They drank but water and thin tea, ate only rice and certain holy plants and meditated. Then they scattered to search Creation for the components of a great sword they had hoped to forge. They were inspired for they had all been part of the retinue that had gone with him to summon and bind the Kukla and as they saw the Kukla become bound by the will and might of their master they decided to make a weapon to honor both their Solar Lord and that powerful creature.

What exactly they all brought is no longer known aside from a great slab of White Jade which had never seen the sky. Even when it was pulled from the earth it remained covered, never knowing of the great vault above only of the earth around it. They set to work and made something greater than they should though they spent a full decade at work at it.

This daiklaive is curved where many are straight. In miniature on both sides of the weapon the scene of Ulmaril subdueing the Kukla has been worked into it. The hilt is wrapped in the handle of a celestial tiger and the crossguard of a dark wood not found in Creation. To hold the weapon in one's hand is to feel a sense of barely restrained might and power coursing up the arm.

The weapon is almost impossible to parry. Not only does it halve all Parry DVs but anyone who tries to parry it successful or not suffers an immidiate Disarming attempt. The difficulty of the roll to hold onto their weapon is twice the Strength of the user or their net successes, whichever is greater. Any non-magical weapon breaks.

That is only a fraction of its might though. For the cost of 7m spent the weapon can show its true strength. Against any object or struction with a foundation in the earth the attack functions as the Solar Athletics charm Unconquered Might. Spending a Willpower point lets it function as the Essence 6, Athletics 6 version of that charm. Against creatures the weapons base damage jumps to 30L. Charms which increase raw damage improve the weapons natural base damage instead of this boosted roll. Though this lasts for only a single attack the weapon itself gains an anima banner of white fire reminiscent of the Kukla's own form though much smaller for the rest of the scene. Used twice in a single scene the weapon's attacks become Holy for the rest of the scene. Using it more than twice in a battle offers no additional bonus.

The weapon itself is nigh indestructable even by the standards of artifact weapons as a final testament of its strength. Things break around it. It does not.

Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +8L/5, Defense +2, Rate 3, Minimums Str •••, Attune 10, Cost •••••, Tags O
