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This ancient weapon was forged through accident instead of purpose. The Twilight artificier called Unfettered Sky had set herself to reforging her signature daiklaive, Four Wisdom's Blessing, into something greater. The weapon was a relic of the Primordial War. Primitive, basic, the simple blade had no great enchantments or great kills to its name. Unsuitable perhaps for a later incarnation that thought herself more than that. Deep in the southern Summer Mountains, where one of the great volcanoes of the First Age still raged even with Hesiesh asleep she sought to reforge it.

Yet times were not always safe for the Solar Exalted in the First Age of Man. As she worked at a forge sit inside the volcano she was set upon by assassins. Forced to defend herself she had but one choice. Grabbing up that blade from where it had been resting, being treated by both the heat of the volcano and mirrors directing the light of the Daystar she fought back at them. Her hand burned at the heat of the weapon yet she fought through the pain and struck back at her attackers slaying them all.

In the aftermath of that battle she found that the weapon retained its molten nature and heat even as she tried to cool it. She found that it had been changed. The Unconquered Sun still watched and favored his Chosen and seeming to be aware of her being attacked his blessing had fallen onto the blade that was being bathed in his light. Rather then finish her planned enchanting and working of the blade she worked its handle with enchanted leather so she could grip it without burning herself and forged a sheath of red jade to contain its heat.

The tragedy is of course that she would turn from the Unconquered Sun and become an Akuma for the Yozi. Amongst the Sidereals it is believed that her supposed loss of the weapon in battle against the Fair Folk was just a lie to cover up that she could no longer wield the blade. Touched by the Unconquered Sun's power it resisted all her efforts to use it and would strike no one in her hands. What the Sidereals do not know is that she locked it away in one of her secret vaults and layed a sorcerous curse on the whole thing so that none would ever dredge up that aspect of her past.

So it would no doubt have remained, a lost footnote in the histories of the Chosen of Battles, but for the Great Contagion. Perhaps where the vault was ended up being consumed by the Wyld and in so doing changed the spell layed upon it. Or perhaps the way Creation's essence changed with so much death weakened the spell. The details are not so important. What has happened though is that certain places will at times find their dreams dominated by a blade of molten gold that glows with the light of the sun. The dream of the deeds Unfettered Sky once did with the blade before she was turned.