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Treacherous Insight
Cost: - Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Witness to Darkness
As the embodiment of concepts such as deception and betrayal, only the incomprehensible actions of the truly virtuous have any chance of surprising the Ebon Dragon.
The Infernal will always detect an Unexpected Attack if she scores more successes on her Wits + Awareness (Perception + Investigation, in social combat) roll than the attacker's highest Virtue rating- attackers without a virtue rating such as animals, automatons and the mindless dead are resisted at standard difficulty.
This charm always allows a roll against unexpected attacks, overriding effects that would cause the Infernal to fail without a roll. This is a defence for the purposes of UFvIO.

The Paling of (Virtue)’s Light
Cost: - Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The Infernal my purchase this charm for any virtue rated at 1, causing it to wither until it is a hollow mockery of an ideal. She may no longer channel that virtue, instead channelling its absence as she leads the world into greater darkness and depravity. A withed virtue may be “channelled” in this manner once per scene – adding the Infernal’s (essence) in dice to her attempt to undermine the virtuous nature of the world. This does not count as dice added through charms.

Withered Compassion: The Infernal’s heart has become a desolate place which allows for little else besides self perpetuation. As such she may channel Compassion when avoiding the creation of any emotional attachments or use it to enhance any action that undermines one of her existing relationships.

Withered Conviction: The Infernal holds true to no cause or long term goal, seeing a world with no purpose where everyone loses eventually. She may channel Conviction when she shrinks from a committed cause in the face of hardship or abandons her goals in order to deal with a more pressing (or fun) matter.

Withered Temperance: The Infernal considers social rules little more than invisible chains that bind the unwary, she may channel Temperance whenever she attempts to introduce others to vice or resist attempts to turn her debauchery into something more meaningful.

Withered Valour: The Infernal has contemplated her life and what if anything comes after that life is extinguished, she does not intend to find out! The Infernal may channel Valour whenever she shows enlightened self interest, such as fleeing an attacker, declining a potentially risky course of action.