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Solar Caste Charms

What are anima abilities?

Here, I posit that anima abilities are a type of Charm; this is an effort to unify yet another diverse Exalted system under a single mechanical banner, to make use of it more cleanly.

Under this system, Charms can either be expansions of abilities or fulfilments of Caste role. Ability charms work as usual; Caste charms follow some slightly different rules.

Caste Charm Format:

Name:</b> As with normal Charms.
<b>Cost:</b> Ditto.
<b>Duration:</b> Ditto.
<b>Type:</b> Ditto.
<b>Minimum {Caste}:</b> This is the minimum score a character must have in any Caste Ability (Attributes, for Lunars and Alchemicals) to learn this Charm. Furthermore, none of his other Caste Abilities may be more than 2 dots lower than this (Attributes may be no more than 1 dot lower).
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> As with normal Charms.
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> May include only Caste Charms, never Ability Charms.

A character may use one Caste Charm and one Ability Charm per turn (subject to any restrictions on actions that the Charms incur). Caste Charms may be Comboed with one another as normal; they function independently of Ability Charms. Characters may only learn Caste Charms of their own Caste.

Example Caste Charms (charmshorts for now):

Glorious Strike
Dawn; costs motes + 1 Willpower, and adds Valor dice to an attack.
Virtuous Blaze
Zenith; doubles the dice from a channeled Virtue.
Sunset Renewal
Twilight; commit some amount of Essence to cause the Essence regen of a Hearthstone to function as though the stone were one level stronger.
Cloudfall Landing
Night; allows the user to mute the anima display of other Exalted.
Pearl and Charcoal Oath
Eclipse; this Oath provides the bound parties with Essence or Willpower when they are actively seeking to follow it; such an oath must explicitly have a goal, and ends when this goal is achieved.