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These are high Essence Solar Brawl Charms. Here are changes I assume with use with the following Charms:

Knockout Blow – See Cb:D, but Prerequisite Charm is instead Solar Plexus Crushing Solar Assault.

Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique – See Cb:D, but Prerequisite Charm is instead Iron-shod Makiwara Meditation.

Adamantine Fists of Battle – See Cb:D, but Prerequisite Charm is instead Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique, Unrelenting Fury of the Unconquered Sun.

Solar Brawl Charms by Nail Rat

Solar Plexus Crushing Solar Assault

Cost:  5 motes
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  4
Minimum Essence:  2
Prerequisite Charms:  Ox-Stunning Blow

The character forms his fist into a blunt surface, then strikes solidly with the palm, channeling Essence in an attempt to disrupt the senses of his opponent. The attack is made at a difficulty of 3. Damage is rolled by normal if the attack lands. If at least three health levels of damage are scored, the opponent falls unconscious for a number of turns equal to three times the character’s permanent Essence.

Celestial Haymaker

Cost:  5 motes
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  4
Minimum Essence:  2
Prerequisite Charms:  Heaven Thunder Hammer

The character’s Essence is charged as a pulse around his fist as he winds up and delivers a blow of immense power. The character’s effective Essence is doubled for this attack, both for purposes of minimum damage (as per Power Combat rules) and for effectiveness of any Charms used in combos with Celestial Haymaker.

Solar Piledriver

Cost:  4 motes
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  3
Prerequisite Charms:  Shockwave Technique, Celestial Haymaker

The character grabs her opponent and drives him into the ground, putting the power of her Essence behind the maneuver. The Charm does not utilize a normal attack and soak method; instead, it deals an automatic level of falling damage per five feet the character pile drives her opponent. These automatic health levels may be soaked, but normal minimum damage applies. It may only be done when ending a clinch. The difficulty of ending the clinch is 2. Every extra success equals five feet the character piledrives the opponent. This Charm is particularly deadly when placed in a Combo with Crashing Wave Throw, which results in a piledriver move of particularly inhuman ability, survivable only by the hardiest of the Princes of the Earth.

Angry Bear Grapple Method

Cost:  2 motes
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  2
Prerequisite Charms:  Dragon Coil Technique

This Charm allows the Solar to outwrestle any fools who would dare to stand toe-to-toe with one of the Children of the Sun, repeatedly winning any grappling contests. For the remainder of the scene, the Solar adds his Essence to any clinch attempts.

Radiating Tiger Attack

Cost:  6 motes
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Simple
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  3
Prerequisite Charms:  Hammer on Iron Technique

The character’s Essence focuses, then explodes outward as he spins to strike all foes that are near him. This Charm allows the Exalt to make a single Brawl attack against every opponent who is within 3 yards.

Neck-Snapping Lightning Strike

Cost:  6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  3
Prerequisite Charms:  Dragon Coil Technique

The character quickly twists behind an opponent and attempts to snap his neck in a single, fluid motion. This Charm can only be invoked when ending a clinch; the difficulty of ending that clinch is at three. Extra successes left over are added to the character’s damage. The character doesn’t roll for damage; instead, raw damage is inflicted as automatic health levels, which may be soaked normally.

Iron-shod Makiwara Meditation

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  Radiating Tiger Attack, Neck-Snapping Lightning Strike, Solar Piledriver

The flesh on the character’s forearms hardens as the power of the Unconquered Sun spreads throughout it, affording him arms that feel akin to plates of iron. For the remainder of the scene, the character may parry any Lethal attacks unarmed without the need of a stunt. Additionally, his parries now also count as counter-attacks if they succeed. That is, anytime the character opts to parry, there is now a chance he may damage his opponent. If successes are left over from the parry, they count as an attack against the opponent as an opponent’s bones shatter on the might of the Solar’s parry or he drives his forearm through a failed sword attack to strike his opponent with his forearms.

Essence Explosion Strike

Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Simple
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  Knockout Blow, Radiating Tiger Technique, Neck-Snapping Lightning Strike

The character slams a fist directly into the ground where she stands, sending a shockwave of Essence coursing outward, knocking over and incapacitating those in its wake. Roll Dexterity + Brawl as normal, but the attack automatically hits and cannot be dodged or parried(only those Charms that specifically state they can parry or dodge unblockable or undodgable attacks may stop this attack). It strikes everyone within a number of yards equal to 5 times Essence.

Unrelenting Fury of the Unconquered Sun

Cost:  12 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Simple
Minimum Brawl:  5
Minimum Essence:  5
Prerequisite Charms:  Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique, Essence Explosion Strike

The character glows with the sheer force of the Unconquered Sun himself, traces of Essence trailing behind every move he makes. His eyes turn white, and beneath the aura of Essence, his skin deepens to a golden hue. To challenge such a character to battle is to dance with death itself. For the remainder of the scene, if the character lands a Brawl attack on an opponent, he may repeat the attack at the same multiple action penalty (if applicable) – though he must repay for Charms, if he can or wishes to. This Charm explicitly does *not* work with Essence Explosion Strike or any such "perfect," “unblockable,” or “undodgable” attacks.
