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Name: Endless Azure Blossoms
Version: 1
Player: DS
Email: gte049v@prism.gatech.edu
Type: Sidereal
Caste: Serenity
Concept: Assassin of Exalted
Nature: Thrillseeker
Anima: An endless field of blue flowers
Experience: 250

5 Strength
5 Dexterity
1 Stamina
3 Charisma
3 Manipulation
1 Appearance
3 Perception
1 Intelligence
5 Wits
(Indicate caste/favoured with * in front of ability name)
0 Endurance
0 Ride
0 Sail
0 Survival
0 Thrown
3 *Crafts
0 *Dodge
3 *Linguistics
5 *Performance
3 *Socialize
0 Archery
3 Brawl
0 Melee
3 *Presence
0 Resistance
0 Investigation
0 Larceny
3 Lore
3 *Occult
2 *Stealth
0 Athletics
2 Awareness
2 Bureaucracy
5 *Martial Arts
2 Medicine 
3 Barehanded (*Martial Arts)
3 Dancing From Danger (*Performance)
3 Sifu
2 Artifact
3 Manse
3 Salary
3 Familiar
1 Aquintances
2 Compassion
3 Conviction
1 Temperance
3 Valor
6 Willpower
5 Essence
00 Personal 
62 Peripheral (+5 from Familiar 3)
04 Committed
00 Paradox 
Lesser Sign of Venus: 10m.  Add Essence in automatic successes to all Performance rolls.
CHARMS (Include reference book and page)
*Monkey Tail Distraction Strike (E:PG, 246)
*Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique (E:PG, 247)
*Body of War Meditation (E:PG, 247)
*Withering Paw Strike (E:PG, 247)
Celestial Monkey Form (E:PG, 248)
Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things (E:PG, 248)
Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm (E:PG, 248)
Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment (E:PG, 249)
Celestial Godbody Understanding (E:PG, 249)
*Secrets of Future Strife (E:S, 179)
*Blade of the Battle Maiden (E:S, 180)
*Joy in Adversity Stance (E:S, 180)
*World Shaping Artistic Vision (E:S, 144) (Against Exalts)
*World Shaping Artistic Vision (E:S, 144) (Against Exalts)
*World Shaping Artistic Vision (E:S, 144) (Against Exalts)
*Perfection in Life (E:S, 149)
*Defense of Shining Joy (E:S, 150)
Deadly Starmetal Offensive (E:S, 189)
Orichalcum Sheathing Stance (E:S, 190)
Flickering Moonsilver Approach (E:S, 190)
Five Jade Fury (E:S, 191)
Four Magical Materials Form (E:S, 191)
Charm Redirection Technique (E:S, 191)
Sequential Charm Disruption (E:S, 192)
Spell Shattering Palm (E:S, 192) (30, 221)
Astrology Interruption Method (E:S, 192)
Soul Fire Shaper Form (E:S, 193) 
Demense Emulation Practice (E:S, 194)
Demense and Manse Form (E:S, 194) (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone (Bo3C, 118))
God Ways (E:S, 193)
Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways (E:S, 193)
Games of Divinity Form (E:S, 194)
Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form (E:S, 194)
COLLEGES (Include reference book and page)
The Ewer 3 (E:S, 223)
The Musician 2 (E:S, 223)
The Pillar 2 (E:S, 225)
The Student Sutra of the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation
The Elder Sutra of the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation
SPELLS (Include reference book and page)
MERITS (Include reference book and page)
FLAWS (Include reference book and page)
Beacon of Power (4)
Small (3)
ARTIFACTS (Include reference book and page and stats in the case of weapons and armor)
Starmetal Bracers (E, 338)  
HEARTHSTONES (Include reference book and page)
The Freedom Stone (E, 339)
GEAR (Include reference book and page)
Silk Dress
Weapon - +x init | +x att | +xL dmg | +x def | x rt | x rng
Punch  - +11 init | 14 att | 5B dmg | 14 def | 5 rt |
(with PAoCF, SFSF, 4MMF, D&MF, and Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment- adding +20 to initative, +17 to attack (+10 from 4HGMR, +4 from D&MF, +3 from 4MMF), +8L to damage, +6 to defense
Punch* - +31 init | 31 att | +11L dmg | 20 def | 5 rt | 50 yrds |
*Because of the PAoCF, initative seizing Charms do not work.
Because of the 4MMF, every three MA attack dice rolled gives an additional bonus success.
Because of the 4MMF, every three MA damage dice rolled gives an additional bonus success.
Because of the 4MMF, opponents subtract 5 dice on attempts to defend against these attacks.
Because of the 4MMF, opponents are knocked back 1 yard for each level of damage done.
Because of the Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment, persistant Martial Arts parry.
Because of Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways, +10 automatic successes to any Dexterity (attack or defense) roll.
Armor - +x B | +x L | -x mp | x ft
None  -  1 B |  0 L | 0 mp  | 0 ft
4MMF  - 13 B | 12 L | 0 mp  | 0 ft
10 Initiative (dex+wits)
05 Dodge*
*10 with Defense of Shining Joy.  
With the Lesser Sign of Venus and SFSF, also add 10 automatic successes.
With Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways, +10 automatic successes to any Dexterity roll.
00 Mobility Penalty
00 Fatigue
14 Bashing (sta+armor)
12 Lethal (1/2 sta (round down) + armor)
00 Aggravted (armor)
08 Combat (1/2 of run, round down)
17 Run (dex+12)
35 Sprint (dex x 3)+20
02 Combat Vertical Leap (1/2 of V leap, round down)
05 Combat Horizontal Leap (1/2 of H leap, round down)
05 Vertical Leap (Str+athletics)
10 Horizontal Leap (Str+athletics)X2
1 0
1 -1
2 -2
1 -4
1 Inc
BONUS SPENT (of 18, +7 from Flaws)
1.5 Barehanded (x3) (*Martial Arts Speciality)
1.5 Dancing from Danger (x3) (*Performance Speciality)
02  *Performance 3 to 5
10  Essence 3
10  Essence 4
36 Essence 5	(36)
05 Ability: Martial Arts 4
07 Ability: Martial Arts 5 (12, 48)
08 MA Charm: Celestial Monkey Form (E:PG, 248)
08 MA Charm: Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things (E:PG, 248)
08 MA Charm: Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm (E:PG, 248)
08 MA Charm: Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment (E:PG, 249)
08 MA Charm: Celestial Godbody Understanding (E:PG, 249)	
10 SMA Charm: Deadly Starmetal Offensive (E:S, 189)
10 SMA Charm: Orichalcum Sheathing Stance (E:S, 190)
10 SMA Charm: Flickering Moonsilver Approach (E:S, 190)
10 SMA Charm: Five Jade Fury (E:S, 191)
10 SMA Charm: Four Magical Materials Form (E:S, 191)
10 SMA Charm: Charm Redirection Technique (E:S, 191)
10 SMA Charm: Sequential Charm Disruption (E:S, 192)
10 SMA Charm: Spell Shattering Palm (E:S, 192) (30, 221)
10 SMA Charm: Astrology Interruption Method (E:S, 192)
10 SMA Charm: Soul Fire Shaper Form (E:S, 193) 
10 SMA Charm: Demense Emulation Practice (E:S, 194)
10 SMA Charm: Demense and Manse Form (E:S, 194) (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone (Bo3C, 118))
10 SMA Charm: God Ways (E:S, 193)
10 SMA Charm: Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways (E:S, 193)
10 SMA Charm: Games of Divinity Form (E:S, 194) 
10 SMA Charm: Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form (E:S, 194)

A small, frail woman- no, closer to a child. Endless Azure Blossoms, who cannot be more than fourteen, is coffee skinned and raven haired, with large luminous blue eyes. She barely tops four feet of height, and her slender, not yet mature frame, makes her entry into this contest seem almost farcical. Doubly so, as she does not even bear any great weapons of ancient power, nor does shell of armor encase that thin form. Instead, she is dressed in a very fine silk blouse and dress, blue to match her eyes, with flowers embroderied in red, purple, yellow and green along the hem and neck. The only concession she has made to the fight is in her jewelery- a pair of Starmetal armbraces which enclose along most of her forearms. In the right hand on, a luminious saphire is set and polished to river-stone smoothness.

However, appearances can be decieving. Although thin of frame, Azure nearly crackles with energy. Her arms and legs are both well toned and far more weighty than her thin frame would suggest at first glance, and she moves with a practiced grace of a professional dancer- or warrior. And a small, blissful smile never leaves her face.

Tactical Breakdown

A Tactical Breakdown with Endless is basically a stalling game. Given that it's reasonable to expect two turns of warm up the first two turns does make things a little easier, however.

The first turn of warm up sees activating the Elder Sutra of the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation, and the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form. This consumes 1 Willpower and 1 mote.

The second turn of warm up sees activate the Soul Fire Shaper Form and activating the Lesser Sign of Venus. This consumes 11 more motes. (down to 50)

For the third turn, activate the Defense of Shinning Joy. 5 motes and the second of 6 Willpower. With the Prismatic Arrangement of Creation, getting initative shouldn't be a problem- especially as this is the first real round of combat, and the Secrets of Future Strife kicks in. Down to 45 motes. Endless now has a persistant 10 die dodge with 10 automatic successes.

For the fourth turn, active the Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment. This provides both the other, much needed persistant defense (a parry), and bumps Endless' MA's attacks by 10. Since it's reflexive, she can also attack this turn. Eight more motes and another Willpower; down to 37 motes and 3 Willpower.

For the fifth turn, active the Four Magical Materials Form. True horror is almost achieved. the 4MMF is Simple, so no attacking. Knock off another mote, down to 36.

For the sixth turn, active the Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways. The anima effect is insignificant, even with SFSF- but Type Exalt Ways gives you a bonus to one of the chosen Caste Abilities or Attributes, in automatic successes equal to your Essence. One of the Starmetal Alchemical's Favored Attributes is Dexterity. Add 10 automatic successes to every attack and defense roll. This is another mote; down to 35.

From this point on, most Charm uses involve either Charm Disruption or Redirection. Don't forget that lovely Elder Sutra bonus!

Now, Endless has an EXTREME aversion to Solars and Abyssals. Someone with a Perfect Attack, or an Undodgeable, Unparryable Attack, could shut her down cold. Additionally, it is /just/ concievable that a Lunar or even a Dragonblooded or another Siddie with an Undodgable attack could knock her silly on the first round of actual combat. Or through the sheer bloodymindedness of having a dicepool that can punch through what is effectively a 30 die Dodge. This vulnerability isn't as great as it seems, owing to SFSF's free use of Charm Disruption or Redirection each turn. And once she's gotten warmed up, not much this side of God can touch her, and she attacks with damn near impunity- splitting five ways every time, and still getting an automatic 8ish successes- on top of what she rolls with the other 24ish dice. Enough to punch through most Solar-level stacked persistants, unless the target decides to blow a perfect defense- but all these effects are scene long.

Endless Azure Blossom is, IMO, the best Martial Artist one is capable of producing in the rules of E:PK. I really want her to fight the resident Chosen of Endings Charcoal March of the Spiders specialist, to see how she does :)


Charcoal March of the Spiders Dude: 1 Me: 0

Guh. Dance of the Hungry Spider is VICIOUS in conjunction with Jade Alchemical Exalt Ways. Plus, the bastard has Moonsilver Flickering Approach, meaning he didn't get close enough for me to reflexively Disrupt the Jade Ways.
Next time: Totally putting up Defense of Shinning Joy and Starmetal Alchemical Exalt Ways before stepping into the ring. The first combat turn will be the Golden Monkey Persistant Parry fun- except this time, I'll have stacked persistants (reduced to my mesely Essence of 5 by penelties, but even so) and so should survive the first round. Especially given the 10 auto successes I'll have on the dodge, and the 5 on the parry.
Gawd bless (Type) Exalt Ways :)