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It's a new meeting of the Student Deliberative, taking place in Descending Wood. The group is finalizing the details of this year's cultural festival when the doors are thrown open, and a fabulously dressed Deadly Rose Lord strides in (with his omnipresent bodyguard), happy to have caught the Deliberative before it had adjourned for the month.

The Deadly Rose Lord takes advantage of the meeting to invite each of the Dragonblooded students -- all by name, rank, and title -- to have seats of honor at the Carnevale Fabliosio to take place in two weeks. That was all he wanted. After the meeting, Deadly Rose Lord asks to speak with Elin privately.

Mizugami speaks privately with Jahanna and asks her not to run for a position in the Deliberative next year. His reasoning is that there should be continuity in the process, and that there should be a senior in the role of chairman, a junior in the vice-chair position, and a freshman as a Speaker to the lower deliberative. Jahanna agrees -- their excuse is that Jahanna will be devoting her efforts to the Tournament of the Scarlet Grace. Mizugami's recommendation is for Easley to become vice-chair -- and whatever the cost, Fallows must not be allowed a position within the Deliberative.

Mizugami has been tracking the progress of the Cheraki navy. They have all arrived at their destination and are planning for their final offensive against the pirate nation by the end of the month.

Jahanna is training Moro for the Tournament of the Scarlet Grace and teaching her strategy to know when and when not to fight. He has also invited Aoora to learn the extent of her abilities. She finds that while Aoora can wield a blade proficiently in melee, she doesn't know how to use them in any other way, so Jahanna begins teaching her how to throw, as daggers and knives will always be easily accessible to her.

Kazuki and Okagura -- they're not very ambitious -- don't do much. Rokumasu, whose ambition is to become a professor at the College, decides that if he can teach Kazuki something, he can prove his worth to Crow. He plots to trick Kazuki into learning... something. Daihama has taken to visiting the Wall often to learn more about the project there. Mahiro is deeply involved in the planning for the Festival. Chisato has been visiting the library often to talk to Lucretia. Hikaru continues to train Kazuki's horse to not freak when Kazuki makes it fly.

Kira continues her investigation of paranormal activities in and around the city. However, her research finds that they have pretty much taken care of or are already aware of everything that everyone else knows about. However, she finds information about a prospective place to visit -- The Palace of the Chrysanthemum Shogun -- and perhaps even cleanse, as they did with Dunleavy. It's a bit far away, and she may perhaps work directly against the Death Lords in her attempt, but it's definitely piqued her interest.

Ranka is continuing her research into how one's exalted powers might be stripped. Her plans are devious and extraordinarily roundabout and illogical to all but her. She discovers rumors of a First Age artifact that was once used to disciplined Terrestrial Exalts by draining them of their essence.

Judas is working with Soosilus to map the undercity. He is in class one day when he notes a classmate, Trema, furiously gouging at his paper with his pencil. When Judas goes to investigate, he sees that Trema is scrawling a message addressed to him: "JuDaS, ThE JaDe & IvRy PrECePtOrS are In tHe ReSiDeNcE oF ThE HuMbLe aNd HoNeSt AsSeSsOr Of tAx iN tHeIr CiViLiAn GuIsE aNd ThEy aRe ObSeRvInG YoU AnD yOuR cLaSsMaTeS." signed "O".

Judas speaks with Lucretia and learns that there in his future are two paths -- one will destroy the College and all that reside within it, and in the other, many children are saved. He also learns that it was probably a minor demon that possessed his classmate.

He goes to speak with Ranka and they decide to call the class together to discover what's going on.

He reveals what he learned and those who can move into action. Mizugami uses his political contacts to discretely investigate the identities of the Jade and Ivory preceptors. Judas speaks with Cynis Yorake to try to learn what he knows.

Ranka goes to investigate Trema to see if she might be able to find some sort of spiritual residue from his possession. She discovers that the demon was a small, an equuis demon, and it just happens to still be in Trema's head. She brings Trema to the library, where Virtuous Cloud, Lasha, Lucrecia, and Chisato happen to be, and explain the situation. Ranka sets up a barrier, and the sorceresses work on expelling the demon and finding its source.

Ragara Tren, AKA Perceptor Omen, is the one who sent the demon. The demon has also been used to possess Margard Rikayt, the Cheraki Minister of Education, in order to pull information from the offices of the College in order to get information the Dragonblooded students. He also possessed Ferem Namae in order to attend Aoora's adoption party to send a warning message to Ragara Tren in case Ferem Havelock, Hunting Spider, or any number of other power players were attending (Silken Glass River happens to be the one who summoned the Chaos Demon at the party).

Perceptor Seemo is The Cacophony at Dusk and lives at the estate of Ragara Jasir as one of the sorcerors in his employ. He is a member of a group of sorcerors known as Ragara's Chantry. The head of the Chantry is Ragara Syaemon.

At least two other equuis demons were summoned that are known about, but there's no information on what they were tasked to do.

Ranka uses a detect spell to see if she can find any other equuis demons on campus and finds none.

Kazuki sends a note about Rikayt's possession back home to mom.

Judas, not having heard anything back from Tren, who obviously knows that the demon he sent had been compromised, sets up a meeting with the tax assessor to try to get some more information. Even if he doesn't find much out, he gets a tax break for the next 50 years.

Jahanna, when she learns that she is being watched, sets up a policy of counterintelligence with her two "students". She does things that she normally will never do, makes intentional mistakes, and does other things to spread misinformation.

On the 4th day after Judas' confrontation, a Dragonblood wearing Jade armor, Imperial Magistrate Margard Kreis, arrives at the Palace with two Blackhelms to investigate the hallway in the Freshman wing where Easley and Fallows flared their anima and, presumably, fought. Kazuki finds out from Auspicious Dusk that Kreis is there to investigate what had happened to Fallows, and, as far as Auspicious Dusk knows, is there to investigate something about Kazuki as well.

Mizugami's investigations into the out-of-town visitors to Ragara Jasir bears fruit. They are Ragara Tese and Ragara Delina, both sorcerors. Delina is a member of the Imperial Deliberative. Tese is a member of her staff.

There is some deliberation about what to do now that this information is now available. Judas wants to face the issue head-on and meet with Tren. Ranka also wants to confront him. Mizugami does not think this is a good idea. Jahanna thinks this is a test for the Institute's students. Kazuki is confused.

They eventually decide to bring all they know to Crow to figure out what to do next. After meeting with Crow, Ranka and Judas are as determined as ever to meet with Tren. Mizugami and Kira are willing to join them, but Kazuki feels uncomfortable about it. He chooses to remain in Judas' office during the meeting. Jahanna is staying behind at the Palace to look after Aoora.

At the day of the lunch meeting, while everyone else is out of the Palace, Jahanna gets a message from a servant that a Ragara Takara is there to meet with her. She, not being familiar with the name, tells the servant that she was just about to go meet with Crow, and that Ragara can meet with her there.

At their meeting, Takara asks, "So what is happening to my city?" The question leads to Anathema, and when Jahanna tells him she is willing to swear on the possibility of multiple anathema in the city, the Senior Trade Legate immediately calls the meeting to the close.

Meanwhile, at the lunch with Tren, he opens the meeting by requesting political asylum from Judas and Ranka (Lookshy and Gem respectively). He is about to open up a can of worms, and he wishes to leave Cherak and never return.

Tren reveals that House Ragara is starting to do things that he finds appalling -- they are working with Anathema, for example -- so he "contacted" Judas in the way he did. Amethyst Glass is a Raksha. It turns out Distant Vulture is actually a Wild Blooded that is being used as a proxy for Amethyst Glass, who is disguised as a student at the Institute.

Perceptor Dark is Ragara Colus, an advisor to some of the heads of House Ragara, and the real power behind the Institute.

Tren reveals a lot more information about the Institute, the Ragara members involved, and the students.

Once Tren answers all of the students' questions, things move into motion. Ranka calls for her Spy Master to assist in the paperwork to see to his safety. The students collect all the students and rectors of the Palace, except for Haining and Fallows, and reveal what they know of the Raksha and the Institute.

With all that said, Crow sets things into motion. She is going to the Tax Assessor's compound to take care of the Jade and Ivory preceptors and their charges. Virtuous Cloud is going with Crow to handle taking the uninvolved out of the way. The remainder of the group will go to take care of the rest.

Easley, Kuk, and Lasha remain behind in case the Institute stages a counterattack. Tevenad is fetching potions for Crow, but he chooses to also return to the Palace after he's done. Kazuki instructs the Idiots to follow Easley and Kuk in case anything happens and Kazuki is not there. He also sends out the Bat Signal and successfully summons Saiki to join in the fight.

With some knowledge of the compound layout and battle abilities, the group plans a battle strategy, splitting the attack into three fronts.

At the compound of Ragara Syaemon, the group boosts up Charms and anima abilities and don't hesitate to start the battle. Mizugami starts off by launching himself over the wall, immediately making his way through the guest house towards where Tepet Marteli is believed to be staying. He bursts through a door to see Marteli just having risen from bed, with an earth elemental delivering a report.

Mizugami and Reflections each circle around the earth elemental, and attack Marteli as he is still helpless. They hurt him, but not nearly enough to take him out of the fight.

Judas launches himself off the top of the wall and crashes down through the house through the roof, the second floor, the first floor, the basement, and three sub-basements to find a room twisted by the Wyld. He moves in the direction causing him the most discomfort and the wall dissolves into a flutter of butterflies, revealing a little boy's room where a small child is playing with a top. Judas assumes the worst and attacks the boy, smashing him into a pulp. A door opens and the same boy comes into the room, asking Judas why he did that.

Kasif follows closely behind Judas, utilizing his air aspect to float down safely to the sub-basement. Judas points out the spinning top and Kasif smashes it, barely connecting as it attempts to dodge. The top, now hurt, begins sprouting tentacles.

All around the compound, elementals activate and attack the invaders. Mizugami and Reflections are both hurt by their attacks, but most of the other counterattacks are ineffective.

Jahanna runs into the other guestroom to confront Dark, but doesn't get there in time before the door explodes open. Jahanna rushes at him, and sees motes of dust settling on a barrier just in time to not plaster herself against the bubble.

Instead, she spreads her arms and sends her anima flame around the shield, igniting everything around it. Moro attacks the fire elemental that had attacked her, then runs up after Jahanna.

Right then, Kazuki whispers to the invisible Saiki to grab hold of the tip of his Dire Lance's sash, and they take to the skies, flying through the hole that Judas made to confront Amethyst Glass who is now a twisting horror on the floor. He attempts to attack it, but it twists away from the tip of his lance and he lands, standing sideways on the wall.

Saiki has hopped off on one of the upper floors and makes her way to where Preceptor Iron is thought to be. She runs, her movement enhanced by Speed, towards the room, quietly opens the door -- and sees a beautifully sculpted man beginning to put on armor. Having heard that his powers are most effective when his armor is on, she immediately attacks and interrupts his ceremony.

Ranka runs in after Jahanna and launches dispels the barrier around Dark. Mier, incensed at being attacked by a fire elemental, takes a swipe before running up after everyone else.

Meanwhile, those who were surprised by the attack, go into motion -- Distant Vulture suddenly appears in the room with Dark. Marteli screams inhumanly, and his wounds begin closing in a grotesque manner. Seemo steps away from his writing desk and calmly makes his way towards the battle raging around Dark. Others are making motions to leave the house.

Kira runs into the house behind Mizugami and encounters Seemo at the top of the stairway. She fires a powerbow arrow into his face, which he tries to dodge, but the arrow takes off his arm instead. Soosilus is close behind Kira and she takes another chunk out of Seemo with a blast from her hat.

The elementals follow-up their attacks, but only one attack manages to stun Mier.

Seemo attempts to force a heart attack on Soosilus, but fails to hurt her.

Amethyst Glass attempts to attack Judas with reality-warping magic, but nothing happens.

Mizugami and Reflections both manage to shake off the ringing in their ears from their earlier hit, but they are unable to act.

Jahanna and Moro attempt to attack Dark, but their attacks are ineffective.

Kazuki tries attacking Amethyst Glass, but he continues to be elusive.

Saiki puts herself between Iron and his armor and manages to shake him with a strike, but he quickly shakes it off and launches two quick counterattacks that she easily dodges.

Kira and Soosilus fire off another volley of attacks at Seemo and kill him utterly.

Ranka launches a burst of flame and hurts Dark. Her attack is also the last straw for the floor, and the second floor becomes the first, bringing all combatants down with it. No one is hurt by the fall.

Judas grabs a handful of tentacle and pulls the top towards him. Kasif helps by landing a clean blow against it with his goremaul.

Someone escapes the compound into the night...

Marteli screams a curse at Mizugami... and melts the wall behind him.

Distant Vulture launches a Wyld attack against Moro, Mier, Ranka, and Jahanna. No one seems to be harmed by it... yet.

Weeping Lion Queen comes to the edge of the battle with Dark and Distant Vulture and screams at their attacks to go away. It doesn't seem to have any effect, however.

Mizugami and Reflections' combination attack finally take Marteli down, though the Wyld magics enhancing his body attempt to knit his shattered corpse back together. Mizugami stands over him to let his anima finish the job.

The elemental and fire demons' combined attacks manage to hurt Reflections again, but do no harm to anyone else. Elin, seeing all of the fire being flung about, stays out of the house.

Distant Vulture passes along another Wyld attack. Jahanna's eyes begin burning with a green flame as she is touched by Wyld. Moro's eyes turn a bright red that glow slightly in the dark.

Amethyst Glass is able to shake out of the stunning blow Kasif had delivered him earlier and launches a Wyld attack against the group down with him. Nothing seems to happen, however.

Kazuki strikes out against Amethyst Glass and it looks like he manages to connect, but just manages to clip the tentacles sprouting from it.

Ranka dispels the armor that surrounds Dark, which she notices when Moro's chain wraps around him ineffectually. His skin, which had been bolstered by Wyld magic, begins sloughing off.

Mier attacks Dark and cuts into him deeply. Though badly wounded, he does not fall.

Saiki strikes Iron with a clean hit by her Daiklave and hurts him badly.

Kira, having taken care of Seemo, runs into the room where Marteli had been, and sees the elemental and fire demons about to take Reflections down. She takes a shot at a fire demon and dissipates it, then runs outside to provide support to the other teams. That's when she comes across the procession of two giant fire demons, Ragara Syaemon floating in the air alongside a little boy.

Soosilus takes a shot at the earth elemental and zots it into submission. It is stunned as she follows after Kira.

Jahanna and Moro attack Dark and Moro decapitates him. Weeping Lion Queen falls to her knees sobbing.

Kazuki smacks Amethyst Glass and stuns him.

Kira takes a shot at Syaemon and embeds an arrow in his back. Soosilus also tries to attack him and misses.

Syaemon turns around and mind controls Soosilus into pointing her hat at Kira.

The flying boy floats over the guest house that Ranka, Mier, Jahanna, and Moro are in and feeds the fires with air. The flames burst throughout the house -- Mier jumps up to save Weeping Lion Queen. Distant Vulture leaps out the window.

Moro gets burned as she tries to escape. Jahanna is unaffected. Ranka ignores the fires to launch a burst of fire at the boy feeding the flames and incinerates him.

Kira shoots Syaemon in hopes of hurting him bad enough to remove his mind control over Soosilus. Those she hits, it isn't enough and Soosilus takes a shot but misses and hits the main house instead.

Kasif delivers the finishing blow to Amethyst Glass and he falls. A rumble resounds throughout the sub-basement. Kazuki tells Judas to grab hold of his sash and they all leave the area. Kasif uses his air aspect ability and they all leave the area.

Mizugami destroys the earth elemental.

The giant fire demons launch gouts of flame at the two guest houses. Soosilus is hurt, but is knocked out of her mind control.

As Kazuki is leaving the house, he catches sight of Saiki fighting against Iron.

He flies to her aid -- pulling Judas with him -- and strikes Iron from behind.

Saiki follows up with a strike from the front, and kills Iron. They decide that leaving is a good idea.

Out in the yard, Moro chases down Distant Vulture, who has no powers now that Amethyst Glass is dead, and decapitates him too.

Jahanna, with only one viable, visible target remaining, runs up a giant fire demon's leg, and attempts to tackle Syaemon out of the air. Though she hits, she cannot quite grapple him -- but then, something else happens. 8 blades fly down from the heavens and pierce through his body. Jahanna has been blessed by the Queen of Blades, who doesn't like Syaemon at all, and she is granted the power to wield these weapons.

Syaemon attempts to mind control Mier, but she easily shakes it off.

Mier attacks one of the giant fire demons in retaliation, and while she hits it, does not do any visible damage to it. Ranka goes to the house that Mizugami and Reflections have not yet been seen coming out of. She sees out the back window Reflections backed up against a wall, while Mizugami is barely fending it off with his daiklave. She attempts to attack it, but misses.

Saiki comes out of the house, sees Mizugami's struggle, and destroys the fire demon.

Kazuki flies up towards where Jahanna is grappled with Syaemon and slices his side open on his way by.

Mier destroys one of the giant fire demons.

The other one attacks Kazuki, Kira, and Soosilus, but misses them all.

Kira delivers the killing blow to Syaemon, and the battle is ended as the demons disappear from existance.

Crow's battle goes quickly -- both preceptors are killed. Harmonious Oak is rescued, but Deadly Treasure does not make it.

Silken Glass River is the only one on the list of names that was able to escape.

Upon investigation after the ordeal, it is discovered that Ragara Trem... never existed. There are no records of him anywhere, and no one ever saw him get on the boat that was waiting for him. Ranka's bodyguard remembers bringing him to the boat and leaving him there, but the sailors don't even remember seeing the bodyguard that night.