Creatures/The Tseng O

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The Tseng O

Ever-changing, the Tseng O is sometimes a great serpent scaled in amber and fire opal, and sometimes a multitude of golden-scaled dragonets. Ever-changing, it flies through the sandstorms of the south, following the trail of the oath it swore not to destroy all it surveyed until called upon again by the Perfect Lotus. If it ever succeeds in eating the last word of its oath, the world will again shudder at the power of the Greater Elemental Dragon of Fire.

When bound to lassitude, the Tseng O shifts its form slowly, and takes on a sheen like that of brass heated almost to glowing. In its great dragon form, its teeth are uncountable; they grow and shrink like flames on a meadow of tall grasses. Only the sky could imagine a blue so deep as the color residing in its eyes.

When last Hu Dai Liang released the Tseng O from its bindings, it evaporated the Great Western Sea in a fit of pique, and the combined powers of the Aerial Legion were only barely enough to distract it so that the Shogun of the Crimson Banner could leash it with words of power.