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Argent Light From An Azure Sky (aka “Silver”) – God-blooded Navigator


Argent Light From An Azure Sky had about as close to a normal childhood as one could get, being raised in island-palace in the far Western Ocean. Born of two mothers; a mortal who carried her, and her elemental parent, Laskhira, the Mother of Storms – she spent much time in Laskhira’s home which was a short distance away from the island home of Black Grinning Bear, the Western Wind Master.

She chose the name “Silver” not long after she could speak, finding her given name to be far too long for everyday use, something that never prevented Laskhira from using it, who found the nickname slightly insulting. This was but the first of many, many disagreements between mother and child, the last of which resulted in Silver stealing away from her home at the dead of night on a borrowed spirit-boat, clutching a handful of gewgaws from one of Laskhira’s jewellery chests.

After a long journey, including an interlude on a lost island of the Coral Archipelago, she arrived in Azure – the capital of that warlike nation, and did her best to survive. Six months later, and on the ragged edge of starvation, she managed to sign on with Saffron Iceflow, a Dragon-blooded free trader.


Silver largely takes after her human mother for her appearance, with the slightly blue-tinged skin common to westerners and with long, sun-bleached blonde hair that she generally keeps tied back out of the way. The major influence of her elemental mother is her eyes, from which she also got her full name. They are a startlingly bright, clear blue, with no visible white or pupil and are shot through with sparks of silver light that can be seen to whirl and shift depending on her mood.

When at sea she generally wears largely practical clothes such as leathers and rough cottons, which are generally more for holding the equipment she needs than keeping the weather off, since her elemental heritage renders her largely immune to the extremes of weather found in the North and West. When off-ship, however, she prefers silk and satin gowns and diaphanous throws, similar to those she would wear at her mother’s home.

Character Sheet

Nature: Follower
Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Intelligence 2, Perception 4, Wits 3
Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valour 3
Abilities (Favoured)
Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Bureaucracy 2, Dodge 3, Endurance 1, Melee 2, Linguistics 1 (Native: Old Realm, Wavetongue), Lore 4, Occult 2, Performance 3 (Flute +2), Presence 2, Resistance 1, Thrown 1
Backgrounds (SpecialIceAndWave/Silver/I>):Artefact 1 (Hearthstone Amulet, Dragon’s Tooth), Contacts 2, <I>Inheritance 3IceAndWave/Silver/I>, Manse 2, Resources 2
Calling the Wind Spirits
Awakened Essence (5), God-Body (3), Hidden Manse (2), Magical Attunement (4), Prodigy – Performance (2)
Elemental Archetype (2), Unusual Appearance (1)
Initiative: 6
Dodge Pool: 8
Soak: 2B/1L
Attacks (+ must use a Stunt to parry lethal damage)
<I>PunchIceAndWave/Silver/I> – Speed 6, Attack 5, Damage 2B, Parry 6+, Rate 5
<I>KickIceAndWave/Silver/I> – Speed 3, Attack 5, Damage 4B, Parry 1+, Rate 3
<I>Frostbite (Dragon’s Tooth) – Speed 7, Attack 7, Damage 6L, Parry 6, Rate 7
Essence: 2
Willpower: 6
Essence Pool: 27 (31)
Health Levels: -0 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Incap


Sailor’s clothes, bone flute, pretty satin dress, Hearthstone Amulet, Jewel of the Clever Merchant, Frostbite

New Charms

Calling the Wind SpiritsIceAndWave/Silver/I></b>

 <b>Cost</b>: 6 motes
 <b>Type</b>: Simple
 <b>Duration</b>: 1 hour
 <b>Min. Valour</b>: 2
 <b>Min. Essence</b>: 1

Utilising the bone flute that has been with her for as long as she can remember, Silver pipes out a tune in the language of the air elementals, dancing and twirling as she persuades, cajoles and teases the flighty creatures into doing her bidding. She rolls Performance + Valour with degrees of success providing her with greater “control” over the air. For one success she can conjure up a light breeze, capable of moving a ship at moderate speed, or clearing a fog bank in just under an hour. For three successes the breeze becomes strong, a ship can ride it at full speed, and people will have difficulty walking against it. At five or more successes anything short of a hurricane is hers to command.

Background Explanations

Hearthstone Amulet – Artefact • (1 mote commitment)

A tiny bauble stolen from the recesses of her mother’s jewelry box, this pendant is shaped from thousands of segments of blue jade, cunning pieced together to form a linked lightning bolt that wraps and locks around any Hearthstone placed within it. The chain is made from a hundred hair-fine threads of jade and gold, interwoven to an almost unbreakable strength.

Dragon’s Tooth – Artefact • (3 mote commitment)

Frostbite appears to be a large dagger with a distinct blue tinge to the blade and with a thin rime of frost continually forming and melting. Noticeably cold to the touch, it has been Silver’s favoured weapon since she left her mother’s home, and many opponents have underestimated it due to the relatively small size of the weapon, a mere 20” from tip to pommel.

Major Contacts

• <I>Shadowed SilenceIceAndWave/Silver/I>
The seneschal at her mother’s home, and one of the major figures throughout her childhood, Shadowed Silence has a soft spot in his heart for Silver, and maintains surreptitious contact with her by sending coded messages with minor air elementals such as zephyrs.
• <I>DosaiIceAndWave/Silver/I>
An odd-job man on the streets of Azure, Dosai employed Silver for a while – her affinity with air spirits made some of the things he was hired to do much easier. Unfortunately, not long after that he was arrested, tried and convicted of a crime that he had, in all honesty, committed, and was indentured to work as a servant for the state. By the time he got out, Silver had left the archipelago with Saffron, but whenever the ship makes it back to Azure they can usually find time to talk.


The navigator on a small smuggler / fast courier / free trader, most of the money that comes into the partnership ends up as cargo or maintenance, and so beyond a small pouch of jade and silver coins, Silver hasn’t managed to get much money.

Manse – Air •• (Jewel of the Clever Merchant)

Not long after leaving home on a borrowed spirit-boat, Silver overnighted in a cove on an unnamed and uncharted island, buried inside the Coral Archipelago. During the night, for some reason she has never been able to explain, she left the boat and waded ashore, following a trail she couldn’t sense. Eventually, she found herself before a Manse, long abandoned to the elements and wildlife, and entered it cautiously. When she left, she had attuned to the Manse, and gained the use of its Hearthstone, which has aided her greatly in her business dealings since that day.

The Hearthstone provides a three-die bonus to all rolls regarding business transactions, bargaining, contraction negotiations, and so on.