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Sailor on the Seas of Woe

The Sailor on the Seas of Woe is a dusk caste Abyssal who works for an as yet unnamed Deathlord throughout the West. He is a pirate, slaver, and conqueror.


He travels the seas in his Whirligig-class courier, the Dark Harvest using its superior speed to waylay slower Second Age vessels. Spinechains in the hold then act as living grappling lines. Sailor leads the charge in his Soulsteel Celestial battle armor while his mortal crew swarms the the other ship. His two nemissary's then add to the confusion and horror by possessing bodies of the fallen.

When attacking a target on shore he sends his zombies in first along the bottom of the harbor. Once the battle has begun, and panic has set in, the Dark Harvest heads in for the kill.

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Honestly...I need a name for the Deathlord this guy serves. The concept I have for the DL is a sly plotter who has schemes within schemes within schemes. No matter what the heroes do they end up serving his ends. Doesn't have power in any one area, instead his Deathknights are spread around Creation. \

So far all I've been able to come up with is The Spider Who Spins His Webs from Shadows and Deceit. While I think this is ok...I don't think its great. Any suggestions? - BlackFlame

The Shadow At The Heart Of The Web? Random thought. - FrivYeti
I like it...but I want emphasis on how much he lies...maybe The Shadow At The Heart Of The Web Of Lies but that might be a little too long...I definitly like dropping the spider part...hmmm... - BF
Addendum: Maybe The Shadow that Lurks in a Web of Lies...closer...don't like lurks though.