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Serenity of the Ten Thousand Dragons

Cost: 4 motes, Minimums: Integrity 4, Essence 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Ten Thousand Dragons Fight As One

When the Dragon-Blooded fight alongside one another, they are unshakable in their certainty. Upon activating this Charm, the character sends her confidence through the bonds that she shares, granting a measure of that certainty to her allies. For the duration of the Charm, everyone within (Essence x10) yards to whom the Dragon-Blood has an Intimacy gains a +1 bonus to her MDVs. This bonus does not count towards die caps.

Multiple Dragon-Bloods can pool their power, spreading it out to large numbers of people. When multiple Dragon-Bloods co-operate on the activation of this Charm, use the largest Essence rating of them. Up to that many Dragon-Bloods may activate this Charm together. It has a range of ([highest Essence + number of participants] x10) yards, and provides a total MDV bonus equal to half the number of participants, rounded down. It affects every person that one of the users has an Intimacy towards. Otherwise, uses of this Charm do not stack.

Dragon And Phoenix Technique

Cost: 3 motes, Minimums: Integrity 5, Essence 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Serenity of the Ten Thousand Dragons

Sometimes, the dragon must fall for the phoenix to rise. By use of this Charm, the Dragon-Blood declares someone who must be protected at all costs. This person must be present, and the Dragon-Blood must have an Intimacy towards her or towards a group that includes her. Upon activation, the recipient becomes faintly aware of the link between her and her guard, and may use it when in need.

This link may be activated whenever the charge is affected by an attack of any sort (not limited to physical effects), after all attempts to defend against or mitigate the effect are done and all that remains is to apply it to the target. By activating the link and spending a Willpower, she may send the effects of the attack through the link to the Dragon-Blood. The Dragon-Blood suffers the full effects of the attack, and the charge is left untouched. Activating the link ends it.

In the case of persistent effects, such as environmental effects or poison that has already begun to work, this effect only protects against a single instance. If an attack has a secondary effect, such as poisoning or mote loss, the effect will send all secondary effects of the attack through the link as well. A character may only be the recipient or donor of a single link at a time; creating a second link ends the first instantly.
